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TownTalk: Community Partners of Hope Men’s Shelter 365 Dream Team

Darryl Jones is walking, talking proof about getting – and giving – second chances in life.

And just in case anybody wonders about the good things that go on at the emergency men’s shelter and Hope House here in Henderson, Jones is a living testimony.

He’s been shelter program manager for just over a month now. But a decade ago, he was one of the first two residents of Hope House, transitional housing that helps men get back on their feet and become productive, contributing citizens of their community.

The men’s shelter and the transitional housing program are part of Community Partners of Hope. Jones was a guest on TownTalk Monday to share his story and to encourage the community to continue to support the efforts of CPOH.

“I went through a time in my life when I needed help, and I reached out,” Jones said. There’s an array of services and resources available in the area – from vocational rehabilitation to mental health providers and job training programs – and he wants the clients CPOH serves make use of them.

“If you apply yourself, you’ll be on the right track to getting back your life,” Jones explained. “You have to stay the course – you have to want it.”

Jones himself is a prime example. He was admittedly in a low place in his life back in 2014, but he stuck with it and was selected among the first two residents of Hope House, which opened in 2015. With a job in food service and things beginning to look up, Jones was asked to come to work as shelter manager.

“Of course, I wanted to give back, so I said yes,” he recalled.

Since its inception, the men’s shelter has been housed in the basement of the Presbyterian Church in downtown Henderson. But renovations have been underway at the former City Road Methodist Church to transform the buildings to be the new shelter home, called City Road Center of Hope.

Jones said the plan is to start moving “stuff” next week in advance of the June 15 move date for those who currently spend their nights at the shelter.

But it’s June already – doesn’t the shelter only operate during the cold winter months?

That was then, Jones said, and this is the new reality. The shelter intends to remain open all year long, achieving a long-talked-about goal.

The 365 Dream Team concept is part of what’s been going on behind the scenes to allow the shelter to expand its operations and be available throughout the cold of winter, the heat of summer, and everywhere in between.

The idea is to get 365 people – or groups, or clubs, churches or other organizations – to donate $365 a year toward the overall operations of the shelter.

He’s overwhelmed by the support, including donations of meals to supplies, snacks and water for the clients, as well as the monetary support. Please keep it up, he added.

“Without you all, we wouldn’t be doing this. You are our backbone and we still need your support” to provide mentorships, internships and being volunteers.

For Jones, the staff and volunteers became like family when he most needed support. “They helped me and I wanted it,” he said. “I wanted to succeed and excel.”

“I’ve got a big place in my heart for them – what they did for me – they believed in me.

Visit www.cp-hope.org to learn how you can help. Make a financial donation, sign up to provide a meal, or volunteer.

Send tax-deductible contributions to:

Community Partners of Hope, Inc.

P.O. Box 1791

Henderson, NC 27536

Please note in Memo Line 365-2024-05


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Henderson Rec Players Mark 52nd Year

The 2024 season of Henderson Rec Players is all set, providing a variety of performances that spans pop culture and American classics sure to please all audiences.

First up as part of the 52nd year of HRP is The SpongeBob Musical, directed by Mark Hopper. Those underwater citizens of Bikini Bottom, featuring that iconic Big Yellow Sponge, must come together to save their world. The show features original music by greats Steven Tyler, John Legend, David Bowie and Cyndi Lauper, among others.

There will be five performances over two weekends July 12-14 and July 20-21.

The second production is the culmination of the Children’s theater Camp, which will be held July 22-Aug. 4. Rising 3rd – 11th graders are invited to participate in the camp to create Alice In Wonderland JR. This production is a fast-paced take on the Lewis Carroll classic. You’ll recognize Alice, the White Rabbit, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and more live on stage. Jo Ellen Nowell directs this show.

There will be three performances during Aug. 2-4.

The season finale brings Arthur Miller’s The Crucible to the stage for four performances Aug. 22-25. The playwright wrote the script in 1953 as a response to the wave of McCarthyism sweeping across the country. The story takes place during the time of the Salem With Trials in 1692 and 1693. Dustin Britt is the director of this production.

Tickets for each show are available at the McGregor Hall box office Monday-Friday 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. or you can register and pay online at www.mcgregorhall.org/hrppatrons. Call the box office at 252.598.0662.

There also are opportunities to be a patron of the Henderson Rec Players:

  • Cherubs – $125 – 1 ticket for each of the three shows
  • Angels – $250 – 2 3-show tickets
  • Archangels – $350 – 4 3-show tickets
  • Seraphim $550 – 6 3-show tickets
  • Saints – $750+ – 8+ 3-show tickets

Purchase of patron tickets ensures preferential seating for each show. Make checks payable to:

McGregor Hall PAC. Patrons payments should be received no later than July 1 for patrons’ names to be included in the play programs.

TownTalk: Hawkins Named Vice Dean of UNC School of Social Work

Robert Hawkins graduated high school in 1981 and he’s pretty much stayed in the field of academia since he left Henderson to attend Appalachian State University as a new undergraduate.

His experiences growing up in Vance County, along with his extensive research in the field of social work and especially the effects of living in poverty, have served Dr. Robert Hawkins throughout his career.

Hawkins will become vice dean of the UNC-CH School of Social Work on July 1 and he was a guest on Thursday’s TownTalk to discuss his new role, his research and growing up in the area.

Although his primary role will be administrator – think of it like being a chief operating officer – in dealing with day-to-day activities, he said he’ll use his research into how people deal with poverty, the effect of poverty on individuals and on society, to inform how he functions as an administrator.

“Poverty is so much more than whether or not you have money,” Hawkins explained. He also wants to learn about people’s lived experiences in poverty and the processes that people go through that allow them to survive in poverty.

“My research is central to what I believe social work research should look like,” he said. “We look to move people to a better place” where they can thrive and rise beyond their current situation.

Hawkins said he would definitely use his own life experiences, as well as his experience as a researcher to help drive his decisions and the initiatives he wants to be involved in.

While the School of Social Work doesn’t make policy, it can be a resource to help policymakers in the legislature. The decisions that are made will be the result of a team effort, he said, adding that he views his role as a service position – a support position – rather than a position of power.

“My job will be to make sure the School of Social Work is doing the best it can and being the best it can be,” Hawkins said. “I will be making decisions with a lot of other people.”

Having faculty members with strong policy backgrounds can help evaluate existing policies and those that are being created, not to influence policy-making but help people understand which policies may be most effective and why.

He was attracted to the newly created vice dean position by the spirit of community and the chance to collaborate in making decisions within the realm of social work – and the impacts that can be felt within the state and maybe across the nation.

The idea of being able to “implement a vision that you’ve created together” is most appealing, he added.

The UNC School of Social Work is ranked fourth in the country, on the campus of one of the foremost public universities in the nation. “Who wouldn’t want to be there?” he said.

The idea of social justice is something that trained social workers have done for decades, Hawkins said. “When we talk about social justice, we’re talking about how people equitably exist in society. It’s the shared human worth of all people – it’s not controversial, or at least it shouldn’t be.”

Talking about social justice is just one of the things that Hawkins said he enjoys about his work. “Social work has given me opportunities that I could have never imagined,” he said. A true social worker is a researcher, someone who can resolve conflict, engage in mediation and who can understand everyday human behavior.”

He said he thinks about this a lot and one area he keeps circling back to is education. He remembers one high school English teacher who really helped him and believed in him and his potential. “That person guided me in the right direction,” he said.

Then, teachers were not so over-stretched, he said, and they could pay closer attention to students’ needs, especially their educational needs.

“Do teachers today have the time to pay that kind of attention to their students? I’m sure many do, but it’s something that we should be encouraging and helping teachers accomplish. We’re not seeing that out in the world right now.”

With family still living in Henderson, Hawkins finds himself in Henderson fairly often. He loves to stop in at his favorite barbecue restaurant (he didn’t identify it, but did reveal that he grew up just a ways from Skipper’s Forsyth’s).

He recalled his childhood, growing up in a house near Satterwhite Point without running water and working in tobacco fields.

In 1980, he said the family was able to move from that house to a mobile home. “This was a big deal,” he said. That move marked a significant economic change for his family. “For me, it wasn’t a step down – it was a step up.”


Calculating Your Property Tax Bill

Whether you reach for a sharpened No. 2 pencil and a piece of paper or choose to tap numbers into your phone’s calculator, it’s time to do a little math to at least have an idea of what your tax bill may look like.

Although neither the city nor the county has adopted the new budgets, the recommended budgets have been received. The City Council got a 158-page budget document earlier this month and the Vance County Board of Commissioners got a 138-page budget document on Monday, May 28.

Now comes the time when each body of elected officials has budget work sessions and holds public hearings to hear citizens’ comments about the budget particulars; budgets must be approved before July 1.

The city’s budget includes a property tax rate of 55 cents per $100 valuation; the county’s budget includes a property tax rate of 61.3 cents per $100 valuation.

As both the city council and county commissioners review the budget, it’s possible that some changes will be made before the final budget is adopted.

However, if you’re itching to see what your tax bill could be, you can play around with the current tax rates that are contained in the proposed budgets.

Now here’s where some basic math comes in to play. Consider this scenario:

Let’s say your property is valued at $100,000.

  • If your property is in the county, you will need to use the 61.3 cents per $100 valuation PLUS the fire tax rate, which is 5.9 cents per $100 valuation to get a total of 67.2 cents per $100.
  • If your property is located within the city of Henderson, guess what – you will add the city’s rate of 55 cents per $100 PLUS the county’s rate of 61.3 cents for a total of 1.163 per $100.

But there’s one more important step: You must divide your property value ($100,000 in this example) by 100 because the tax rate is per $100.

$100,000 divided by 100 = $1,000

Using this scenario, county residents would multiply $1,000 by .672 to get $672; city residents would multiply $1,000 by 1.163 to get $1,163.



Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover Bedtime Problems, Pt. 1

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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TownTalk: Proposed County and City Tax Rates

Now that city and county elected officials have gotten recommended budgets from the city and county managers, it’s time for budget work sessions and public hearings to hear citizens’ comments before the final budgets are adopted.

State law requires that local governments must adopt their budgets before July 1, when the new fiscal year begins. June 1 is Saturday and July 1 is on a Sunday, giving leaders 20 business days to complete the difficult work of making any adjustments to the budget documents before the budgets are adopted.

The Vance County Board of Commissioners officially received the $57 million-plus budget just Monday from Manager C. Renee Perry.

This is Perry’s first budget presentation to this board of commissioners, and she told WIZS News said it was her decision to go with a revenue-neutral budget. The proposed property tax valuation is 61.3 cents per $100 valuation. The current valuation is 89 cents per $100, but the most recent reappraisal process has boosted the total property value by $2 Billion – to $4.9 billion from $2.9 billion.

The Henderson City Council received a $45 million budget from City Manager Terrell Blackmon earlier this month. The budget includes a 55-cent per $100 valuation – 10 cents higher than the revenue-neutral rate of 45 cents per $100 valuation.

The recommended city budget does not include any funding for McGregor Hall, which had requested $75,000. At Monday’s public hearing, there was a suggestion that was floated to give McGregor Hall a one-time $75,000 grant, provided other stipulations are in place – including having a current Council member on the voting board of the entertainment venue.

Numerous McGregor Hall proponents spoke at the Monday public hearing to voice their support of providing funds to the performing arts venue.

Like the city budget, Perry’s budget to county commissioners does not include any funding for McGregor Hall. It also doesn’t include funding for capital projects like jail renovations or a new EMS station.

“I’m not sure if they will change it, but I don’t plan on recommending an increase … I will be clear about items that can’t be funded without a tax increase,” Perry said to WIZS.

The 2024-25 county budget is less than 1 percent higher than last year’s budget – it’s larger by about $347,000. In her presentation, Perry stated that the budget was a conservative one.

The county will hold a public hearing as part of its Monday, June 3 meeting and budget work sessions on Monday, June 10 and Thursday, June 13 – all beginning at 6 p.m.

The city’s next budget work session, previously scheduled for Thursday, May 30, has been cancelled.

The next city meeting is set for Monday, June 3.

The 158-page recommended city budget document can be found at https://henderson.nc.gov/. Under the Departments heading, click on Finance to go directly to the dropdown box where the document is located.

The 138-page recommended county budget can be found at https://www.vancecounty.org/. Under the Departments heading, click on Board of Commissioners and locate the file in the dropdown box on the right side of the page.

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