Tag Archive for: #hendersonnews

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

More Food Trucks on the Way for Farmers Market

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market will be opening on Saturday, April 27 for the season, according to market manager Tracy Madigan.

Following a decision made by the Vance County Board of Commissioners at their Monday night meeting, there will be a greater presence of food trucks at the market this year.

Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen told WIZS News, “The popularity of food trucks is undeniable. They are beginning to gain notoriety in this area as they’ve already done in the triangle, and ultimately they can serve as a good way of drawing people to the market who may have never visited.”

“Specifically, at the farmers market, they have experimented with a food truck already and it has added an exciting and different dimension to the market. As individuals become familiar with the local food trucks this should improve the overall attendance at the market and introduce new patrons to the market. We see food trucks as a compliment to the market and believe it may also open up opportunities to push products from the farm to the table, complimenting the existing vendors as well.”

Food trucks, in general, have been in the news in our area in recent months, specifically when Gavin’s Grub Hub, owned and operated by Gavin Jackson, was looking for a semi-permanent location and wound up receiving a six-month approval from the City of Henderson to operate. We’ve also seen Backyard BBQ, which typically locates in the old Armory parking lot on Dabney Drive.

These additional approvals may indicate that our local leaders are getting more comfortable with food trucks and keeping in tune with what consumers have been enjoying for at least a decade or more in other larger urban areas.

Vance County NC

City Seeking Grant for Park at Corner of Williams/Montgomery St.

At the corner of Williams and Montgomery Streets in Henderson, NC used to stand the Vance Hotel. The big beauty burned to the ground in the early 1980s. Now the City of Henderson plans to revitalize the area with a park.

When asked if the City was moving forward with the item that appeared on the agenda of Monday night’s Henderson City Council meeting, City Manager Frank Frazier told WIZS News, ”Yes – seeking a grant to help pay for this, so the project would be contingent on receiving it. This is the old Vance Hotel site. City originally bought this for the police station.”

If received, the grant could total some $500k for the project.

If you’d like to see a picture of the old hotel, which most people younger than 40 never saw while it was still standing, check it out at facebook.com/wizsradio.

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Properties Committee to Discuss Architect for DSS Relocation

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Executive Assistant/Clerk to Board, Vance County Board of Commissioners

The following committee meeting will be held in the Administrative Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC:

Properties Committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder)

Thursday, March 28, 2019, at 2:30 p.m.

– Architect for DSS Relocation

News 03/13/19

Walt Bowen Talks Fishing on Kerr Lake

Walt Bowen, a name often associated with Kerr Lake fishing, was on Tuesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the lake’s vast potential and to provide a fishing “tall tale” or two.

Bowen, a Henderson native and retired IT executive for Sara Lee and Hanes, said he and his son started fishing on Kerr Lake approximately 25 years ago and have been hooked ever since. “It’s a competition that’s almost like an addiction,” said Bowen.

Participating in numerous fishing and angling tournaments over the years, Bowen almost reached the professional level in 2018. “I’m not quite at the professional level yet, but I’ve gotten very close,” Bowen said.

When not on the lake fishing, Bowen enjoys writing about fishing. As the author of “On the Water,” a weekly fishing column that runs in the Sports section of The Daily Dispatch on Sundays, Bowen is able to share his experiences and suggestions.

“I’ve been writing that column for 13 years now and I’ve really enjoyed it,” Bowen said. “I was reading the paper one day and I thought ‘they don’t have a fishing report.’ I contacted the sports editor about starting a fishing column, and that’s how it got started. That column has helped me develop many new relationships.”

Bowen has also written several magazine articles for the North Carolina Sportsman.

In addition to the enjoyment of fishing on Kerr Lake, Bowen said he sees the financial potential of the area. “Angling and tournament fishing are financial generators. A lake like Kerr Lake that has nice, open and plentiful parking and boat ramps like you find at Nutbush should attract people.”

Bowen said the return of bigger fishing tournaments like the ones held in the 1970s would be a huge boost to the local economy. This sentiment was shared in WIZS’ recent interview with the Vance County Tourism Development Authority who stated attracting larger tournaments was a high priority.

“We need to get the word out that this is a world-class fishery, which it is, so we can draw folks here. The recent Fishing University show helped to get the word out, but we need to continue to spread that message,” said Bowen.

As far as good fishing stories, Bowen chuckled and said he has plenty of those. One of the best ones he has heard about Kerr Lake involves a high school teacher and football coach catching a “world-record 143-lb. blue catfish” in the lake in 2011.

“You always hear the stories of catfish as big as men; turns out they’re true,” laughed Bowen.

To hear the Town Talk interview with Walt Bowen in its entirety, click here.

Faith Dove

Grace Ministries to Offer FREE Soup, Sandwich & Prayer Event

Grace Ministries is offering FREE soup, sandwich and a prayer on Saturday, March 16, 2019, from 11 a.m. until the food is gone.

The giveaway will be held at the old Century Link building at 855 Burr Street in Henderson, NC (enter from Crozier Street).

For more information, call Bobby at (252) 432-7124.

Gillburg UMC to Hold Community-Wide Turkey Dinner Fundraiser

-Information courtesy Jennifer Sawyer, Pastor, Gillburg UMC

Gillburg United Methodist Church will hold a community-wide Turkey Dinner fundraiser on Friday, March 15, 2019, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The church is located at 4813 NC 39 in Henderson, NC.

Dinner includes turkey with all the trimmings for $7 per plate! Dine in or take out.

Proceeds to go towards the purchase of a new church sign.

Davis Chapel Missionary Baptist to Present ‘Heavenly Choir’ Play

-Information and flyer courtesy Davis Chapel MBC

Davis Chapel Missionary Baptist Church will present the play “Heavenly Choir” on Saturday, April 6, 2019, at 5 p.m. The church is located at 742 North Chestnut St. in Henderson, NC.

The church is expecting a full house. Seating will be on a first come, first seated until capacity basis. Doors will open at 4 p.m. the day of the play.

For more information, please call (252) 438-0940.

News 03/12/19

Animal Shelter to Hold Dog Walk for Veterans & First Responders

Mark Ferri, veteran and Vance County Animal Shelter volunteer, was on Monday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the shelter’s upcoming Veterans Dog Walk event.

The event – Paws, Tails and Boots – will be held at the shelter, located at 1243 Brodie Rd. in Henderson, on Saturday, April 13, 2019, from 9:15 to 11:30 a.m.

The public is welcome, with veterans, first responders and their families strongly encouraged to attend.

Selected dogs will have leashes and collars and can be walked in two of the pastures surrounding the animal shelter. “A lot of times people will come in groups and there may be 3-4 people walking and interacting with the dog,” said Ferri. “Some like to hold competitions like who can walk the most dogs or who can walk the farthest.”

Founded by Ferri in 2016, the dog walk serves the twofold purpose of matching animals with loving owners and raising awareness of mental health issues.

Serving as a volunteer for three years, Ferri has witnessed just how many of the dogs come to the shelter with traumatic past experiences. “Animals don’t judge, they just offer a never-ending source of love and support for people even though many have been injured or abused,” said Ferri.

Traumatic experiences are something that both the dogs and many veterans and first responders have in common. Ferri, who spoke in the interview of the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), said the interaction between dog and human is a healing experience for both.

“My understanding of PTSD is that being exposed to traumatic events can change you emotionally and can also alter your brain’s chemistry,” said Ferri. “Mental illness is a sickness, much like the flu, and should be treated as such.”

If left untreated, largely due to the stigma still surrounding the disorder, PTSD can lead to suicide. “Veterans commit suicide at a rate of 22 per day, and one first responder commits suicide every three days,” reported Ferri. “We’ve actually lost more service members to suicide than we have to casualties in Afghanistan.”

While the prescribed course of treatment for PTSD typically includes medication and cognitive therapy, Ferri said he has seen just how much caring for an animal helps with the disorder. Dogs and other pets provide companionship, acceptance and comfort, according to Ferri.

During the event, Ferri and other shelter volunteers and staff will be on-hand to answer questions and encourage participants who are eligible to commit to adopting an animal. “One of the purposes of this event is to allow the veterans and first responders to interact with the dogs to see what kind they want. They may also be better suited for a cat, and those will be available for adoption as well.”

To hear the Town Talk interview with Mark Ferri in its entirety, please click here