Tag Archive for: #NCDOT


Granville County Intersection to be Realigned

-Press Release, NCDOT

Work will begin soon on a project to realign N.C. 56 where it intersects U.S. 15 and N.C. 50 in Creedmoor.

The N.C. Department of Transportation recently awarded a $3.4 million contract to have Carolina Sunrock LLC of Raleigh improve the junction.

Currently, drivers headed east on N.C. 56 must make a series of turns to stay on the highway as it follows West Lake Road to Durham and Wilton avenues. The realignment will create a direct tie between West Lake Road and Wilton Avenue, improving traffic flow by eliminating the turns needed to stay on N.C. 56 in the Creedmoor city limits.

A new two-lane, median-divided connector will be constructed to the north of the existing West Lake Road, and a new alignment for West Lake Road will branch off the N.C. 56 connector. The project also calls for sidewalks that will connect to a city sidewalk project.

Work is expected to begin next week, and the new roads are scheduled to be open to traffic by June 1, 2020.

West Lake Road and North Pine Street will maintain partial access throughout the project. The plans are phased to avoid complete road closures and allow access at all times to properties and businesses in the project area.


Parham Road Bridge Closure Starts Monday

-Press Release, North Carolina Department of Transportation 

The Parham Road bridge over Interstate 85 in Henderson will be closed for three weeks starting Monday, April 29, 2019. The closure is needed so a contractor can safely put a concrete latex overlay in place on the bridge’s road surface, extending its life and making it a smoother ride for motorists.

Exit and on-ramps for I-85 at the location will remain open.

A signed detour will be in place. Travelers going east on Parham Road will be sent onto I-85 South to the next exit (N.C. 39), where they should turn left at the end of the ramp and then left again onto I-85 North to get back to Parham Road. Westbound drivers have a similar detour, instead going north on I-85 to the next exit (Satterwhite Road), where they can turn around onto I-85 South to return to Parham Road on the other side of the bridge.

Drivers should use caution as they approach the closure from either side and should anticipate needing more time to travel through the area because of the detour.

For real-time travel information, visit DriveNC.gov or follow NCDOT on social media.


North Carolina to Eliminate Duplicate Driving Records

-Press Release, NCDOT

The N.C Division of Motor Vehicles will start using new technology to protect people from identity fraud by making sure people have a driver license in only one state at a time.

Beginning Feb. 25, NCDMV will start using the State-to-State Verification Service to confirm a person’s identity and driving history from other states. The service, which is outlined in the federal REAL ID Act, requires a person to have only one driver license or ID card in one state at a time.

With State-to-State, NCDMV can determine if applicants already hold a driver license or ID card in another state and verify important driving information such as suspended licenses. After a North Carolina driver license or ID card is issued, any out-of-state issuances will be canceled. If an applicant does not want to cancel the out-of-state issuance, they will not be issued a North Carolina driver license or ID card.

All existing North Carolina driver license and ID card issuances will be checked for duplicate issuances in the 21 states already participating in the program. More states are expected to join the program through 2022. NCDMV estimates more than 210,000 North Carolina customers have duplicate issuances in other states.

NCDMV will reconcile duplicate issuances with each state using the service to determine which issuance will be canceled. The state with the most recent issuance will hold the valid license or ID card.

Currently, the following states are using the service:

Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

To update the NCDMV system for State-to-State implementation, all driver license offices will be closed on Saturday, February 23, 2019. Online driver services will be unavailable from 7 a.m. Saturday, February 23 until 3 p.m. Sunday, February 24.

State-to-State is administered by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. For more information on State-to-State, visit the AAMVA website.


Public Comment Opportunity for NCDOT Division 5 Projects

-Press Release, NCDOT

Area residents will get a chance to learn more about the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s draft 10-Year transportation plan for 2020-2029 at a week-long open house in Durham next week. The department unveiled its proposed funding and construction plan in January with more than 1,600 transportation projects across the state.

The list includes 18 new projects for Division 5, which covers Durham, Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, Wake and Warren counties. Projects were selected based on technical data, as well as input from local officials and the public. A list of the projects in the draft plan and additional information is available on the NCDOT website.

The transportation plan is updated every two years. Projects scheduled in the first five years are considered committed, while projects in the final five years of the draft 10-year plan will be re-evaluated again as part of the development process for the 2022-2031 plan. That will start later this year.

Each of the department’s 14 highway divisions is hosting a week-long public comment opportunity on the projects in the current draft plan. In Division 5, it will be from Feb. 18-22 at the Division office at 2612 North Duke Street, Durham, during normal business hours.

The sessions will serve as opportunities for interested residents to review maps and handouts about the projects, ask questions of local NCDOT staff, and submit comments.

For interested residents who can’t attend the public comment sessions, there is an opportunity to submit comments online through April 15. The draft plan will be considered for final approval by the Board of Transportation this summer.

NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who want to provide input. Anyone requiring special services should contact David Keilson at 919-220-4600, or dpkeilson@ncdot.gov, as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.

City of Henderson Logo

Daeke, Henderson City Councilman, Talks Dabney Dr. Rezoning

Garry Daeke, Henderson City Council member, was on Tuesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to provide further insight into the Council’s recent discussions on the possible rezoning of three lots at the corner of Lynne Avenue and Dabney Drive in Henderson.

Currently zoned for either residential or light commercial traffic, the Council has tabled the discussion on rezoning the lots for a heavier commercial use until their next meeting in February.

Further complicating any final rezoning decision is the concern over increased traffic volume in an already congested area along with uncertainty on the NCDOT’s current plans for the restructuring of parts of Dabney Drive.

“We know traffic on Dabney Drive is pretty bad most of the time, especially on Fridays and weekend,” said Daeke. “The corner of Lynne Avenue and Dabney has some particular concerns about ingress and egress traffic. For example, when you turn right off Lynne Avenue, you turn immediately into the right lane turning into the old Henderson Mall. Traffic also has difficulty turning left there and generally has to turn right.”

Daeke said one consideration to address safety concerns would be to make the area an out parcel of the mall and design the entrance and exits of any businesses that occupy that space to be accessible only through the mall parking lot.

According to Daeke, what the DOT has planned for Dabney Drive will also play into consideration. “We hope what the DOT does to Dabney Drive will help with that area, but we need more information before making a decision.”

As of now, Henderson City Council members are aware that the DOT is focusing its Dabney Drive surveying efforts from the intersection of the old mall to Interstate 85.

While Daeke said there have been talks that the lanes near the old mall intersection will be redesigned, the Council has not yet received an indication if that includes measures such as adding medians or changing the entire structure of the traffic flow.

Looking ahead to the future, Daeke said there are additional plans for Dabney Drive that include making the current road a one-way from the corner of Oxford Road and Dabney, all the way to the interstate. This plan also includes the addition of another one-way street running parallel along the old railroad line.

As with any project, costs and logistics are major considerations. “Some properties would be affected by this plan and that issue would need to be addressed. The plan we’ve been shown includes bike and pedestrian lanes and sidewalks; it’s a beautiful plan,” said Daeke.

While up to the DOT to fund any such project, Daeke said he believes “Dabney Drive needs it for growth in the future and for safety.” He suggested the implementation of the plan would be at least 5-10 years down the road.


In an aside from the main interview topic, Daeke also discussed his fond memories of the late Mary Emma Evans, a former Henderson City Council member, on the occasion of her recent birthday.

“Mary was a sweet lady and a dear friend. She always called me ‘Daeke,’ which made me laugh. She always cared so much for the community and was wonderful to work with.”

“Something that she used to always say to me that I’ll never forget is, ‘We can disagree and we can have different opinions; that doesn’t have to mean we have to be disagreeable.’ She was always about compromise and working together to find a solution. We miss her and may she rest in peace”

To hear the interview in its entirety, please click here. Daeke’s interview portion of the Town Talk segment begins at the 14:27 mark.  

Dabney Drive

Dabney Dr. Surveying Project to Last Several Months, Help Solve Traffic Woes

-Information and photo courtesy the Citizens Aligned to Take Back Henderson, NC’s Facebook page

We are all too familiar with the traffic problems on Dabney Drive in Henderson. Thankfully, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has started the process of addressing this problem.

Have you noticed the surveying that has taken place in recent weeks? This is just the beginning of the process. Representatives from the NCDOT, including engineers, surveyors, and geologists as well as representatives from other state and federal agencies will be working in the area for the next several months. They will be collecting preliminary data for an environmental study for the project on SR 1162 (Dabney Drive) from Coble Blvd. to US 158 Business.

Can traffic problems be solved? Of course they can, and this is done every day. Like Dabney Drive, Ruin Creek Road also handles a large amount of traffic but without the problems.

The traffic on I-85 is expected to increase drastically over the next decade and so will the traffic on Dabney Drive. This can be viewed as a negative or as an opportunity. With the right long term plan and investment, it can undoubtedly be a great opportunity for Henderson.

Naysayers will say “this can’t work and it’s a waste of money” but that’s just what naysayers do. In reality, millions of tax dollars are going to be spent on infrastructure in the City of Henderson that will promote investment and make life in our city better.

Citizens Aligned to Take Back Henderson, NC sees this as a positive.

(This is not a paid advertisement)


Warren County High School Students Visit DOT Project Site

-Press Release, NCDOT

A group of seniors in Warren County High School’s Engineering and Construction Technology Academy visited an N.C. Department of Transportation bridge replacement project today to get a closer look at the work underway.

As part of NCDOT’s Engineering Technician I Trainee Program for private engineering firms, the students are receiving instruction and support from several Summit Design and Engineering Services engineers. The program is designed to quickly prepare individuals for entry-level engineering technician positions through in-class instruction, field trips to job sites, job shadowing and on-the-job training.

The students had the chance this afternoon to observe work done by crews replacing the Lickskillet Road bridge extending over Shocco Creek in Warren County.

When not out on field experiences or training, students also get classroom instruction and support from a dedicated Warren County High School construction technology teacher Monday thru Thursday, and weekly visits from Summit engineers and designers who travel to the high school every Friday during the semester.

“The program is a true partnership between the school district and industry,” said Ernie Conner, Warren County High School’s Director of Technology/Career and Technical Education, “Our students respond well when we can link what they are learning in school to real-world applications and job opportunities. Summit Engineering has been instrumental in helping us provide a clear career pathway from school to work.”

The students can participate in this program because they are enrolled in the advanced studies course offered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Career and Technical Education Program. They receive instruction, complete research, design a project, and deliver a presentation as part of the course.

To learn more about Warren County High School’s Engineering and Construction Technology Academy and other career and technical education programs, visit the school’s academies website.


NCDOT to Suspend Most Construction During Holidays Beginning Dec. 21

-Press Release, N.C. Department of Transportation

With a busy Christmas and New Year holiday travel week being predicted, the N. C. Department of Transportation is suspending most road and lane closures on interstates, U. S. and N.C. routes across the state from Friday, Dec. 21, to Wednesday, Jan. 2.

There will be some exceptions where construction conditions make it unsafe to open all lanes, such as where a bridge is being replaced, or lanes are being constructed or rebuilt. Drivers need to be alert for any lane closure signs.

To help make trips safer and cut back on distracted driving, NCDOT and GEICO are teaming up to provide “Safe Phone Zones” throughout the holiday and into 2019. While GEICO sponsors the initiative, NCDOT has designed all 58 rest areas across the state as Safe Phone Zones to encourage drivers to take advantage of their use.

These facilities are strategically located along major highways, so accessing them is very easy to allow drivers to get out of traffic and safely use their smartphones and tablets to access information or even to send text messages, which is illegal while driving in North Carolina and 46 other states. Even a glance at a cell phone while driving is considered distracted driving and could easily lead to a tragic crash.

Travelers can also make their trip better by checking on the status of their planned route in advance by going to DriveNC.gov to see if it will be clear. Once underway, a stop at one of the Safe Phone Zone locations provides a chance to check the route again to see if anything has changed.

DriveNC.gov provides road condition updates by route, county or region, updated 24 hours a day with possible changes, including the travel impact of a crash or bad weather. In addition to checking the DriveNC website, another option to get updates during daytime hours is to call 511 to get live operators to provide travel assistance.

Here are some additional tips for safe driving during the holiday season:

  • Leave early to get a head start, and travel at non-peak hours if possible, as the weekends before Christmas and New Year’s Day will be the heaviest traffic congestion periods for most of the state, especially on interstates such as I-95, I-77, I-85, I-40 and I-26;
  • Use alternative routes if possible to avoid traffic congestion;
  • Allow extra time for your trip, regardless of the route you choose;
  • To avoid drowsy driving, travel at times you are normally awake and take frequent breaks, taking advantage of the state’s rest areas;
  • Pay attention to your surroundings and other vehicles nearby, and avoid distracted driving; and
  • All drivers and passengers must be wearing their seatbelts; it’s the law.

For real-time travel information, visit DriveNC.gov or follow NCDOT on Twitter.


Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for U.S. 401 Improvements Project

Press Release, County of Franklin

LOUISBURG – Representatives from the N.C. Department of Transportation, Franklin County, and the 401 Citizens Action Committee held a groundbreaking ceremony yesterday for a section of the U.S. 401 improvements project between N.C. 96 and Flat Rock Church Road/Clifton Pond Road.

Developed through extensive collaboration between state, local and federal institutions, the improvements along the greater U.S. 401 corridor in Wake and Franklin Counties are designed to widen the corridor to a four-lane median divided highway between north of Ligon Mill Road and N.C. 39 in Louisburg.

Speaking at the ceremony held at the Tobacco Receiving Station in Louisburg, NCDOT Division Engineer Joey Hopkins thanked a host of local partners and emphasized the importance of the coming improvements: “This is an exciting time for transportation in Franklin County and our entire state. Together, with you, we have realized a vision to give folks a safer and more efficient route to travel. We are improving mobility, reducing congestion, and enhancing the region’s economic competitiveness.”

Emceed by the N.C. Board of Transportation’s Valerie Jordan, the ceremony also included remarks from Sidney Dunston, Franklin County Board of Commissioners; Cedric Jones, Franklin County Board of Commissioners; Gary Cunard, 401 Citizens Action Committee; and The Honorable Lucy Allen, Former Representative, N.C. House of Representatives.

Once started, this latest section of improvements is expected to open by Summer 2022.


Granville County Logo

Six Granville Co. Roads Currently Closed Due to Flooding

-Press Release, County of Granville

After torrential rains in the area, six Granville County Roads have been closed by the N.C. Department of Transportation due to hazardous driving conditions. Residents traveling in these areas should expect to be detoured onto safer roadways until conditions improve and/or roadwork has been completed.

Affected roads are Aaron Creek Church Road, Tom Hunt Road, Enon Road and Tar River Road, which will be assessed by DOT later today.

Closed due to washed-out pavement are Community Road and Smart Road.

Drivers in these areas should plan for extra travel time, due to detours, and are urged to use extreme caution.

*WIZS Note – After consulting with Emergency Management, Granville County Public Schools (GCPS) made the decision to operate on a two-hour delay for all students and staff Tuesday morning. According to GCPS, this decision was made based on the high water and flooding of local roads.