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Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments

Public Open House for P5 Regional Transportation Projects

-Press Release, Kerr-Tar Regional Transportation Planning Organization

The public is invited to an open house on Thursday, July 19, 2018, to express their opinions on the regional transportation projects in Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren Counties being considered for inclusion in the NCDOT 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is a 10-year plan that identifies funding for projects throughout North Carolina and schedules them for construction.

The Kerr-Tar Regional Transportation Planning Organization (KTRPO) will hold an informal open house on Thursday at the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments’ office, 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson, NC, from 5 to 7 p.m. Residents will be able to view all potential projects and provide feedback. KTRPO staff will be present to answer any questions and address any concerns.

For those unable to attend the open house, the projects are available for review on the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments’ website: https://www.kerrtarcog.org/. Comments may be submitted via email to info@kerrtarcog.org. Please include P5 Regional Projects Comments in the subject line.

NCDOT Seeks Public Comment on Transportation Projects

WIZS Note: The Division 5 meeting, including Durham, Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, Wake and Warren counties will be held Tuesday, June 19, 2018, from 4 – 6 p.m. at the NCDOT Division 5 Office, 2612 N. Duke St., Durham.

-Press Release, NCDOT

RALEIGH – Starting June 4, North Carolinians are invited to express their opinions about which regional and local transportation projects should be top priorities in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) – a 10-year plan that identifies funding for projects and schedules them for construction.

The N.C. Department of Transportation combines data and local input to determine which projects will get built, using a formula established in the Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) law to focus funding on projects that will reduce congestion, improve safety and promote economic growth.

During a public comment period that runs from June 4 through July 9, NCDOT will collect feedback from citizens who express their views at public meetings, online, by phone or in writing.

Public Meetings

NCDOT’s 14 local transportation divisions will host informal meetings to present proposed projects and to receive public comment. The first meetings are Monday, June 4, in Winston-Salem (Division 9) and Thursday, June 7, in Aberdeen (Division 8).  See below for the schedules and locations of all the public meetings.

At each meeting, citizens are invited to stop in and provide input on how the division plans to rank its project priorities. Please note that these meetings are not for maintenance projects, such as patching potholes, resurfacing roads or improving ditches.

NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for anyone with disabilities who wants to participate in the public meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Lauren Putnam, Public Involvement Officer, at 919-707-6072 or by email at lnputnam1@ncdot.gov as early as possible so that these arrangements can be made.

Other Ways to Participate

In addition to the public meetings, NCDOT is offering other options for citizens to provide input starting Monday, June 4, through the STI website (ncdot.gov/sti).  Citizens can complete a short, interactive survey to identify priority projects, or send a message to their local division planning engineer.

The online survey features an interactive state map with the proposed projects up for funding.  Citizens can review project information and provide feedback on which projects they think are important.

The STI website provides the phone numbers and postal addresses of local division planning engineers, for citizens who want to comment on transportation projects by telephone or mail.

In April, NCDOT released data scores for more than 2,100 transportation improvement projects across the state, in the first round of an evaluation process to determine which projects will be scheduled for construction.  Also in April, NCDOT identified 77 high-scoring Statewide Mobility projects that will be programmed for funding over the next decade.

Next Steps

After the comment period ends on July 9, NCDOT will combine the data scores and local input to produce the total project scores. A draft list of the top-scoring Regional Impact projects is scheduled for release in August. A similar process for local input will take place in the fall for local Division Needs projects.

Once all project scores are finalized, the top-scoring projects will be programmed for construction based on available funding. Other factors may determine whether a project ultimately moves to construction, including the completion of environmental and engineering plans, corridor spending limits prescribed by law, and other federal and state funding restrictions.

This information will be used to create the next STIP for the years 2020-2029. NCDOT will release a draft STIP for public comment in January 2019. The final 2020-2029 STIP is expected to be adopted by the N.C. Board of Transportation in June 2019.

The STI law, enacted in 2013, established a data-driven process that allows NCDOT to invest transportation dollars more efficiently and effectively.  NCDOT updates the STIP approximately every two years to ensure that it accurately reflects the state’s current financial situation.

Meeting Dates and Locations

  • JUNE 14, 5-7 P.M. – EDENTON
    (DIVISION 1: Camden, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, Chowan, Hyde, Martin, Tyrrell and Washington counties)

    NCDOT Division 1 Office
    113 Airport Drive
    Edenton, N.C.  27932
  • JUNE 12, 4-6 P.M. – KINSTON
    (DIVISION 2: Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Pamlico and Pitt counties)

    NCDOT Division 2 Office
    2815 Rouse Road Ext.
    Kinston, N.C. 28504
  • JUNE 12, 5-7 P.M. – CASTLE HAYNE
    (DIVISION 3: Brunswick, Duplin, Onslow, New Hanover, Pender and Sampson counties)

    NCDOT Division 3 Office
    5501 Barbados Blvd.
    Castle Hayne, N.C. 28429
  • JUNE 12, 5-7 P.M. – WILSON
    (DIVISION 4: Edgecombe, Halifax, Johnston, Nash, Wayne and Wilson counties)

    NCDOT Division 4 Office
    509 Ward Blvd.
    Wilson, N.C.  27895
  • JUNE 19, 4-6 P.M. – DURHAM
    (DIVISION 5: Durham, Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, Wake and Warren counties)

    NCDOT Division 5 Office
    2612 N. Duke St.
    Durham, N.C. 27704
  • JUNE 18, 5-7 P.M. – FAYETTEVILLE
    (DIVISION 6: Bladen, Columbus, Cumberland, Harnett and Robeson counties)

    NCDOT Division 6 Office
    558 Gillespie St.
    Fayetteville, N.C. 28301
  • JUNE 11, 5-7 P.M. – GREENSBORO
    (DIVISION 7: Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Orange and Rockingham counties)

    NCDOT Division 7 Office
    1584 Yanceyville St.
    Greensboro, N.C.  27415
  • JUNE 7, 5-7 P.M. – ABERDEEN
    (DIVISION 8: Chatham, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond and Scotland counties)

    NCDOT Division 8 Conference Room
    902 N. Sandhills Blvd.
    Aberdeen, N.C. 28315
  • JUNE 4, 4-6 P.M. – WINSTON-SALEM
    (DIVISION 9: Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Rowan and Stokes counties)

    NCDOT Division 9
    Conference Room
    375 Silas Creek Parkway
    Winston-Salem, N.C.  27127
  • JUNE 19, 5-7 P.M. – ALBEMARLE
    (DIVISION 10: Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly and Union counties)

    Stanly County Commissioners Meeting Room
    1000 N. First St.
    Albemarle, N.C. 28001
    (DIVISION 11: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin counties)

    NCDOT Division 11 Office
    802 Statesville Road
    N. Wilkesboro, N.C.  28659
  • JUNE 25, 5-7 P.M. – MAIDEN
    (DIVISION 12: Alexander, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell and Lincoln counties)

    Maiden Town Hall
    19 N. Main Ave.
    Maiden, N.C. 28650
  • JUNE 14, 5-7 P.M. – BLACK MOUNTAIN
    (DIVISION 13: Buncombe, Burke, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Rutherford and Yancey counties)

    Lake Tomahawk Park
    Lakeview Clubhouse
    401 Laurel Circle Drive
    Black Mountain, N.C.  28711
  • JUNE 11, 5-7 P.M. – HAYESVILLE & JUNE 12, 5-7 P.M. – MILLS RIVER
    (DIVISION 14: Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Polk, Swain and Transylvania counties)
    June 11: 
    Hayesville First United Methodist Church
    989 U.S. 64 Business
    Hayesville, N.C. 28904

World War II Aircraft at RDU Airport

— courtesy NCDOT

(https://www.ncdot.gov/aviation/ and https://apps.ncdot.gov/newsreleases/details.aspx?r=14365)

RALEIGH – The N.C. Department of Transportation’s Division of Aviation and the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority are proud to host the Collings Foundation’s Wings of Freedom Tour, giving people in the Triangle a one-of-a-kind chance to see living aviation history.

The tour features four living WWII aircraft – a B-17 Flying Fortress, a Consolidated B-24 Liberator, a B-25 Mitchell bomber and a P-51 Mustang – as well as educational displays and activities from NCDOT, RDU International Airport, the USO, the N.C. Museum of History, the National D-Day Memorial, Civil Air Patrol, SAS’ Data On The Fly STEM project, Wings of Carolina, and more.

This is a rare opportunity to visit, explore and learn more about these unique pieces of aviation history. Visitors are invited to explore the aircraft inside and out, with tickets costing $15 for adults and $5 for children under 12. Veterans of the Second World War will be admitted for free. General admission tickets are available only at the event, not online or by phone. Visitors may also experience the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a 30-minute flight aboard these rare aircraft.

The aircraft will be open to the public at the following times, with the reserved flights taking place before and after the public openings:

Thursday, Oct. 19: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 20: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 21: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 22: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Visitors should arrive at the airport via the Lumley Road entrance, to avoid creating traffic back-ups in the arrival and departure areas of RDU. Signage will be in place to guide motorists to Lumley Road via I-540. Parking for attendees is at RDU Park & Ride Lot 2 (near the observation deck), with handicap parking next to the event entrance. A shuttle bus will take attendees from the parking lot to the entrance.

For more information, or to reserve a flight in one of the aircraft, please call the Collings Foundation at 800-568-8924 or visit collingsfoundation.org.


Click Here For Parking Map


North Carolina to Offer REAL ID Licenses and ID Cards
DMV to provide new federal identification cards in May

Press Release April 26, 2017 – Courtesy: NC Department of Transportation

RALEIGH – On May 1, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles will begin producing the state’s first REAL ID, an optional license or identification card that meets the security requirements of the federal REAL ID Act.

Frequent air travelers and visitors to military installations and federal facilities may want to consider applying for an N.C. REAL ID. Beginning on Oct. 1, 2020, the Transportation Security Administration and other agencies will require a REAL ID for commercial air travel and access to federal buildings, military installations and nuclear facilities.

Persons without a REAL ID will still be able to board flights and enter federal facilities, but they will need to provide additional identification along with their standard license. For more information about required documentation, contact the TSA or other relevant federal agency.

“The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles has worked extremely hard to prepare our state to meet this new federal requirement,” said NCDOT Chief Deputy Secretary David Howard. “We are glad to offer this optional, single ID to help our citizens travel and access federal facilities.”

Residents must visit a driver license office to apply for their first N.C. REAL ID. Applicants must provide:

One document that proves identity, such as a birth certificate, valid U.S. passport, or immigration documents;
One document that verifies birth, such as a birth certificate, valid U.S. passport or immigration documents;
One document that confirms their Social Security number, such as a Social Security card or W-2 form;
Two documents that establish residency in North Carolina, such as a utility bill, vehicle registration card, or bank statement.

A complete list of documents that are acceptable proofs of identity and residency is available at NCREALID.com.

The N.C. REAL ID will have a gold star in the top right corner to indicate the identity and residency documents are permanently stored with the NCDMV record. Citizens who prefer to keep their current license or ID will receive credentials that carry the notation “Not for Federal Identification.”

North Carolina’s REAL ID will be available at the same cost as a standard driver license and identification card. An N.C. REAL ID can be obtained at the time of renewal or before the renewal period for the cost of a duplicate.

The new standards were established by the federal REAL ID Act, which was passed in 2005 following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The Act is administered by the Department of Homeland Security.

More information on North Carolina’s REAL ID is available at NCREALID.com.
