Volunteer Hospital Gown Project Continues in Face of Local COVID-19 Surge
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A message from Amy Starr Russell, Associate Minister, First Baptist Church:
Last week we were excited to receive the news that MPH was well stocked with gowns. We felt that our project was reaching a natural conclusion and that we could wrap up our work this week. However, that decision was made with the caveat that we would reassess should there be a surge in our area. Unfortunately, that surge came this past weekend.
With the outbreak at Pelican Health, the need is greater than ever for our local healthcare workers.
We have committed to work for three more weeks or 1,500 more gowns, whichever comes first. We need your help and our community’s help to reach this goal and meet this need.
Beginning on Monday, May 4, 2020, we will resume our regular shifts of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekly with evening shifts on Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. All shifts are currently at McGregor Hall (201 Breckenridge – entrance at the corner of Wyche and Winder Streets in downtown Henderson).
If you are able to help, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0449afad2fa7fb6-protective2
Volunteers are required to sign up online before participating.
All volunteers 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult. All volunteers will be screened upon arrival and must have a temperature below 100, no symptoms, and no known exposure to COVID-19 (including no known exposure by anyone in their household). Please bring a mask and scissors with you.
We are asking that all volunteers isolate as much as possible for the sake of each person who comes to give their time. All volunteers are required to wear masks, wash hands frequently throughout their shift and maintain social distance.
With the beginning of this second phase, our financial need has also increased. If you would like to make a donation toward this project, go to this website: https://engage.suran.com/fbchenderson/s/give/new-gift and choose “COVID-19 Protective Medical Gown Project.”