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Commissioners to Discuss Relocation of Vance County Dept. of Social Services

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to the Board, Vance County

The Vance County Commissioners’ Properties Committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder) is scheduled to meet Monday, July 30, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

Topics to be discussed include an offer on a foreclosed property and relocation of the Department of Social Services.

All commissioners are invited to attend.

News 07/19/18

City of Henderson Logo

Food Trucks in Downtown Henderson Still a Possibility

On Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program, Downtown Development Director Kaine Riggan addressed the recent discussion on allowing food trucks to park and operate in the downtown Henderson area.

At their July 9 meeting, with a vote of 5-3, the Henderson City Council nixed a proposal to allow food trucks to operate in designated areas downtown.

Gavin Jackson, owner of Gavin’s Grub Hub, proposed parking and serving food from his food truck in the City-owned parking lot at the corner of Garnett and Orange streets, next to Gupton’s Sporting Goods.

Garry Daeke, a member of the Henderson City Council, called in during Town Talk to provide insight into the Council’s initial decision. Referring to the Council, Daeke explained, “I don’t think anybody is afraid of having food trucks downtown. Most of us are fairly progressive and we think it is a good idea.”

According to Daeke, the outcome of the vote was simply a matter of the City Council not having enough information. “It comes down to having the information to make an informed decision,” said Daeke. “At the last meeting, we didn’t have enough information to make a decision.”

Riggan explained that he moved quickly when he learned of Jackson’s interest in bringing his food truck downtown. “I went at the speed of light to the City and said ‘hey, let’s make this happen.’ So that was a five-day process and I think that ended up being what caused us to get slowed down.”

A typical procedure for such a request, according to Daeke, involves a proposal that goes before a committee to review for liability issues, a discussion on fairness to other businesses, a public hearing to allow the community’s opinion to be heard and then a vote from the City Council.

In reference to the disappoint that the community has expressed in the initial vote, Daeke said, “I think if that process had been done, none of this would be going on now. If we had that process, it would have come up at our August meeting and we would have voted for it and moved on.”

Riggan agreed with Daeke’s sentiment and stated, “That was my first presentation for the City Council, so I’m still learning. I walked out of that meeting and got some advice from the Assistant City Manager about some things I could probably have done differently.”

All hope is not lost for downtown food trucks, as Daeke said he felt sure there would be an upcoming public hearing to discuss the matter further. “We’ll get that ordinance, probably at the next [City Council] meeting and it will have details about the responsibilities of both parties, then a public hearing and then a vote.”

Both Riggan and Daeke expressed their appreciation for all of the local talk this issue has generated. “This has created some great discussion and a lot of community input. We just didn’t get it in the format that we could act on,” said Daeke.

VGCC President Dr. Williams Recognized For State Award

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dr. Stelfanie Williams, Vance-Granville Community College’s president, was recognized on July 16 for her honor as the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges President of the Year for 2018.

Jim Rose, vice chair of the State Board, presented Dr. Williams with a plaque at a dinner held in the Civic Center on Main Campus prior to the regular bimonthly meeting of the VGCC Board of Trustees.

“I’m here to celebrate Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of the college here and the President of the Year for all 58 community colleges,” said Rose. “We had a grueling and tough interview process that you go through” to be selected as the President of the Year, he added. “Dr. Williams really took our committee by storm and it was an easy choice for us to make.”

Jim Rose, vice chair of the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges, left, presents the State Board’s President of the Year Award to Dr. Stelfanie Williams, Vance-Granville Community College’s president, at a dinner on July 16 in the Civic Center on the Main Campus. (VGCC Photo)

Appointed by the governor to the State Board, Rose chaired the special committee to select the 2018 award recipients. He is regional president for the Raleigh market at United Community Bank, serving on the finance, legislative and policy committees of the 21-member board.

“I think about Dr. Williams as a lifter of people,” he said. “I believe the administration that she has built here and the culture that she has built here is one of lifting up people.”

He cited several accomplishments of Dr. Williams during her tenure at Vance-Granville, among them unprecedented grant funding, development of career training programs in Advanced Manufacturing, the increase in the use of technology for online instruction, accelerated College Transfer opportunities, and the nationally recognized VanGuarantee need-based scholarship program.

“This is truly an honor, and I thank you, Mr. Rose, and the State Board for selecting me and recognizing the great work taking place at Vance-Granville Community College,” Dr. Williams said. “I know that you all do a lot of work leading and supporting the great 58 community college institutions. We appreciate that. I’m really glad to work at the greatest institution out of the 58.

“As I think about the Trustees (of Vance-Granville) and look around the room and see the wonderful leadership and support you provide, this truly is a great institution, a great place to learn and to work. And I’m grateful to each and every one of you for your support and your guidance over these years as we have led and served together.”

Dr. Williams was joined at the dinner by members of her family, Trustees who are currently serving on the board, former Trustees who served during her tenure, and the spouses of Trustees.

Dr. Williams has announced she is taking the position of Vice President for Durham Affairs at Duke University, effective Aug. 13. “Dr. Williams has laid a great foundation for us to continue to go forward with, and we’ll certainly miss her,” said VGCC Board of Trustees Chair Danny W. Wright, who thanked Rose and others for their attendance.

A Bit of Magic Coming to Perry Memorial Library

-Information courtesy the Perry Memorial Library website

“Professor Obediah’s Magical Emporium” 

Perry Memorial Library – 205 Breckenridge St., Henderson

Tuesday, July 24, 2018, at 3 p.m. in the Farm Bureau Room

Return to the Victorian Era and the world of science fantasy with Professor Obediah. Miracles occur before your very eyes with creativity and imagination beyond belief!

Part of the summer program for kids series.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

News 07/18/18

Planning Board Denies Request to Restrict Downtown Business Hours

In a unanimous decision Monday afternoon, the Henderson Planning Board, a recommendation board to the Henderson City Council, denied a requested amendment to zoning ordinance language that would place restrictions on the operating hours of downtown Henderson businesses.

The Henderson Police Department, in conjunction with Development Services staff, made the request to restrict hours of operation for nightclubs, taverns, lounges and dance halls in the B-1 district to Sunday through Thursday from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 4 a.m. to midnight.

The request also stipulated that restaurants in the B-1 district obtain a special-use permit if offering live music or dancing.

Vance Johnson, Henderson’s assistant chief of police, spoke on behalf of the police department and stated that the amendment was requested due to the volume of 911 calls received late at night, specifically as it related to the multiples businesses that have occupied 200 S. Garnett St. since 2012. The building was most recently the location for Flickers Sports Bar.

According to Johnson, police reviewed data from 2012 to 2014 and found that 63 calls were made after 10 p.m. on weekdays and after midnight on weekends at the 200 S. Garnett St. location.

“These were all serious calls,” said Johnson. “During some of those calls, police had to deploy gas to disperse the crowds.”

Johnson said the most serious of these incidents involved a young man being shot in the head after being caught in cross-fire. “Calls were nonstop when this location was open. Every morning after this business would close, we’d walk around the property and find beer and liquor bottles, shell casings and bullets.”

Henderson City Planning Director Corey Williams clarified that although much of the data focused on specific downtown locations in the past, the proposed amendment – if approved – would cover the entire B-1 downtown district.

Once the public hearing portion of the meeting was open for citizen input, attending community members ranging from long-standing downtown business owners to downtown development staff were vocal in their disapproval of the amendment.

The majority of those who spoke emphasized the importance of attracting and retaining downtown businesses, a goal they felt would be hindered by restrictions on operating hours.

Holding individual downtown business owners responsible for security was offered as a counter solution to restricting hours.

“Warrenton’s City Manager shared with me that whether than restricting hours, they wrote an ordinance that required a security plan that was approved by the police department,” said Henderson Downtown Development Director Kaine Riggan. “I think there is a better solution here than limiting hours that are going to keep me from being able to market properties downtown.”

After closing public commenting, the Planning Board voted to deny the requested amendment. Restricting hours on downtown businesses will not move forward to the City Council for review at this time.

VGCC Trustee L. Opie Frazier Jr. Awarded Order of the Long Leaf Pine

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Retiring Vance-Granville Community College Trustee L. Opie Frazier, Jr., of Henderson, the longest-serving Trustee in the history of the college, was awarded the Order of the Long Leaf Pine at the July 16 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Members of his family gathered with Trustees in the Board Room on the Main Campus at the start of the meeting for a surprise presentation honoring Frazier’s 41 years of service.

“There is only one L. Opie Frazier, Jr. … During his tenures, Mr. Frazier could be counted on for strong leadership and support of the college,” said Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the college president, who presented the award on behalf of North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper.

Appointed by then Gov. Bob Scott in 1971, Frazier began service while the college was still named Vance County Technical Institute and was occupying the former Maria Parham Hospital building on Chestnut Street in downtown Henderson.

L. Opie Frazier, Jr., center, poses with his Order of the Long Leaf Pine award received from North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper and presented to Frazier on July 16 by Vance-Granville Community College President Dr. Stelfanie Williams. With him are Dr. Williams, left, and VGCC Board of Trustees Chair Danny W. Wright. (VGCC Photo)

“He was here when the college expanded to include Granville County and became Vance-Granville Technical Institute, and he helped lead the college into a four-county service institution, embracing Franklin and Warren counties, with a community college status,” Dr. Williams said.

He served during his first tenure until 1996, leaving the board then while his wife was serving as a nursing instructor at VGCC. He returned in 2002 after being reappointed by the Vance County Board of Education.

“It has been a privilege,” said Frazier, who, visibly moved by the honor, first described himself as speechless but continued, “I have received a whole lot more by serving on this board than I have given. And I think when each of you (fellow Trustees) leave the board you will be able to say the same thing.

“Serving on the board has been one of the joys of my life,” Frazier said. “To be involved in the growth of this institution and to see the benefit that it has paid to our citizens, and when you see people who have jobs here, good jobs, because of having attended this institution, you just can’t be anything but proud of what this institution has been able to provide for our people. Those of you who are still serving, keep it up. Keep it up!”

In her presentation, Dr. Williams noted that Frazier has led several committees of the Board of Trustees and has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the college’s Endowment Fund. “He has provided responsible leadership as Vance-Granville’s Endowment has awarded more than 9,000 scholarships since its inception,” she said.

The family of L. Opie Frazier, Jr., was on hand as the VGCC Trustee was awarded the Order of the Long Leaf Pine certificate from North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. From left are Gary Frazier of Henderson, Frazier’s son; Katherine Frazier, his wife; Randy Thompson, his son-in-law; Frazier; Pamela Frazier Thompson, his daughter; Rebecca Payne, his granddaughter, who is the daughter of the Thompsons; Gregory Scott, his son-in-law; and Gayle Frazier Scott, his daughter. He also has three other grandchildren, Laura Ferrara, Sadie Scott and Peggy Scott, and a great-grandchild. (VGCC Photo)

She added, too, that he has been committed to the local community in other ways as well — a member of the Henderson City Council, a president of the Henderson Kiwanis Club, a church deacon at First Baptist Church of Henderson, a member of the Salvation Army advisory board, and a charter member of the United Way of Vance County’s board of directors.

Frazier is among only a half dozen community college trustees in the state who have served more than 40 years, according to the North Carolina Association of Community College Trustees.

“We’ve been able to count on Mr. Frazier for thoughtful and sound advice,” said Trustee Chair Danny W. Wright, who was among those who nominated Frazier for the Long Leaf Pine honor. “He has brought to our discussions an historical perspective that has helped up make good decisions, and he has demonstrated a desire to see the college take on new projects to meet the changing needs of the four counties of Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren served by the college.”

The Rev. Marion D. Lark, former pastor of First Baptist, also making a nomination to the governor, wrote, “Humility and kindness are significant hallmarks of Opie Frazier. He has many other fine qualities as a family man, a businessman, community leader and churchman, but none surpass humility and kindness, which he exhibits to everyone day in and day out.”

Frazier and his wife, Katherine, have three children, Gary Frazier of Henderson, Pam Thompson of Burlington and Gayle Scott of Burlington. They have four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Frazier’s term expired this year and a new appointment will be made by the Vance County Board of Education.

I Voted Sticker

Voting Informational to be Held at Perry Memorial Library, Sat., July 21

-Information courtesy Tiarra Mosley, Campaign Manager, Committee for Allen Simmons for Vance County Sheriff 

Voting Informational
Saturday, July 21, 2018
12 – 2 p.m.
To be held in the boardroom of the H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library, 205 Breckenridge St., Henderson
Free and open to the public

The voting informational will inform citizens about the new voting requirements and will encourage attendees to register to vote.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

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Lunch Break to Educate: Canva for Your Small Business

-Information courtesy Sandra Wilkerson, Director of Admin and Events, Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

Lunch Break to Educate

Introduction to Canva for Your Small Business

Learn how to create flyers, business cards, web postings and more. This is a hands-on session.

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Register online at www.vgcc.edu/schedules/small-business-center