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Step 1 in Preserving & Protecting Our Historic Communities

by Craig Hahn

The Warren County Historic Preservation Commission held a public informational meeting 27 July to introduce their initiative to have permanent, historic signs placed in Warren County communities. This County program is designed to help preserve & enhance the history of our local communities and Warren County.

The following communities will be part of Phase 1 of this program: Arcola/Bethlehem, Inez, Ridgeway, Russell Union, Soul City & Warren Plains. At last night’s meeting representatives from Soul City, Russell Union and Ridgeway were in attendance and plan to move forward on signs for their communities.

Citizens interested in being a part of the historic community signage program are needed to form committees to research their communities’ history, select a roadside site where motorists can pull over to read the sign and to raise funds for the purchase of the signs (similar in appearance to the silver-toned State historic markers). These signs will be two-sided. The cost is about $1,200 to $1,700 each (depending on the final design choice. Currently Warren County does have some funding available to assist each community noted above to “kick-start” their respective fundraising efforts in the amount of about $400.

To get involved, Community members interested in participating or getting more information may contact Ken Krulik at 252-257-7027, 252-257-3037, or mailto:KenKrulik@warrencountync.gov.