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Granville County Board of Education Names New Superintendent

The Granville County Board of Education is pleased to announce the selection and appointment of Dr. Alisa McLean as the next superintendent of the Granville County Public Schools (GCPS). Dr. McLean will take office on July 19.

During the search process, the board carefully reviewed applications from a diverse field of 46 excellent candidates. Although many qualified candidates applied, the board felt that Dr. McLean’s leadership, experience, and dedication to students would best serve GCPS students, staff, and the community for years to come. The board is confident that Dr. McLean will lead the school system to even higher achievement. 

Dr. McLean has enjoyed a successful career in public education spanning over 20 years in North Carolina. Since 2016, she has served as the assistant superintendent for teaching, learning, and leadership for the Durham Public Schools. Prior to her current position, Dr. McLean served as an area superintendent for the Durham Public Schools (2014-2016). Dr. McLean also previously served as a school transformation coach with the N.C. Department of Public Instruction (2011-2014) and as an assistant superintendent in the Alamance-Burlington School System (2009-2011). She began her career in public education as an assistant principal and principal in Roxboro and Hillsborough, North Carolina.

Dr. McLean has an impressive academic background as well, including a bachelor’s degree in English education from Elizabeth City State University. She went on to obtain a master’s degree in educational administration and supervision from East Carolina University and a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also participated in and later served as a consultant and assistant director for the Principals’ Executive Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Dr. McLean looks forward to the opportunity to lead the Granville County Public Schools and becoming an active member of the community. Dr. McLean  is the daughter of Dr. & Mrs. AC Robinson, Jr. of Elizabeth City, NC.  She and her husband, Attorney Frankie McLean are the proud parents of their daughter Imari, who is an ACC scholar track and field athlete and rising Senior at NC State University. Dr. McLean has issued the following statement about the position:

“I am both, excited and honored to join the Granville County Public Schools family and community.  Together, I know we will accomplish great things and surpass expectations for all of our students.  I truly believe the best is yet to come!”

Please join the board in welcoming Dr. Alisa McLean as the new superintendent of the Granville County Public Schools.

540 Graduate from Granville County Public Schools earning 9.6 Million in Scholarships

The 2017 graduates of Granville County Public schools participated in the final ceremonies this past Saturday under beautiful blue skies and a warm spring breeze. More than 540 students graduated from our five high schools, with thousands of supportive parents, relatives, friends and community members on hand to help celebrate the special milestone in a young person’s life.

This year’s graduating class was a particularly talented group, as evidenced by both the statistics and individual stories of success. This class of students earned more than $9.6 million dollars worth of scholarships – an all time record since the district has been tracking this information. More than 450, or 85% of the graduates were accepted into and plan to attend a 2 or 4 year college or university or proudly pledged to enroll in the armed services, and 10% had already secured employment. Several students were accepted to prestigious universities, as well as every single UNC institution of higher education.

Many student athletes were awarded substantial scholarships in various sports, including track, volleyball, softball, and even bowling! Other students received large academic scholarships, including ‘full-rides’ to NCSU, UNCG, Wingate, Peace and Winston-Salem. Future plans of the graduates span the entire spectrum, including students entering the fields of engineering, pre-med, Biochemistry, and Business. Others made plans for careers nursing, radiology, veterinary science, and agriculture. Several students will begin pursuing degrees in welding, with job offers already on the table. Other outliers include pilot’s school, cosmetology, and flight attendant’s school.

Regardless of the immediate next steps in these graduates’ plans, it is clear that Granville County Public Schools has helped prepare this talented group of young citizens for whatever lies ahead. Our community should be extremely proud of them, and feel confident that the next generation of citizens and community members will be well represented.

Dr. Stan Winborne
Director of High Schools
Director of Career & Technical Education Program
Public Information Officer
Granville County Schools

GCPS Passes Budget, Includes $2.78 million in Budget Cuts

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

For Immediate Release

On Thursday, April 27, the Granville County Board of Education approved the budget for the 2017-2018 school year.  This year’s budget process was particularly difficult as the Board faced both increased costs and projected decreased revenues, which made necessary substantial cuts in personnel and program expenditures.  As a result, this budget includes more than $2.78 million dollars in total cuts from the previous year’s budget.

Specific areas where these cuts have been made include a reduction of the leadership positions in Central Services, including the elimination of two director positions and that of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Operations, which will be made vacant by the retirement of Dr. Gillespie after July 1, 2017.  The following positions and job duties will be reorganized as a result of these changes:


Staff Member Current Position Title New Position Title and Responsibilities Effective July 1, 2017
Betty Crute Pre-K Coordinator Retired
Nancy Russell Principal, Creedmoor Elementary School Pre-K Coordinator
Ann Grey Newcomb Director of Professional Development Principal, Creedmoor Elementary School
Helen Lindsey Principal, CIL School Guidance Counselor
Calvin Timberlake Director of Innovative Services Principal, CIL

District Athletic Director

Driver’s Education Coordinator


Dr. Tonya Thomas Director of Middle Schools & AIG Director of Professional Development,

Student Services, &

AIG Services

Beth Cook Director of Testing & Accountability, The Arts Director of Testing & Accountability,

The Arts &

Community & Volunteer Coordinator


Dr. Lela Baldwin Director of Elementary Education,

Federal Programs &

Afterschool Programs

Director of Elementary Education,

Federal Programs,

Afterschool Programs &

McKinney-Vento Coordinator


Dr. Stan Winborne Director of High Schools, CTE & Public Information Officer Director of Secondary Schools (6-12),

Career and Technical Education &

Public Information Officer

Dr. Vanessa Wrenn Director of Instructional Technology Director of Instructional Technology &

District Webmaster

Russell Dixon Student Information Coordinator &

District Webmaster

Student Information Coordinator &

Student Transfer Coordinator



Additional cuts will be made in funding for Technology, Granville Online, teacher substitutes, and Central Services general expense items.  Projected reductions in student enrollment will also result in an accompanying reduction of the allotment for teacher assistants, teachers, custodians, guidance counselors, clerical positions and assistant principals.  No specific positions have been identified as the department of Human Resources will seek to accommodate these cuts through attrition first.

Superintendent Howard and Board Chair Dr. Tom Houlihan issued a joint statement, saying “This budget proposal is the result of conscientious steps taken by the Board and administration to provide human and material resources needed while at the same time reducing our dependence on fund balance.  For four years the school district has made significant budget cuts in an effort to be financially responsible, particularly with declining student enrollment and the fiscal limitations that are brought on by negative state and national budget changes.”

Granville County Public Schools Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration Begins

Time to register for

Pre-K and Kindergarten


Plan to register your child at the school within your attendance zone.

If you’re not sure which school your child should attend, call 919-693-6412.




Thursday, April 6

1:30pm – 6:00pm

  CG Credle


Tues-Thurs, April 4,5,6

7:30am – 5:00pm



Wednesday, March 29

8:00am – 6:00pm

Joe Toler-Oak Hill


Wednesday, March 29

7:00am – 5:00pm

  Mt. Energy


Thursday, April 6

7:00am – 6:00pm



Thursday, April 6

8:00am – 6:30pm

Tar River


Tuesday, March 28

7:00am – 7:00pm

  West Oxford


Tuesday, March 28

7:30am – 6:00pm




Thursday, April 6

8:30am – 6:00pm

Pre-K application deadline is June 9th!

Your child does not have to be present to be registered, but you will need to take along the following:

  • Proof of residence (current electric, city gas or city water bill, OR signed lease agreement)
  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Child’s immunization record
  • Proof of income for Pre-K


Call your assigned school OR Call 919-725 1816 OR Email cruteb@gcs.k12.nc.us

Stan Winborne, Ed.D.
Director of High Schools
Director of Career & Technical Education Program
Public Information Officer
Granville County Schools
Phone (919) 693-4613
Fax (919) 693-7391
email:  winbornes@gcs.k12.nc.us

Dr. Howard Retires from role at Granville County Superintendent

After over 30 years of service, our Superintendent, Dr. Dorwin Howard has made the decision to retire.  Dr. Howard assumed the leadership role during a tumultuous time and must be commended for calming any concerns in our Granville County Public School system.  Now the school board is in the process of identifying candidates and hiring the next leader of our schools.  The school board is using a variety of communication methods to get your input.

This letter is merely a request of our residents to stay engaged, and to provide the school board with your input on this important search process.  You can do this in a variety of ways: complete the online survey on the school district website https://www.gcs.k12.nc.us/; or, obtain a paper copy at any of our schools; and/or, attend the Granville County School Board meeting on March 6 and share your comments.

Please keep in mind the deadline for this process is March 27.  The results of the survey and community input will be presented at the April 3 Board of Education meeting.

Selection of new leadership is crucial to moving our county forward.  We want your input.  Make your voice heard.



The School Board Members of Granville County