Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.
- If growing plants in a greenhouse or cold frame when day temps are 70F higher you may need ventilation in your greenhouse or open the cold frame.
- Fertilize tall fescue, slow release, low P, crabgrass preventer.
- Record the dates you plant your seed.
- Get ready to prune fruit trees – 2/25, 10 am, timberlake
- When growing plants check soil media before watering.
- Apply preemergent herbicide to flowerbeds.
- Make sure when growing plants in doors that plants are getting enough light. Provide grow lights if needed.
- Don’t be late in planting your cool season vegetables. Follow the schedule.
- Cooperative Extension has excellent vegetable publications.
- If growing transplants, fertilize every week or so with a water soluble fertilizer, or as foliage color indicates.
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