-information courtesy of the N.C. Department of Transportation
A stretch of Interstate 85 is now named in honor of Andrea Harris, the late civil rights activist from North Carolina who devoted her life to racial and social equity and helped many minority and women-owned businesses.
On Friday, Gov. Roy Cooper joined state and local dignitaries, and members of the Harris family at a ceremony in Raleigh to dedicate I-85 near the Vance-Warren County line as the “Andrea L Harris Highway.” Harris, 72, died in 2020 after battling an illness. Henderson City Manager Terrell Blackmon was among those in attendance.
“My friend Andrea Harris fought tirelessly to level the playing field for women and minority owned businesses, particularly in rural North Carolina,” Cooper said at Friday’s ceremony at the North Carolina State Archives Auditorium in Raleigh. “The opportunities she helped create for the diversity that makes us all stronger is a lasting legacy for this amazing pioneer.”

Governor Roy Cooper joined NCDOT leaders and other state and local dignitaries to dedicate a section of Interstate 85 for late civil rights activist Andrea L. Harris. (From left-to-right) are: State Board of Transportation member Valerie Jordan; Henderson City Manager Terrell Blackmon; Gov. Cooper; Harris’ niece, Alana Harris; NCDOT Deputy Secretary Ebony Pittman; and Church of Faith II Pastor Welton Barnes Sr.
Harris grew up in Henderson during the civil rights movement. In 1986, she co-founded a Durham-based economic development nonprofit that helped develop thousands of women and minority-owned businesses. For more than 25 years, Harris served as president of the North Carolina Institute for Minority Economic Development. Harris and her team provided businesses consulting and other supportive services and helped generate more than $1 billion in awards for minority businesses.
Among her achievements, Harris also helped create the North Carolina Senior Citizens Federation and Gateway Community Development Corporation, which provided resources to elderly and economically disadvantaged people in and around her native Vance County.
“She was passionate about helping others overcome barriers to economic growth and opportunity,” Ebony Pittman, the N.C. Department of Transportation’s deputy secretary for Business Administration, said. “I’m proud that as of today, everyone driving along three miles of Interstate 85 in Vance County will be reminded of the great contributions she had on her community and our state.”
In furthering Harris’ legacy, Cooper established the Andrea Harris Equity Task Force, a group of state leaders and others he appointed to address social, environmental, economic and health disparities in communities of color disproportionally impacted by COVID-19.
Harris, who was born in South Carolina and graduated from Bennett College in Greensboro, served on numerous boards and committees that advanced economic equity and inclusion. She earned a spot in the North Carolina Women’s Hall of Fame and received many awards, including The Order of the Long Leaf Pine, which is among the most prestigious awards presented by the governor.
Alana Harris is a niece of Andrea Harris. She said having a highway named in her aunt’s honor will help spread her message.
“This highway dedication will be a perpetual reminder to every little black and brown child of their infinite potential,” Alana Harris said. “‘And if there isn’t a seat at the table,’ as my Aunt Andrea would say, ‘Take one anyway.’”