Tag Archive for: #hendersonnews

Cooperative Extension: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Chamber’s Leadership Vance 2024 Forming – Applications Due Feb. 2 By 5 P.M.

The Leadership Vance 2024 application process is open through Friday, Feb. 2 and Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce President Sandra Wilkerson said participants will get an in-depth look at the county, from its rich history and varied amenities to business and industry growth and much more.

Applications should be received by 5 p.m. on Feb. 2, Wilkerson said.

“Leadership Vance is a proven, structured program, designed to create a corps of informed and dedicated emerging leaders in our community,” Wilkerson said.  Upon graduation, the program participants will be qualified to meet the present and future challenges facing Henderson and Vance County. During the months-long program, participants will get a chance to learn about all aspects of the community in which they live and work.

They also will get to learn about volunteer civic and community opportunities, as well as gain valuable insight to boost their business and career goals.

For more information, contact Wilkerson at 252.438.8414 or via email at sandra@hendersonvance.org.

TownTalk: Housing And Discrimination



Finding a new place to live can create all kinds of feelings, from excitement to anxiety. But looking for a new place where you and your family call home should NOT make you feel like you’re being discriminated against.

Hope Williams, supervising attorney with N.C. Legal Aid’s Fair Housing Project, said anyone who feels like they have encountered discrimination during the search for a place to live has some recourse.

The Fair Housing Act became law in 1968, a time when discrimination may have been more blatant. “We are still fighting to stop discrimination in housing,” she said on Monday’s TownTalk, although today’s cases may be more subtle – and perhaps more difficult to prove.

She said her office has three attorneys that serve the whole state. They are able to represent some clients, but they simply don’t have the staff to take on all the cases.

“We talk to people who call us and we give them advice about their legal issues,” she said. They help clients file administrative complaints with the federal Housing and Urban Development agency and with the N.C. Human Relations Commission.

They also focus on community education and training to raise awareness about what discrimination is and what it looks like. For instance, many people wrongly assume that fair housing rules only apply to subsidized housing. Not true. It applies to all housing.

Administrative complaints must be filed within one year of the encounter; there is an option to file a complaint in the courts system, which has a two-year window.

One piece of advice Williams has for anyone who feels that they have been the subject of housing discrimination: document everything.

Looking at interactions and communications over time sometimes can help provide critical evidence. “We make timelines to look for patterns,” she said.

Many complaints come from individuals with disabilities. Landlords must comply with “reasonable accommodations” that allow disabled people access. In such cases, the tenant is responsible for the cost of the accommodation – think wheelchair ramp or other physical structure – and for returning the dwelling to its original state if and when they vacate the dwelling.

The bottom line is a landlord can’t just refuse to allow a reasonable accommodation.

Same thing with a service animal, Williams said. A person who uses a service animal would be responsible for any damage by an animal, but he or she can’t be required to pay an upfront pet fee.

Call the Fair Housing Project’s direct line at N.C. Legal Aid at 855.797.FAIR.

Visit www.fairhousingnc.org to learn more.



Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Invasive Plants

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Study: McGregor Hall Huge Boost For City’s Economic Health

As McGregor Hall gears up for another jam-packed season of concerts, plays and more, its Executive Director Mark Hopper knows that a well-attended event at the downtown venue creates a big ripple effect felt throughout the city.

And Hopper has a study to back him up.

Well, it’s in draft form, but the board got the initial results at the meeting earlier this week.

“The numbers that we see, so far, are very exciting,” Hopper said during Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny.”

A previous economic impact study looked at a 12-month period during 2018-2019, and results indicated that McGregor Hall contributed just shy of $3 million to the city’s economy.

The most recent study looks at the 4-year period between 2019 and 2022 and it states that McGregor Hall contributed about $15.6 million during that time. And, Hopper reminded, two of those years the venue was shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When folks come to a competition, show or concert in downtown Henderson, there’s a good chance that they’re going to find a restaurant or lodging, too, Hopper said.

Those meals and overnight stays add up over time and put more money in local businesses and tax revenues as well.

One revision Hopper and the board would like to see is a year-by-year breakdown so they can have a better idea of impact per year.

The study is looking only at McGregor Hall’s impact within the city limits, but Hopper said the county surely benefits as well and folks in the tourism department are always happy to talk up events at McGregor Hall.

“Pam (Hester) has been on our team since Day 1,” Hopper said. “She’s been a great advocate for us.”

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Coming up at the end of January, legendary beach music band The Tams will perform, followed by some beach music with a West Coast flavor when Sail On – The Beach Boys Tribute comes to town on Friday, Feb. 9.

McGregor Hall will host Contemporary Christian musician Michael W. Smith on Thursday, Mar. 7 at 7:30 p.m.

“This is a big one for us – we’re on his national tour,” Hopper said.

And comedian Karen Knotts will take the stage on Sunday, Mar. 17 for a matinee performance called “Tied Up In Knotts,” a time to entertain the audience with stories about her dad, Don Knotts.

Visit mcgregorhall.org for a complete schedule of events and to purchase tickets.

Home And Garden Show

Home and Garden Show

first line of body of wordpress is always — On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • What are your garden goals for 2024?
  • Construct frames for new raised beds. Many different options are available. Aim for a rooting depth of 10 inches.
  • When ordering seed check for disease resistant varieties.
  • Prep last year’s containers for spring planting.
  • Try growing a new vegetable that you haven’t grown before ex arugula
  • Invest in lightweight row covers so you’ll have the flexibility to plant early.
  • Check stored fruits and vegetables
  • Get a good quality grow light if you will be trying to start seeds indoors.
  • Check storage areas for mice.

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