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Oxford Prep to Hold Open House and Shadow Days

Open House on Tuesday 12/6 for Prospective New Families

Oxford Preparatory School invites families of prospective students to learn more about the unique offerings of the school. Information sessions will be held at 6:00. Afterwards, tours will be conducted that will allow the opportunity to meet faculty and students.

Open House Dates:

– Tuesday 12/6/16
– Thursday 1/19/17

Student Shadow Days

Oxford Preparatory School invites prospective students to spend time visiting the school so they can experience our unique school program firsthand. Visiting students accompany OPS student guides through their classes during a four-hour visit. It’s a chance to meet the staff and the students and to get a snapshot view of our engaging college preparatory classes. Shadow days take place on the following schedule.

Shadow Days:

– Friday 12/16/16 from 11:10 – 3:10
– Friday 1/20/17 from 11:10 – 3:10

Please call the Oxford Preparatory School office at (919)690-0360, or email our Office Manager, Kate Reetz at Reetzk@oxfordprep.org to make an appointment.