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N.C. Safety Awards Recognize Businesses For Workplace Safety

The N.C. Department of Labor is taking applications now for 2024 Safety Awards which highlights businesses, local governments and other agencies for excellence in safety in the workplace.

Businesses and other organizations are encouraged to submit applications to be recognized for meeting safety requirements for employees.

The annual awards banquet, jointly sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce and the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, will take place in Granville County this year, according to H-V Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson.

In a written statement, N.C. Labor Commissioner Luke Farley said the department presented 2,058 safety awards last year – 1,737 gold and 321 silver. Gold award recipients achieved a rate of days away from work, job transfer or restriction that is at least 50 percent below the industry rate. The silver award criteria include lost workday cases but not restricted work activity and the applicant must attain a rate of cases with days away from work that is at least 50 percent below the industry rate.

Applications are due by Saturday, Feb. 15. The application can be found at

2024 Safety Award applications as well as  instructions for completing the application, according to NCDOL Safety Awards Coordinator Kiley Willard.


In addition to the gold and silver safety awards, Million-Hour Safety Awards are presented to companies that accumulate one million employee hours with no cases of injury or illness that involve days away from work. Million-Hour Awards are also presented during the local annual safety awards ceremony. Access the online application at million-hour safety awards.


For help completing the applications or to find out more, call 919.707.7855 or email safety.awards@labor.nc.gov.