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An update on Sign Regulations from the City of Henderson

Bullet Points Relative to Article 400 Sign Regulations

1). What’s the purpose of the sign ordinance?

The purpose of the Sign Regulation of Article 400 is to minimize any detrimental effects of signs on adjacent land uses, and to insure that permitted signs do not become a public nuisance or hazard because of their number, location, size, lighting, structural conditions, or other reasons.


2). What are the different types of signs?

Business Signs: A sign which directs attention to a business, industry, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered on the premises where the sign is located. (401.2)

Identification Signs: A sign which carries no advertising message and is limited to the following information concerning the premises: (401.3)

  1. The name of the building or buildings
  2. The address of the building or buildings
  3. The name of the business firm or firms or institution occupying the premises
  4. The nature of business or activity conducted on the premises
  5. Area or development name signs


Informational Signs: Informational Signs: A sign which carries no commercial message and which intended to informs the public of upcoming community events being sponsored or conducted by governmental, quasi-governmental or non-profit entities within the City. These events may include high school ballgames, charity drives, scout activities. (401.5)

Incidental Signs: A sign carrying no advertising message, but giving information for the convenience and necessity of the public such as “entrance”, “exit”, “no admittance”, “telephone”, “parking”, etc. (401.4)

General Advertising / Billboards: A sign which directs attention to a business, industry, commodity, service, or entertainment not conducted, sold, or offered on the premises where the sign is located. (401.1)

Temporary Signs is a classification listed in section 402.

(See Section 402 for entire list)

Temporary Signs are any portable advertisement displayed for the duration of the event    or sale (not to exceed 30 days) that directs or attracts public attention to a specific event, product sold or service offered by the beneficiary of such display (Informational Signs and Political/Election Campaign Signs are not considered temporary signage). The square footage including all temporary signs shall not exceed 35 square feet per lot. In addition, temporary signs shall not be affixed to pylon signs, light poles (whether public or private), utility poles or fences. (402.15)


3). How much signage can I place on my property / business?

A business, that is not located in a Unified Business Development, is allowed 75 square    feet of total signage area on each lot or parcel. However, if the business abuts a publicly maintained right of way (street) for more than 200 feet then the business is allowed 3 square feet of sign area up to maximum of 250 square feet. (406.2)

For Unified Business Development sign allowance see 406.2, 406.10.1, 406.10.2, 406.10.3,  and 406B


4). How many signs can I place on my property?

In no case shall total number of all the types of signs provided for in Section 404 exceed six (6) per lot (404.4); except, in B1, OI, and I-1 districts shall have no more than three (3) signs. (406.2).


5). Can I place other business signs on my property?

Informational signs (see 401.5 for definition) shall be allowed in any commercial (“B”)    or industrial (“I”) district, without regard to whether the sign is on-premise or off- premise, providing that the signage allowable for business signage on that property   would not be exceeded if the sign had been erected as a business sign and providing that   the sign is under 36 sq. ft. in area, is setback at least 5 feet from the right-of-way, is fully landscaped, and is not higher than 10 feet in height.


6). Can I place business signs at my residents?

Off premise advertisement is not allowed in residential districts except RA with a special use permit. (310A 24.1)


7). What signs are prohibited?

Signs that have, beacons, rotating disks, and other devices which resemble traffic signals, traffic signs, emergency vehicle flashing lights, or which can be misconstrued by the traveling public as being an official governmental sign or emergency warning, or which by their distracting nature create a hazard to motorists. (405.1)

Illuminated signs casting glare into a roadway to an extent that it creates a hazard to motorist are prohibited in all districts. (405.2)

Signs within a street right of way or in a public place or on public property except in compliance with the provisions of the City Code unless a zoning permit is granted for the same. (405.3) for additional information on signs in the right of way see 10-33-3 in the City Code


8). What signs are exempted from sign regulation?

“For Sale or For Rent signs related to real estate not exceeding two (2) square feet (404.2.3)

Church or public bulletin boards not to exceeding twelve (12) square feet (404.2.4)

On premise signs advertising agriculture products not exceeding ten (10) square feet (404.5)

Residential signs identifying name of neighbor / subdivision at the front of the main entrance not exceeding six (6) square feet (404.2.6)

Sign erected by Local, State, or Federal government for traffic control and other governmental purpose (404.2.7)

Wall / window signs not exceeding six (6) square feet in the Central Business District / B1 (407.2)


9). How long can Political sign remain after an election?

Every political sign, poster, bill or placard placed in the city limits (and not located on private property with the permission of the property owner) shall be removed within fifteen (15) days following the final determination of the results of the election to which the same is applicable. Said removal shall be the personal responsibility of the candidate (in whose support the political sign, poster, bill or placard is solicited) if said candidate resides in Vance County, North Carolina; if said candidates does not reside in Vance County, North Carolina, then said responsibility shall be that of the campaign manager in Vance County of said respective candidate. (City Code 10-33.2)


10). What is the process to obtain a sign permit?

Fill out an application from the Development Services Department, attached a site plan    showing location of sign with dimension in relation with property lines. Attached drawing or photo or rendering of proposed sign with dimensions.

11). What is the cost to obtain a sign permit?

SIGN FEES(403.5)

0-50 square feet $25
51-100 square feet $50
101-200 square feet $75
200(+) square feet $100