Tag Archive for: #hendersoncivitanstewsale

Henderson Civitan Stew Sale

The Henderson Civitan Club spring stew sale will be Saturday, February 27th. Stew will be available for sale at Henderson Wellness Center on Dabney Drive from 10 A.M. until 1 P.M. for $8.00 per quart. You can reserve stew now by contacting a Henderson Civitan Club member or by calling 432-0774. You may also go to Facebook.com/civitanofhendersonnc and message us your name and the number of quarts you would like.

Any area civic club can have a PSA on WIZS 1450AM by emailing johncharles@wizs.com or by going to WIZS.com/PSAs and filling out the electronic form.

(John C. Rose of WIZS is a member of the Henderson Civitan Club.)