Town Talk 06/29/20: State Treasurer Folwell Discusses Economic Repercussions of COVID-19
100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL
North Carolina State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.
Folwell, who has served as NC State Treasurer since 2017, discussed a myriad of topics including unemployment, recent grants awarded to NC counties for COVID-19 recovery efforts, the economic fallout and recovery potential from the virus and much more.
A few takeaways from Folwell’s interview:
• $3 billion remains in the NC Unemployment Trust Fund. With money paid in by NC businesses, Folwell explained the fund works in much the same way as an insurance company.
• As part of the state-administered Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) that was passed by Congress, the four-county area will receive over $4 million in aid: Vance County – $974, 599, Granville County – $1,233,427, Warren County – $571,030 and Franklin County -$1,383,798.
• Rural NC communities are facing serious economic challenges.
• Estimates show the State will experience shortfalls of $3.5 – $4.5 billion dollars due to economic repercussions of the shutdown.
For press releases and updates from the Treasurer’s Office, including Folwell’s recent request for Governor Roy Cooper to grant a waiver of Executive Order No. 142 for Citizen-Owned Utilities and the announcement of reduced Medicare Advantage premium rates, visit the Treasurer’s website at
To hear the interview with Folwell in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk.