Tag Archive for: #hendersoncitycouncil

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Henderson City Council to Hold Annual Strategic Planning Retreat

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will meet for its annual Strategic Planning Retreat on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, at the Satterwhite Point Community House from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A quorum is expected; however, no action will be taken.

The public is welcome to observe.

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Henderson City Council to Meet Mon., Feb. 10

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold their regular meeting on Monday, February 10, 2020, beginning at 6 p.m. in the R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson, NC.

Agenda items include:


a) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-05, Amending the Zoning Map to Rezone 730 and 732 East Avenue, Vance County Tax Parcels 0081 02017 and 0081 02038 from R-6 (High-Density Residential District) to B-4 (Neighborhood Commercial District).

b) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-06, Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Allow Short Term Sleeping Quarters in an Industrial/Manufacturing Use Zoning District.



a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-16, Awarding a Contract to Corbett Clearing and Demolition, LLC for the HWRF Obsolete Treatment Structures Demolition Project.

b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-13, Providing for the Disposition of a Jointly Owned Property by the City and County Identified as 318 Rowland Street, Recorded in Vance County Tax Deed Book 1303, Page 0962, Further Identified as PIN #0073 04002.

c) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-07, FY 20 BA #15, Transferring Funds to the CIP Regional Water Stantec Project for Regional Partner Meeting Expenses.

d) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-09, Ratifying the Submission of an Application to the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program for Grant Funding for the Henderson Police Department Speed and Alcohol Field Enforcement (SAFE) Unit.


a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-11, Ratifying the Acceptance of $45,507 Bureau of Justice U.S. Attorney’s Office Eastern District of North Carolina Project Safe Neighborhoods 2018 Grant.

b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-15, Ratifying the Submission of an Application to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Governor’s Crime Commission for Grant Funding for the Henderson Police Department’s Portable Camera Tower.

c) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-10, Establishing Council Committee Appointments.

d) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-08, Extending Moratorium on Approval of Establishment or Operation of New Electronic Gaming Operations.

e) Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of December 2020.



Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

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Land Planning Committee, Planning Board to Meet on Gaming Operations

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee will meet jointly with the Henderson Planning Board on Monday, February 3, 2020. This meeting will take place at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the establishment or operation of new electronic gaming operations.

The public is welcome to observe.

City of Henderson Logo

Land Planning Committee to Discuss Possible City Ordinance Changes

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a possible ordinance change for group homes, electronic gaming and possible recombination and selling of several city-owned properties.

This meeting will take place at 1 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson.

The public is welcome to observe.

City of Henderson Logo

Blackmon, New City Manager, to be Sworn In at Henderson Council Meeting

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold a regular meeting on Monday, January 13, 2020, beginning at 6 p.m. in the R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson, NC.

Agenda items include:

Public Comment Period On Agenda Items

Old Business

a) Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 20-01, Accepting the Building Reuse Grant Award (2020-040-3201-25807) in the Amount of $312,500; 2) Resolution 20-02, Authorizing Technical Services with Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments (COG) for Assistance with the Grant Administration; and 3) Ordinance 20-01, Establishing a Budget for the Administration of the Grant Funds.

b) Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 20-07, Authorizing the City to Enter into an Agreement with the UNC School of Government, Development Finance Initiative Unit, for Technical Services Related to City Redevelopment in the Amount of $127,550; and 2) Ordinance 20-04, FY20 BA #14, Establishing a CIP General Fund Budget for the UNC School of Government Redevelopment Technical Assistance Agreement.


a) Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 20-03, Authorizing a Bid Award to North State Water & Sewer in the Amount of $214,451 for the Dabney Drive 10 – inch Water Main Replacement Project; and 2) Ordinance 20-03, FY20 BA #12, Establishing a CIP Budget for the Dabney Drive Water Main Replacement.

b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-04, Authorizing an Easement for Public Handicap Access to/from 318 South Garnett Street.

c) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 20-02, FY 20 BA #13, Amending the General Fund to Appropriate Reserve Funds to Compensate Retiring City Manager’s Annual Leave and Other Costs Associated with New City Manager.

d) Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of November 2019.

Public Comment Period On Non-Agenda Items


a) Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem (No Report)

b) City Manager (No Report)

c) City Attorney (No Report)

d) City Clerk

i. Meeting and Events Calendar

ii. E-911 Monthly Report

iii. Fire Department Monthly Report

iv. Public Services Monthly Report

v. Code Enforcement Yearly Report

Closed Session

a) Pursuant to G.S.§143-318.11 (a)(3) regarding an Attorney-Client Matter

b) Pursuant to G.S.§143-318.11 (a)(6) regarding a Personnel Matter

Swearing in of New City Manager

a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-05, Approving an Employment Contract Between the City of Henderson, North Carolina and Edward Terrell Blackmon.

b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 20-06, Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Corporate Resolution for First Citizens Bank Updating Signatory Information.


Click here to view previous and current Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes. 

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Henderson City Council to Review Results of Fire Study Proposal

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council’s Public Safety Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, at 1 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the results of the Fire Study Proposal. The public is welcome to observe.

Town Talk 12/19/19: Daeke Talks City Growth, ‘New Energy’ of Council


Garry Daeke, Henderson City Council member and Franklin-Granville-Vance Development Coordinator, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.

Daeke discussed the recent swearing-in of newly elected City Council officials and said he is encouraged by the “slow but steady progress” he has seen with the City, especially over the past year.

Recent collaborations between the City, County, Henderson-Vance Economic Development Commission and Downtown Development Commission have led, in part, to new businesses opening in both the downtown and Dabney Drive areas of Henderson, the approval of construction plans on an outdoor pavilion to be located near McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center and inquiries from outside businesses interested in Henderson, Daeke reported.

“There’s a lot going on with the City; we are going through some exciting times with growth right now,” said Daeke. There’s a new energy and new things happening that I feel really good about.”

To hear the interview in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

George Daye Presented Key to the City; Elected Henderson Officials Sworn In


At Monday’s Henderson City Council meeting, Mayor Eddie Ellington presented outgoing Councilmember George Daye with the key to the city. Daye lost his re-election bid for the 4th Ward seat in October to Jason Spriggs.

A symbolic gesture, the key represents a trust in Daye and an appreciation for his years of service to both the Council and the community.

At the Dec. 9 Henderson City Council meeting, Mayor Eddie Ellington (right) presented outgoing Councilmember George Daye (left) with the key to the city. Daye lost his re-election bid for the 4th Ward seat in October to Jason Spriggs. (Photo courtesy Steve Cordell, Henderson Fire Chief)

“Mr. Daye has certainly brought a lot of wisdom to our Council,” City Manager Frank Frazier said in an interview aired on WIZS’ Town Talk on Tuesday. “Oftentimes, Mr. Daye and I would walk out together [of meetings] and be the last ones to leave. We had several interesting conversations, especially about public safety. He is going to be severely missed.”

Frazier, who was honored with The Order of the Long Leaf Pine during the Council meeting, said he is looking forward to seeing what Spriggs will bring to the City and respects Daye’s positive attitude toward the election results.

“When he [Daye] decided to run this last time, he said ‘If I win, I win. If I don’t, I’m sure it will be in good hands with Jason,’” Frazier stated. “We have talked about George continuing to serve the City on various committees.”

Spriggs, along with Ellington, Marion Brodie Williams, Mike Rainey and Melissa Elliott were sworn in at Monday’s meeting.

Councilmember Sara Coffey was appointed the City’s mayor pro tem, a distinction that permits her to stand in at meetings and other events in the absence of the mayor.

In other agenda items, several citizens spoke during the public hearing portion of the meeting in favor of an ordinance allowing golf carts and other low-speed vehicles (LSVs) on city streets.

The Council voted to move forward on the ordinance allowing the use of LSVs in a “manner that will be safe to both traditional motorists and those operating the golf carts,” Frazier said. “Safety is the prime point of what we are trying to achieve with the ordinance.”

While Frazier said additional tweaks may need to be made, the ordinance as currently written requires the driver of the LSV to be 16 years of age or older and carry liability insurance on the vehicle.

The vehicle will also be required to have proper registration, functioning lights and turn signals, and shall not be operated on or alongside a public road or street with a posted speed limit greater than 35 miles per hour.

LSVs are also not allowed on the following roadways that have been deemed a hazard due to traffic volume, visibility and collision data: NC HWY 158 Bypass; Andrews Avenue (NC 39); Beckford Drive; Dabney Drive; Dabney Drive Extension; Graham Avenue; Garnett Street (North of Andrews Avenue); Oxford Road (158 Business); Raleigh Road (US1 Business); Ruin Creek Road; North Cooper Drive.

To review current and prior Henderson City Council meeting agendas and minutes, please click here.

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Swear In Newly Elected Officials at Mon. Meeting

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold a reorganizational meeting on Monday, December 9, 2019, beginning at 6 p.m. in the R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson, NC.

Agenda items include:

Public Hearing – Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-50, Regulating the Use of Golf Carts and Low-Speed Vehicles on City Streets.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution, 19-53, Receiving the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FY Ending 30 June 2019.

Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-40-B, Authorizing the Sale of a Parcel of City-Owned Land Located at 725 Roberson Street, Recorded in Vance County Tax Deed Book 1164, Page 212, Further Identified as PIN #0068 01014 of the Vance County Registry.

a) Pursuant to G.S.§143-318.11 (a)(3) regarding an Attorney-Client Matter.
b) Pursuant to G.S.§143-318.11 (a)(6) regarding a Personnel Matter.

a) Presentations to and Remarks by Outgoing Council Member George M. Daye.
b) Swearing in of Newly Elected Council Members:
– Marion B. Williams
– D. Mike Rainey
– Melissa Elliott
– Jason Spriggs
– Eddie Ellington

a) Appointment of Mayor Pro Tempore.
b) Appointment of City Manager Frank Frazier, City Attorney D. Rix Edwards and City Clerk Esther J. McCrackin.
c) Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 19-54, Authorizing the Final Adjusting Change Order for the Young Avenue AC Waterline Replacement Project; and 2) Ordinance 19-53, FY 19 BA #10, Amending the Budget for the Young Avenue AC Waterline Replacement Project Final Adjusting Change Order.
d) Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of October 2019.

a) Consideration of Ordinance 19-52, Imposing a 60-Day Moratorium on Approval of the Establishment or Operation of New Electronic Gaming Operations to Allow Review by the City.
b) Consideration of Ordinance 19-49, Amending Zoning Ordinance Section 611B Domiciliary Homes, Family Care Homes, Home for the Aged and Disabled, Group Homes for Developmentally Disabled Adults and Nursing Homes.
c) Consideration of Resolution 19-55, Authorizing the City to Enter into an Agreement with the UNC School of Government, Development Finance Initiative Unit, for Technical Services Related to City Redevelopment in the Amount of $127,550.

City of Henderson Logo

Council to Hold Public Hearing on Low-Speed Vehicle Use on City Streets

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold a public hearing on the use of golf carts and low-speed vehicles on city streets during its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 9, 2019, at 6 p.m. or shortly thereafter.

This hearing will allow for citizen input prior to full consideration by the City Council. The public is encouraged to attend.