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3 easy steps to becoming a Red Cross summer blood donor

June 13, 2017– The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to give blood this summer for hospital patients in need and offers three easy steps people can take to help save lives.

  1. Schedule – Use the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment.
  2. Prepare – Get a good night’s sleep, eat a nutritious meal and drink extra fluids.
  3. Give – The donation process start to finish takes about an hour. The actual donation only takes about 10 minutes.

Only about 3 percent of the U.S. population gives blood, which means a heavy reliance on repeat donors to maintain a sufficient blood supply. New blood donors are especially needed during the summer months because many schools where blood drives are held – and where new donors give – are not in session, and current donors often delay giving due to summer vacations.

Patients like Anna Schuster might not be here without generous volunteer blood donors. Doctors gave Schuster a 1 percent chance of survival after a collision with a semitrailer. During the first 12 hours after her accident, she received 65 units of blood. Schuster’s road to recovery has been long – 58 surgeries in the 12 years since her accident, including four in the past 14 months, with many of them requiring more blood transfusions.

Every day there are thousands of patients like Schuster who rely on lifesaving blood donations. That’s why donors are urged to give now and give often.

In June, the Red Cross joins blood collection agencies around the world marking World Blood Donor Day by raising awareness about the need for a readily available blood supply. Make an appointment to donate blood by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Donors can make an even greater impact by inviting others to join them in giving.

Upcoming blood donation opportunities:



6/21/2017: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Oxford Baptist Church, 147 Main Street

6/27/2017: 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Granville Health System, 1010 College St





6/23/2017: 3 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Moose Lodge 2005, 480 Burlington Rd




6/16/2017: 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., John T Church Building, 566 Ruin Creek Rd


How to help

Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

Blood donors can now save time at their next donation by using RapidPass to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, prior to arriving at the blood drive. To get started and learn more, visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass and follow the instructions on the site.

Volunteers needed

Another way to support the lifesaving mission of the American Red Cross is to become a volunteer transportation specialist and deliver lifesaving blood products to local area hospitals. Volunteer transportation specialists play a very important role in ensuring an ample blood supply for patients in need by transporting blood and blood products. For more information and to apply for a volunteer transportation specialist position visit rdcrss.org/driver.

About the American Red Cross

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit redcross.org or cruzrojaamericana.org, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.

540 Graduate from Granville County Public Schools earning 9.6 Million in Scholarships

The 2017 graduates of Granville County Public schools participated in the final ceremonies this past Saturday under beautiful blue skies and a warm spring breeze. More than 540 students graduated from our five high schools, with thousands of supportive parents, relatives, friends and community members on hand to help celebrate the special milestone in a young person’s life.

This year’s graduating class was a particularly talented group, as evidenced by both the statistics and individual stories of success. This class of students earned more than $9.6 million dollars worth of scholarships – an all time record since the district has been tracking this information. More than 450, or 85% of the graduates were accepted into and plan to attend a 2 or 4 year college or university or proudly pledged to enroll in the armed services, and 10% had already secured employment. Several students were accepted to prestigious universities, as well as every single UNC institution of higher education.

Many student athletes were awarded substantial scholarships in various sports, including track, volleyball, softball, and even bowling! Other students received large academic scholarships, including ‘full-rides’ to NCSU, UNCG, Wingate, Peace and Winston-Salem. Future plans of the graduates span the entire spectrum, including students entering the fields of engineering, pre-med, Biochemistry, and Business. Others made plans for careers nursing, radiology, veterinary science, and agriculture. Several students will begin pursuing degrees in welding, with job offers already on the table. Other outliers include pilot’s school, cosmetology, and flight attendant’s school.

Regardless of the immediate next steps in these graduates’ plans, it is clear that Granville County Public Schools has helped prepare this talented group of young citizens for whatever lies ahead. Our community should be extremely proud of them, and feel confident that the next generation of citizens and community members will be well represented.

Dr. Stan Winborne
Director of High Schools
Director of Career & Technical Education Program
Public Information Officer
Granville County Schools

VGCC to offer Enrollment Day on June 29

Vance-Granville Community College will hold “Enrollment Day” on Thursday, June 29, from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m., at all four of its campuses.

During those extended hours, VGCC admissions, financial aid and advising staff members will be ready to assist anyone who is interested in enrolling at the college for the Fall 2017 semester, which starts on Aug. 14.

Students are encouraged to pre-register at www.vgcc.edu/enrollmentday.

Refreshments and free VGCC t-shirts will be available for incoming students on Enrollment Day while supplies last.

VGCC’s Main Campus is located on Poplar Creek Road in Vance County (about midway between Henderson and Oxford) at the intersection with Interstate 85 (Exit 209).

The Franklin County Campus is located just west of Louisburg on N.C. 56.

South Campus is on N.C. 56 between Creedmoor and Butner.

The Warren County Campus is located at 210 West Ridgeway Street (U.S. 158 Business) in Warrenton.

Registration for classes at VGCC is ongoing, through Aug. 10. For more information on enrolling for the fall, call (252) 738-3234 or visit any campus.


The Castaways Coming to Downtown Oxford

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s 1st Alive After Five of 2017, which was scheduled for May 11th, was postponed until Thursday, June 29th, due to inclement weather.  The evening will proceed with the same plans as were made earlier.

The evening’s entertainers will be “THE CASTAWAYS” Band.  This band is “the premier party band in the Carolinas and Virginia.  A reputable band known throughout the South, The Castaways possess over fifty-five years of experience in the beach music industry.  Since beginning in Durham in 1961, The Castaways have been pleasing audiences with their unique flavor of Beach, Soul and Rock ‘n Roll for generations of fans.

The Castaways name has a long heritage and is known throughout the beach music community.  With Karen Clayton on lead vocals, backed by veteran musicians and singers, The Castaways bring a full sound with a 3-piece horn section covering a variety of music.  No tricks or gadgets – what you see is what you hear!

As recipients of Carolina Beach Music Awards in 2006, 2009 and 2012, The Castaways have proven to be a favorite among fans both young and old!”

Make plans to be a part of the opening concert for the Chamber’s 2017 AA5 events.  Enjoy concessions from Chamber members vendors, listen and dance to an incredible band and “officially” break-in the spring and summer seasons!  See you there!

VGCC Pharmacy Technology students serve community

Students in the Pharmacy Technology program at Vance-Granville Community College have been participating in a unique “community pharmacy practice” clinical rotation at a Granville County nonprofit organization.

Under the supervision of Pharmacy Technology Program Head Dr. Erica Fleming, students completed part of their clinical rotation at Area Congregations in Ministry (ACIM) in Oxford on Fridays during the spring semester. The students provided health services for ACIM clients such as blood pressure checks, diabetes risk assessments and medication therapy services, while also providing information on vital health issues, stroke awareness and chronic disease state management.

The mission of ACIM, an organization made up of Granville County churches and faith-based organizations, is to provide food and other resources and services to Granville County citizens in need. In addition to food items, ACIM is able to provide financial assistance for housing and utilities to clients who meet certain eligibility requirements.

This marked the fourth semester that VGCC students have worked with clients at ACIM. Sue Hinman, ACIM’s executive director, said the partnership with the college is the first of its kind for her organization. “This partnership is awesome,” Hinman said. “My clients are getting to know the students, and it makes a huge difference that our clients know that there is someone they can talk to and get information about medications, so that they can take better care of themselves.” She added that by collaborating with the Pharmacy Technology students and faculty, she and her volunteers have also gained a better understanding of the medications that their clients are taking.

Fleming said that the partnership is helping not only the community, but also the students. “Rotating here is an example of community pharmacy practice,” she said. “We want to expose our students to this area in the field of pharmacy and expand their perspective. This experience gives students another way to apply what they learn in class. It’s a good way to learn about various diseases, because we never know what we are going to encounter.” Fleming said students sometimes need to research problems that clients have and come back the next week to offer them possible solutions. “We screen people for diabetes and high blood pressure and counsel them on their medications,” she said. “We also provide them with information about services that can help them pay for prescriptions, like NC MedAssist.”

Fleming added that through her program’s “Rx 4 Life” project, her students give each ACIM client a handy medication card that they can keep in their pocket. On the card, clients can make a list of all their medications, the reasons they use them and when to take them. The card also has spaces for important phone numbers and other information.

“The purpose of the project is to empower patients to take an active role in managing their medications, to increase patient medication knowledge, to optimize medication use to improve therapeutic outcomes for patients and to provide patients with a portable medication record,” Fleming said. Another card that students created and distributed to clients has information on the signs of stroke, as well as the client’s target weight, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose. Awareness of the targets for these major risk factors of stroke gives patients specific areas to focus on when setting health care goals. Spaces on the card allow them to track their actual data over time.

Fleming said that overall, the ACIM partnership has helped her program “to develop community ties and promote awareness of us as a resource.” She estimated that her students have seen almost 400 clients to date.

Tamika Everett of Creedmoor, one of the spring semester students, recalled one remarkable incident. “We had a client who lived by herself,” Everett said. “She came in to receive services from ACIM, not intending to visit us, but she saw us and came over.” The students checked her blood pressure and were shocked to find that her systolic blood pressure number was over 220, which generally indicates a life-threatening hypertensive crisis.

Fleming notified the client’s primary care provider and immediate family members, and then took her to a nearby emergency room for monitoring and treatment. “We’re glad we were able to help her, because who knows what would have happened?” Everett wondered. Fleming said that is just one dramatic example of how area residents visit ACIM because of one particular need but end up receiving help with other needs, including health and medication management issues.

For information on volunteering at ACIM, call (919) 690-0961. For more information on the VGCC Pharmacy Technology program, call Dr. Fleming at (252) 738-3482.


Tammy Care Takes Home Maria Parham Health’s 2017 Mercy Award

Maria Parham Health recently announced that Tammy Care has been recognized as the hospital’s 2017 Mercy Award winner. The Mercy Award recognizes one employee from each of LifePoint Health’s hospitals who profoundly touches the lives of others and best represents the spirit and values on which the company was founded.

The Mercy Award is an annual recognition program established in 2002 to honor the life of Scott Mercy, LifePoint’s founding chairman and chief executive officer. The award is considered the highest honor a LifePoint employee can receive.

“At Maria Parham Health, we share LifePoint’s commitment to Making Communities Healthier, and we recognize this is supported by the good work and service of our employees on and off the job,” said Bert Beard, CEO of Maria Parham Health. “We are extremely proud to recognize Tammy Care for her efforts on behalf of our patients and our community. She goes above and beyond each and every day to ensure that every person she encounters receives the highest level of care and compassion.”

Tammy and her family moved to Henderson in 1999. She has been employed at Maria Parham Health for ten years and is an active member on many committees in the hospital including Sepsis, Infection Prevention, Emergency Management and Cardiac/Stroke Accreditation. Giving back to her community and volunteering for the betterment of others are two very important components to her lifestyle. Care prepares and serves meals the 2nd Sunday of every month to those in need, and every summer her and her husband take a week to work with middle and high school students on annual mission trips. Care is also active in many organizations in the community including the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce, Llocal high school swim teams, and the local men’s shelter.

Each hospital winner, including Care, will be considered for LifePoint’s 2017 company-wide Mercy Award. The company-wide winner will be announced this summer and honored during a ceremony in Nashville, Tenn., in August, to which Care and all hospital winners are invited to attend.

Oxford Boil Water Advisory Lifted

As of 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday June 7th, water in Oxford no longer requires boiling before consumption. Users of the water system may now use water without conservation or boiling of water.

Boys and Girls Club Recognizes 2017 Graduates

Dre’ Terry will graduate with the Class of 2017, on June 9th, 2017 from Roanoke Rapids High School.  Dre’ will be graduating as a member of DECA and the National Honor Society.  Dre’ plays football, basketball as well as runs track, all while maintaining a 3.8 GPA.  The talented football and basketball player will be majoring in Mathematics, with a minor in Coaching at Chowan University.  Dre’ has signed a letter on intent to play football for Chowan in the fall.  Dre’ has been a member of the Boys and Girls Club since he was in elementary school..  We are so very proud of Dre’.

Christopher Blue has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club for 7 years. As a member Chris has participated in all programs offered. Chris is a member of the 2016 & 2017 African American Quiz Bowl Team, the Keystone Club President, & the 2016 & 2017 Youth of the Year. Chris has earned a position at the Boys & Girls Club as an activity leader. Chris graduated from Vance Granville Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Arts and Science on May 12, 2017 and from Vance County Early College on May 26, 2017. Chris plans to attend Fayetteville State University pursuing a degree in Pre-Dentistry.

Timothy Terry joined the Boys & Girls Club on his 18th birthday and considers it the biggest mistake of his life. Tim regrets not joining the club at an earlier age. While at the Boys & Girls Club Tim worked hard not just at programs but being a leader. As a result of his hard work and leadership Tim earned a position as an Employee. As an employee Tim has created a program Called NBA at the Club. NBA @ The Club allows older members to mentor younger members using the sports of basketball and cheer leading. One of the main focuses is to teach the importance of being a student athlete. Tim graduated from Vance County Early College on May 26th and is on his way to Shaw University to major in Recreation Management and minor in Computer and Information Sciences.

Jaylil Majette has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club for 6 years. As a member Jaylil participated in various programs and Trips. Jaylil was a member of the first place 2015 and 2017 African American Quiz Bowl team. He was also a member of the 16-18 Boys & Girls Club traveling basketball Team. Jaylil is undecided as to where he will be attending this fall but has been accepted to Greensboro College, Pfeiffer University and is awaiting on acceptance letters from Fayetteville State University, and Elizabeth City State University. Jaylil will graduate from Vance County Early College on May 26, 2017.

Ileq Jones has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club for 9 years. As a member Ileq has participated in all programs offered. As Ileq got older his involvement in athletics took him away from the Club but he always kept up his membership so that he could attend when he could. Ileq will be graduating from Southern Vance High School on June 10, 2017 with plans to attend the North Carolina Central University pursuing a degree in Engineering. Ileq has recently been accepted into the Stem program for Engineers to get hands on experience and college credits starting in June.

Kristofer Taylor has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club for 9 years. As a member Kris has participated in all programs that the club has offered. Kris has been a member of the Keystone Club (leadership club), and traveling basketball team. Kris will be graduating from Northern Vance High School on June 10, 2017 with plans to attend East Carolina University pursuing a degree in Sports Medicine & Business.

Quincy Henderson has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club for 5 years. Standing 6’4” he is known as “Teddy” the Teddy Bear. Quincy has been the alternate for the 2016 & 2017 African American Bowl teams and one of the biggest cheerleaders for the 16-18 traveling basketball team. Quincy will graduate Southern Vance High School on June 10, 2017 with plans to attend Vance Granville Community College to pursue a trade in welding.

Lawrence Hodge an Army Vet and 911 first responder came to the Boys  & Girls Club Franklin County Unit as a volunteer looking to help mentor our youth and support Great Futures. While volunteering Lawrence was attending Vance Granville in pursuit of an Associates in Applied Science-Health and Human Services. Somewhere along the way a kitchen manager position at our Vance County unit opened up and Lawrence was the right person to fill it. Lawrence is responsible for preparing food everyday for 3 of our clubs in Vance, Granville, and Franklin counties.

On Friday, May 22, 2017 Lawrence graduated with an Associates in Applied Science-Health and Human Services and walked across the stage with his two children also graduating. We are so proud to have our staff member reach his fullest potential.

Lawrence Plans on pursuing his dream of educating the public about the Prevention, Intervention, and Education of Domestic Violence. He will use his knowledge and business “Real Men Against Domestic Violence”  to make a difference for victims everywhere.

Henderson Boil Water Advisory Lifted

At 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday June 7th, the Kerr Lake Regional Water System no longer requires boiling of water before consumption. Users of the water system may now use water without conservation or boiling of water.

Mayor Eddie Ellington said, “We are free and clear and water is safe in all aspects.”

Update: Water Situation in Henderson