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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Library

Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters took a few minutes Tuesday from tending to last-minute summer reading program details to talk about upcoming events that will be taking place soon at the library.

There’s a lot going on at the library, but Peters said she’s especially excited about the summer reading program kickoff. “I am expecting a big crowd – I really am!” she exclaimed on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Readers of all ages and abilities can complete reading journals and turn them in during the summer in exchange for cool prizes.

“Cool” is the name of the game today – the first 200 participants were going to get Pelican Sno Balls.

Library patrons can enjoy a musical performance at the library as part of “Make Music Day” throughout the city and county.

Clarinetist Tristan Beradi, a student at N.C. A&T State University, will perform in the gallery from 12 noon to 1 p.m.

Then, on Sunday afternoon, gather the family and head over to the library for Family Story Time. Peters said she listened to comments from busy parents who just can’t swing a library program during the week. And with sports activities on Saturdays, the only day left is Sunday.

So Peters said she’ll be curious to see how many folks turn out.

“We’re trying it out and hope people come,” she said.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more about all the programs at Perry Memorial Library.



Perry Memorial Library

Perry Library This Summer, Books, Programs, Opportunties

Anyone who works with young people will probably offer this advice: Be ready for anything. Getting tweens and teens off their devices and into the library may be a tall order, but Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters is up for the challenge.

“Reading’s boring,” they’ll say. “Oh, you just haven’t found the right book,” she’ll reply.

“I’m really interested in worms,” one announces, expecting Peters to come up empty-handed. Nope. She points them to a whole section of books about worms, or whatever the topic from out of left field may be.

“I find their interest,” she said, following up with “I guarantee there is a book that relates to that.”

“I love to get their ear for a moment,” Peters said Tuesday on The Local Skinny! If she can get their attention for even a short time, she’s got a chance to share her love of reading and of books.

For example, she recently visited Vance County High School for an outreach session that involved making bracelets and key chains. Nothing to do with books, but chances are she took a moment to talk to them about books and reading and visiting the library.

Sure, the library has books. Lots of books. But there’s also a Teen Zone, and lots of programs and activities that tweens and teens can take part in. “There’s so much more than books – but don’t forget the books,” she said.

One event that Peters is inviting readers of all ages to participate in is the June 18 kickoff of the summer reading program.

From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., the library will be hoppin’ with carnival-style games, crafts and more as the library begins “Adventure Begins at Your Library,” which offers reading logs, incentives and prizes for all ages, from toddlers to adults.

Representatives from the local recreation and parks department will be there, as well Kerr Lake rangers, all offering information about programs they’ve got going on during the summer.

For her, finding a good book is like finding treasure, Peters said.

Come find some treasure of your own at your library.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to find out about all the programs and services the library offers.

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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Upcoming Events At Perry Memorial Library

Parents, if you’re wondering just how you’re going to keep the kids busy when they get out of school, just tap in to some of the events and programs that are shaping up at Perry Memorial Library.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days that have the main programs for young people this summer, said Melody Peters, Youth Services director at the library.

Take the Summer Reading Program kickoff, for example. Stop in on Tuesday, June 18 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to get the particulars of the incentive program that’s good for young people and adults, Peters said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny!

“We just really want all ages joining us – we want people reading all summer,” she said. One minute of reading equals 1 point. Accumulate points to earn rewards – it’s just that easy.

The kickoff event features carnival-style games for the kids, craft activities for all ages, inflatable bowling games courtesy of the local rec and parks department, and Pelican Sno balls. Rangers from the Kerr Lake State Recreation Area will take part, as well as beekeepers from Vance and Warren counties.

With “adventure” as part of the theme, Peters reminds all readers that you can “find adventure in your backyard or in a good book.”

There are movies scheduled for Thursdays at 11 a.m. during the summer, as well as other special live performances including an aerial storytelling performance and a kids’ band – both returning after an overwhelming response last summer.

A new literary club is forming for middle and high school aged youth; come from 12 noon to 1 on Thursdays beginning June 27.

There’s another new program called Sip n Read, which provides coffee and tea in the Farm Bureau Room for adults who just want some quiet time with a hot beverage and a good book. Stop by between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26 and Wednesday, July 3 for a respite from the summer temps.

Visit www.perrylibrary.org to check out a complete listing of all programs that await you at your library.




Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Library

Make plans now to take part in the Summer Reading Program kickoff at Perry Memorial Library – summer sounds far away, but it’ll be here before you know it! And Melody Peters and others at the library are ready to help readers young and not-so young find time to dive into a good book.

The reading program, “Adventure Begins at Your Library,” kicks off Tuesday, June 18 from 4 to 6pm. and there’s something for all ages, Peters said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny!

There will be reading logs available to help readers keep track and earn badges and prizes for different levels of achievement throughout the summer, Peters said. But it’s not just for how many pages you can read, she added. “’We’ve gotten really creative…to keep everyone engaged over the summer and avoid the Summer Slide.”

Added bonus to the kickoff event: The first 200 people to show up get a Pelican Snoball free!

If recent program successes are any indication, the summer program will be another one “for the books” – pun intended.

The most popular program from last year involved some visitors from the Vance County Animal Shelter and Peters said she’s happy to report that some furry friends will return to the library on Tuesday, June 25 for a special program.

In advance of this visit, the library has placed a donation bin to collect items for the shelter animals. Food, toys, bedding, kitty litter – whatever you’d like to bring, the shelter will appreciate, Peters said. “We hope we can hand them what we’ve collected that day,” she said.

Another successful event was the tea party and book sale, which  drew 60 people to the library – on a Sunday, Peters said. “Everybody was blown away,” she said. The Friends of the Library sold some books, too. Peters said she plans to make this an annual event, thanks to the positive response.

She’s heard from some library patrons that sometimes it’s just too tough to get to programs during the week, so the library is going to roll out a Family Story Time in the summer for those families who go in many different directions in the course of a normal weekday.

She’s planning to have one in June and one in July on a Sunday at 3:30 p.m. – that way, it will be after church and lunch and before dinner and getting ready for the work week again.

“We’re trying it out and we’ll see how it goes,” Peters said.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn about the different programs and activities offered at the library.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library 04-16-24

The U.S. celebrates National Tea Day on April 21, and Perry Memorial Library is hosting a special tea party and book sale to commemorate the beverage that people enjoy all over the globe.  Whether you’re a faithful patron or a newbie to the library, Melody Peters and the staff invite you to join in the fun.

The tea party will be from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, and participants can sample teas from around the world, Peters said – “something other than iced tea,” she said.

Kids will have a chance to decorate some special cups and plates for the occasion – they also can create some cool party hats.

“We hope there will be a lot of activity,” said Peters, who is the library’s Youth Services director.

Whether you like green tea, a chai or a traditional Earl Grey, come have a cuppa at the library and shop for some books at the Friends of Library sale – books and tea make a great combination.

The April Kids Connect STEM program will celebrate Earth Day just one day late on Tuesday, Apr. 23 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. After a short hike around the library to pick up whatever litter may be lying around the landscape, the group will create bird feeders with cardboard tubes, twine, sunflower butter and bird seed, Peters said.

“We’ll be outdoors in nature and explore outside” the library environs, including a stroll through the Story Walk installation while they’re at it.

This program is geared for elementary school students, siblings of all ages are most welcome to participate, Peters said. No registration is required – just show up.

Visit www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more about all the programs and services the library offers.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library 04-02-24

There’s lots going on at Perry Memorial Library in April – some of them are the regular monthly favorites, but there are some time-sensitive activities as well that are being targeted at children on Spring Break and for everyone interested in next week’s solar eclipse.

Youth Services Director Melody Peters said kids on spring break should check out Wednesday’s arts and crafts activities at 11 a.m.

There will be lots to do, Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

“We’re definitely going to have a couple of tables for painting,” Peters said. There will be beads for necklace making, foam crafts and teens can fashion their own jewelry.

“There are a lot of options for various ages,” she said.

Most kids will be back in school on Monday, Apr. 8, but that’s not stopping the library from participating in the Statewide Star Party to view the eclipse.

The fun begins at 1:30 p.m. and runs through 3 p.m. and there will be half a dozen or so activity stations for individuals to take part in. The height of the eclipse will occur at 3:16 p.m., Peters said, and she’s got those special glasses for anyone who comes to view at the library.

“We crave those natural events that shake us up,” she said. “People are going to be able to see it – it’s not made up – it’s real!”

The activities are STEAM centered and participants will learn more about the sun, moon, and what exactly an eclipse is before they get to witness it in person.

They “get to see something in real time,” Peters said. In this world of AI and all things virtual, this is a big deal. North Carolina will not experience a total eclipse, but 86 percent is pretty good, she said.

Teens can return to the library the next day – April 9 – at 4 p.m. to create a special type of poetry – black out poetry. Books that would otherwise be discarded because of disrepair are used to create poems.

“I hope kids come,” Peters said. “I love what you can do (with) recycling old books. It becomes art.”

No need to register – just show up at the library to participate.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Upcoming Events At Perry Memorial Library

How is a librarian like a fisherman?

Well, if you ask Perry Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters, she might just liken her job of creating programs for young people like a fisherman casting a net into the ocean – you just never know how big the haul is going to be.

Some programs, Peters said, yield a lot of participants and others are a tad slower to catch on. “You just have to keep casting a net of programs,” she said, and eventually you’ll catch something.

In addition to staple programs like Survivor Hacks, Peters said she’s excited about a program on Monday, Apr. 8 to witness the solar eclipse.

“We’re supposed to have a decent shot at visibility,” she told WIZS co-host Bill Harris. The program will be from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., with ideal conditions around 2:30 p.m., she predicted. The library has special glasses for viewing. No registration is necessary – just show up and enjoy! There will be activities in the Farm Bureau Room to go along with the actual eclipse viewing.

The next day, Tuesday, Apr. 9, teens can come back to the library at 4 p.m. for a program called “Black Out poetry,” which involves using books that have been removed from the library shelves because they’re damaged or in such disrepair they can’t be sold at library book sales.

The way it works is this: kids become poets by blacking out words in a sentence to leave the one word or phrase that will ultimately be part of a poem.

“It’s kind of cool to see what you can create by blacking out words in sentences,” she said.

She hopes that some of the participants will share during a read-aloud session when they’re done.

And then at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Apr. 21 bring the family for a book sale and tea party to celebrate National Tea Day. Around the World Tea Day is another way to create programming for busy families who may be available during the weekend, especially Sundays.

It’s a way to support the Friends of the Library book sales and provide activities for families to  enjoy the library.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more.




Perry Memorial Library

Events At Perry Library; Mayor To Read To Youngsters

Henderson Mayor Melissa Elliott will take a break from her duties with the city for a bit next week when she visits Perry Memorial Library to read a storybook to youngsters and then hang around to answer questions about what it’s like to be mayor.

Youth Services Director Melody Peters said the Tuesday, Feb. 27 gathering is for all ages, and everyone’s invited. Peters said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny! that the program will last 30-45 minutes. “We have a craft planned, so it’ll be fun!” she exclaimed.

Ongoing programs are gearing up after a holiday pause, and Peters said the Monday Community Read program is gathering a bit of steam.

“One of my dreams for this program,” Peters said, “is to have all ages reading.” Whether it’s younger children reading to teens, teens reading with other teens or classes for adults who struggle with literacy, Peters said the library wants to meet people “where they’re at” with literacy.

The Community Read program is on Monday afternoons from 5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.

Visit www.perrymemorial.org to find out about all the events and programs the library offers.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

Perry Memorial Library is offering up some special treats during February, from classic movies in the history room to chocolate fondue and meeting Henderson’s mayor, Melissa Elliott.

During Black History Month, patrons can enjoy watching a curated movie list, said Melody Peters, youth services director.

As part of African American and the Arts programs, the library will show movies on Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

“It’s a great opportunity to get folks into the building,” she said, and to let the community know “we’re more than books.”

Young people will get a chance to meet Henderson Mayor Melissa Elliott at the Kids Connect session on Feb. 27 at 4 p.m.

Elliott, the city’s first Black and first female mayor, will share a story with the group and then take questions from her young audience. Peters said she always has been interested in ways to get children interested in local government, and Elliott’s visit is a good start.

Next Tuesday, Feb. 13, the monthly Life Hack program kicks off at 4 p.m. and combines creating a found object art project with chocolate fondue. Some folks may ask why? Peters turns it around and says: “Why not?”

Discover the complete listing of events, activities and programs the library offers at https://www.perrylibrary.org/




Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Programs For Youngsters At Perry Memorial Library

It may not have a fireplace for patrons to cozy up to as they peruse their books and magazines, but  Perry Memorial Library has a full schedule of programs that can be just the ticket for youngsters when it’s too cold to be outside.

Youth Services Director Melody Peters was with WIZS’s Bill Harris on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! to give a rundown of programs and activities to keep kids busy during the cold of winter.

Kids Connect kicks off 2024 next Tuesday at 4 p.m. A park ranger from the Kerr Lake will present a program -geared to the students in grades K-5 – about wildlife in the state recreation area.

“The ranger does a great job talking about the animals you might see, tracks you might see,” Peters said. Children will get to make a cast of an animal track that they can take home, she added.

Then, on Jan. 22, the inaugural “Community Read Aloud” will take place from 5:30 p.m. to about 6 p.m.

Participants of all ages, but especially new readers or struggling readers, will get a chance to practice reading aloud.
“It’s important to be read to,” Peters said, “even adults. You’re never too old to be read to.”

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With a nod to Valentine’s Day, the Found Object Art project on Feb. 13 will also include chocolate fondue.

Participants will get a chance to dip their favorite food items in the melted chocolate to create a yummy confection – think marshmallows, pretzels and more dipped in warm, velvety chocolate.

The fondue experience surely will inspire some creativity as participants create art with random items like bottle caps, string, nails, newspaper

“It’s an exploration in art” and a chance to be creative, Peters said. Found Object art begins at 4 p.m.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ for a complete schedule of upcoming events at the library.