WIZS Radio Henderson Local News 10-07-24 Noon
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WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F
WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM
Rep. Frank Sossamon is hosting forums to underscore the need for gun safety, especially as it pertains to children.
The evening forums are designed to share information about gun safety with families. Representatives from the N.C. Dept. of Public Safety and the Center for Safer Schools, along with others, will be on hand during the events, according to information from Sossamon’s office.
The Granville County forum will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 8 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Northern Granville Middle School, 3144 Webb School Rd, Oxford.
Then, on Thursday, Oct. 10, the Vance County forum will be held at E.M. Rollins Elementary School, 1600 S. Garnett St., Henderson. That forum also runs from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The forums are free and open to the public.
Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.
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Back in February, Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry was just a few months into her new job. On top of gearing up to prepare the county’s annual budget and getting up to speed on some of the unique challenges and opportunities across the county she was now responsible for, Perry also faced having to fill a good handful of county positions, including five directors of departments.
Perry turned a negative into a positive at the time, and said back in February that she chose to see the vacancies as a chance for her to build her own leadership team.
When Vance County announced Tuesday that it had selected a new Social Services Director, that “team” is officially complete.
Sandy Weaver began her new role as DSS director effective Oct. 1, as did Jeremy T. Jones as assistanc county manager.
And Perry won’t celebrate her first anniversary as county manager until Nov. 1.
One by one, the vacancies have been filled:
· Budget and Finance director – Stephanie Williams;
· Animal Services manager – William Coker;
· Planning director – Sherry Moss;
· Elections director- Haley Rawles;
· Economic Development director – Ferdinand A. Rouse;
· DSS director – Sandy Weaver
· Chief Code Enforcement Officer – Bob Rosch
The code enforcement office is located in the same office as planning, but it will function as a separate department with Rosch as the department head, county staff noted.
Click Play to Listen. On Air at 8am, 12pm, 5pm M-F
WIZS Radio ~ 100.1FM/1450AM
Cooperative Extension
Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.
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WIZS Your Community Voice — 100.1 FM / 1450 AM
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On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Extension:
The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr., Henderson, NC 27536.
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Ask Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters what her favorite time of year is, and you’ll get an energetic, enthusiastic “Fall!” every time.
Peters is pulling out all the stops for events and programs for October, from tried-and-true favorites to new activities designed for on-the-go families.
This Friday, the library will begin its “First Fridays STEM Club” geared for preschoolers. The half-hour program runs from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the theme is Sounds. Participants will make egg shakers using rice, and they’ll make a kazoo with cardboard tubes, wax paper and a rubber band.
She’ll do a repeat of that program later in the day for homeschool groups and families to take part in. That session will begin at 1 p.m., she said. Adding a session for homeschool groups is just another way the library is helping to meet the needs of the community, Peters noted.
Now in her third year as Youth Services Librarian, Peters said she often hears that busy families simply can’t make it to daytime programs at the library.
So, she’s planning an evening Pajama Story Time for Tuesday, Oct. 8 to accommodate those folks. The story time, which lasts about 30 minutes, begins at 6:30 p.m.
“It’s been offered in the past, but this is the first time I’ve offered it,” Peters said.
The library will host a fall festival again this year, and Peters said participation has grown over the course of her time with the library. Families are invited to take part in all the carnival-style games – there will be something for everyone, she said. The festival will be on Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
And stick around from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., because they’re planning a Trunk or Treat in the parking lot for kids to experience on their way from the festival back to their cars.
Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ to learn more.
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The fourth annual concert to benefit ACTS will take place Saturday, Oct. 12 at McGregor Hall in Henderson and will feature musical performances by area groups and and churches.
The doors open at 6 p.m. for the “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord” event. The concert begins at 7 p.m. and all proceeds will go to ACTS, Henderson’s food pantry and soup kitchen, said ACTS Board Member Linda Weaver.
A partial list of those performing include God’s Men of Harmony, First Baptist Church of Henderson, Rep. Frank Sossamon, Clearview Worship Team, Evelyn Couch and Tracy Dalton, one of three paid ACTS staff members, Weaver said.
Tickets are $5 and are available now from board members and at the ACTS facility, located at 201 S. William St.
Tickets also will be available at the door; children 12 years and younger get in free. Weaver said empty pots and pans will be circulated through the audience during the concert for a love offering. Pots and pans because, well, ACTS is a soup kitchen and food pantry!
In 2023, Weaver said the soup kitchen served up 46,257 plates at lunchtime from 11 a.m. and 12 noon. The pantry also prepared an additional 552 boxes of food that to help provide food to 1,442 individuals, which represents about 30,000 pounds – 15 tons – of food distributed to people in need.
An additional 11,000 plates of food was delivered to seniors/disabled in the community through their Mobile Meals program. And 25 backpacks were delivered each week to L.B. Yancey Elementary as part of the Backpack Buddies program.
It’s a huge volunteer effort and Weaver said she’s usually there every day during the week, but there’s always a need for more volunteers.
“I try to be there most days,” she said. “We have a lot of good people who come to volunteer – we couldn’t do this without the volunteers.”
In addition to cooking meals and boxing food items for distribution, volunteers also pick up food from all county Food Lions, as well the local Chick fil a and Starbucks and Strong Arm Baking Co. in Oxford.
Thankfully, they don’t have to purchase much food, Weaver said, adding that they do buy ingredients if the kitchen needs them for meal preparation.
What they do need is donations of canned beans like black beans, black eyed peas and pinto beans, and any canned vegetables EXCEPT corn and green beans, which they have in plentiful supply.
Canned meats like chicken and tuna also are needed.
Non-food items like bleach and that Dollar Tree staple Awesome! also are on the wish list.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/ACTSofHenderson/ to learn how you can help, from dropping off donations to becoming a volunteer. Or call 252.492.8231.