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News 06/08/18

Chick-fil-A Henderson

Chick-fil-A Princess Night to Feature Miss NC & Miss Henderson (TONIGHT)

Miss North Carolina Victoria Huggins and Miss Henderson Shanice Street will be the guests of honor at Chick-fil-A of Henderson’s Princess Night being held Thursday, June 7 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Guests are encouraged to dress up like their favorite princess and enjoy princess-themed items and activities. Huggins and Street will be on-hand to talk to guests and sign autographs.

To add to the feeling of royalty, John Faucette of Carolina Carpet & Flooring has donated a red carpet for the occasion.

Both Huggins and Street were recently on WIZ’s Town Talk program to discuss their participation in Princess Night and their experiences as Miss NC and Miss Henderson, respectively.

Huggins, who was crowned in June 2017 and whose year as the reigning Miss NC will soon be over, had this to say about her experience, “For two more weeks, I’m the 80th Queen of the Tarheel State. I love my job as Miss North Carolina. I’ve literally traveled from Murphy to Manteo, over 36,000 miles in my Ford and now with 301 appearances under my belt.”

While Huggins has enjoyed her experience, she said she is looking forward to a break and some downtime. “Winning the crown means 365 days of full-time service to NC, said Huggins. “You have to stop your job and your education for that year. You have to dedicate your life to the citizens of NC. It has been my greatest honor.”

Along with the responsibility of traveling and making hundreds of appearances, Huggins said winning Miss NC also meant “a $20,000 scholarship, an apartment in Raleigh, use of a car for a year and free Chick-fil-A meals for a year.”

Huggins explained that her main motivation for entering the pageant was for the scholarship opportunities so that she could graduate college debt free. “I have now earned over $30,000 in scholarships which has allowed me to graduate from UNC Pembroke debt-free and will allow me to complete my master’s degree from John Hopkins University online debt-free as well.”

According to Huggins, the Miss America organization is the leading scholarship provider for young women in the world.

“My goal of completing school debt-free was all possible because of what some people see as just a crown and a sash. It is so much more – it has made me an empowered, confident and educated young woman.

Shanice Street, the reigning Miss Henderson, hopes to be crowned Huggins’ successor as Miss North Carolina. The Miss North Carolina 2018 Finals will be televised live on ABC11 and ABC11.com on Saturday, June 23 at 8 p.m.

Street, who was crowned Miss Kerr Lake in September 2017 and Miss Henderson in February 2018, is currently busy “practicing my dance routine, figuring out wardrobe, exercising and reading current events to prepare for the interview portion of the competition.”

While attending classes and cheerleading for Wake Forest University, Street also finds the time for a job which enables her to pay for all of her own competition expenses.

“Sometimes I do struggle,” said Street. “I’m human and I get tired. The most important thing I’ve learned is to persevere and continue on despite obstacles. Everything isn’t going to come to me easily but working for it makes it so worth it.”

Street’s motivation is serving as a role model for others. “As a little girl, you always look up to these women as role models,” Street said. “It really is an honor for me to have the opportunity to hopefully be that to someone else.”

Perry Memorial Library Announces Summer Reading Programs for Youth

-Information courtesy the H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library and www.perrylibrary.org

Join the H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library for Summer Reading 2018!

June 16 – August 3

Fun weekly prizes, exciting entertainment, storytimes, reading incentives and grand prizes!

Sponsored by the Friends of the Library

Summer Reading Kick-Off Celebration to be held Saturday, June 16 at noon, featuring music by Big Bang Boom!

Summer Youth Programs –  June & July 2018

Totally Tweens – Ages 8 – 12 – Mondays at 5 p.m.

Story Explorers – Ages 5 – 11 – Tuesdays at 5 p.m.

Books & Babies – Ages Birth – 2 – Thursdays at 10:45 a.m.

Mother Goose Storytime – Ages 2 – 5 – Thursdays at 11 a.m.

LEGO Fun Club – Ages 5 – 13 – Thursdays at 4 p.m.

*Additional special performers will be appearing throughout the summer!

The Perry Memorial Library is located at 205 Breckenridge Street in Henderson. Visit their website at www.perrylibrary.org for additional summer reading information.

Cokesbury Methodist Men to Hold 220 Seafood Fundraiser

-Information courtesy James Edwards, Cokesbury Methodist Church

The Men’s Sunday School Class of the Cokesbury Methodist Church is holding a fundraiser at 220 Seafood Restaurant on Monday, June 18, from 4 to 7 p.m.

$7.00 per plate. Eat in or take out.

Dinner includes Fried Trout, French Fries, Cole Slaw and Hushpuppies. Drink included for eat-in only. Glad to serve walk-ins.

Advance tickets are available by calling 252-492-2719 or can be purchased at the door.

Proceeds to benefit the Men’s Sunday School Class of Cokesbury Methodist Church.

News 06/07/18

Kerr Lake Park Watch Asks ‘Are the Days of the Park Ranger Numbered?’

Frank Timberlake, lead of public affairs for the Kerr Lake Park Watch (KLPW), was recently on Town Talk to discuss what is, in his and other Park Watch members’ opinion, the troubling trend of the dwindling role of the park ranger position at Kerr Lake.

Timberlake has been with the KLPW for eight years and has seen its ranks grow from six to almost 600 concerned citizens. He said the group’s mission is “to promote, to protect and improve all of the public facilities around Kerr Lake.”

Timberlake believes today’s park rangers are expected to act predominantly as law enforcement officers while ignoring traditional ranger duties such as protecting the environment and educating the public, specifically youth, on preservation efforts.

In documentation provided to WIZS, Timberlake states:

At Kerr Lake, the park rangers for the US Army Corps of Engineers parks still adhere closely to [a] broad range of duties, with only a few designated as full law enforcement officers. The rangers, including the Chief Ranger, wear Federal badges and can issue citations. That may sound mild but be assured those citations land accused violators in Federal court because those parks are on Federal land. Those arrested on the say-so of Corps rangers are hauled before a magistrate or to jail.

 In Virginia, the two parks on Kerr Lake have law enforcement officers. There is no “split” in Virginia having parks versus recreation areas; they are all parks. Some current and former Virginia State Parks employees believe that the tilt of the park ranger job is going too far towards law enforcement and leaving behind the resource, the park’s other employees and the visiting public.

 The KLPW recently conducted their own 30-day investigation into the role of park ranger and the visiting public’s opinion of ranger responsibilities. The results of this investigation were documented in a five-page report that was sent to the NC Division of State Parks and Recreation in Raleigh.

“One reason we’ve taken it public is that we don’t want to bring this issue out, bring it to the forefront, and then it be swept to the back when something else comes along,” Timberlake said.

Among the findings, the KLPW cites a lack of understanding of ranger roles other than as a law enforcement entity, the public’s unawareness of who the rangers are, a high turnover of rangers at Kerr Lake leading to inconsistency in leadership, the lack of an official park manager role to keep parks organized and a prevailing “that’s not my job” attitude among park officials.

“Part of the problem is that there is nobody assigned to the duty of being a park manager, so to speak,” said Timberlake. “There is nobody to fill in on those interpretive services that were done previously. The park rangers use to take pride in their part. What’s been mutilated in all seven parks is the team spirit.”

Timberlake said part of the KLPW’s proposal to NC State Parks and Recreation included a recommendation that entry stations built at each park in recent years be made the rangers’ offices. “The State of NC spent $250,000 on entry stations that are unmanned most of the time,” Timberlake said. “There is a missed $6 entry fee for every person who drives through. Why not make those booths the park ranger’s office?”

In the report, the KLPW invite the administration to “leave Raleigh and get out to talk with the park – public and employees.”

Timberlake said he was recently told by some of the leadership of NC State Parks and Recreation that the department is taking into consideration several points mentioned in KLPW’s report and that meetings have previously been held to discuss issues related to organizational structure.

While the KLPW finds this encouraging, Timberlake warns that “the wheels of government grind slowly.”

*For more information on the Kerr Lake Park Watch Association, including a more detailed summary of their report on Kerr Lake’s park ranger role, please visit their website at https://kerrlakeparkwatch.org/.

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market Now Open on Wednesdays!

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is now open on Wednesdays!

You now have two days to shop at the Market – Wednesday & Saturday – 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

On Wednesdays, there will be produce vendors, craft vendors and a food truck serving breakfast.


Vance County Regional Farmers Market, 210 Southpark Drive, Henderson.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Upcoming Vance Co. Relay for Life Fundraising Events

-Information courtesy Cindy Robinson and Sandra Parham

Upcoming weekend fundraisers for the 2018 Vance County Relay for Life

Friday, June 8 – Plant Sale at Tractor Supply, 1733 Dabney Drive, Henderson, from 9 a.m. – until

Saturday, June 9 – Spaghetti Supper and Quarter Auction at the Church of the Holy Innocents, 210 S. Chestnut St., Henderson. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. – meal at 6 p.m. – auction at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10.

Sunday, June 10 – Big Ruin Creek Baptist Church is presenting a gospel music program at 4 p.m. The “Big Ruin Creek Strivers” will also hold a “Shoe Size Rally,” meaning you donate based on your shoe size. For example, if you wear a size 10 shoe, you give $20. Big Ruin Creek Baptist Church is located at the intersection of Ruin Creek Road and US 158 Business in Henderson.

Henderson Lions Club to Meet Thurs., June 14

-Information courtesy Randy Oxendine, President, Henderson Lions Club

The Henderson Lions Club will meet Thursday, June 14, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. at the Henderson Country Club. The Club will install their new officers for the 2018/2019 year.

To learn more or join the Lions and be a part of an active community service organization, contact any Lions Club member or President Randy Oxendine at 252-438-8034.

Spring Street Missionary Baptist Seniors Ready to Cruise

-Information courtesy Spring Street Missionary Baptist Church

The seasoned seniors of Spring Street Missionary Baptist Church in Henderson will host a trip to the Spirit of Norfolk in Norfolk, VA, on Tuesday, August 21, 2018. A limited number of seats are available on a first come, first served basis.

The total cost of the trip, which includes the cruise, an all-you-can-eat luncheon and transportation is $75.

A deposit of at least 50% of the total cost is due no later than Sunday, June 17, 2018. Final payment is due by Friday, July 20, 2018. To guarantee your seat, you must make deposits on time.

For an itinerary and additional information, please call Adrian Davis at (252) 767-1686.