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City of Oxford

City of Oxford to Resume Normal Disconnection Procedures July 30


IMPORTANT NOTICE: City of Oxford Utility Customers

The City of Oxford will resume normal disconnection procedures Thursday, July 30, 2020, for unpaid accounts from March 31-July 29, 2020. Bills due after July 29 will also be under normal City Utility Policy procedures.

Any utility customer with an outstanding balance from March 31-July 29, 2020, must make payment arrangements with the City of Oxford Water Department by August 7, 2020. Any outstanding balance accrued prior to March 31, 2020, will not be included in the payment arrangements.

Please call (919) 603-1120 with questions and/or to set up payment arrangements.

Executive Order 124 went into effect on March 31, 2020, and prohibited the disconnection of utility services for nonpayment and suspended assessment of late and non-payment fees. The Order was amended by Executive Order 142 to expire on July 29, 2020, at 11:59 p.m.

Resources include:
https://www.ncuc.net/execorder124.html (NC Utilities Commission)
https://files.nc.gov/…/EO124-Utilities-Evictions-Financial-… (EO 124)
https://files.nc.gov/…/EO142-Temp-Prohibitions-on-Evictions… (EO 142)