Tag Archive for: #granvillecountynews

Granville County Public Schools

GCPS: Free Meals Continue; WiFi Available in School Parking Lots

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

Today, Granville County Public Schools offered our expanded drive-thru meal services to 29 sites across the county and we are proud to say we provided almost 1,900 meals to our children! If you were not able to participate today, please see the flyer below for a complete list of site locations.

These meals are free for all children aged 2-18. No documentation is needed and children do not need to be present to collect the meals. Again, no questions asked, we just want to make sure no child goes hungry during this crisis.

Next, we want to let the community know that we have opened our WiFi services to all guest users. These free WiFi services may be accessed in any school public parking lot area. At this time, we are not opening our school buildings, but internet service can be accessed from the parking lot areas. Please observe “social distancing” when on school property.  We hope this free internet service will help students who need to access the supplemental academic materials that our hard-working teachers are developing each day.

We will continue to keep everyone informed of our efforts to help our families. Don’t forget to wash those hands!  Thank you!!

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Public Health Provides COVID-19 Update; No Confirmed Cases in Granville, Vance


Lisa Harrison, Director of Granville Vance Public Health, told WIZS News at 4:48 p.m. that there are no confirmed cases of Coronavirus “at this time.  Still testing regularly in each county.”

She said, “Please remind people to stay at home and give a call if they develop fever and shortness of breath or a really bad cough. Fever has to be present in order for the doctor to take a sample for testing. The social distancing and staying home to keep our health care workers safe is very important. We need to save our ER resources for very sick individuals and not for screening.”

Earlier in the day, Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the following Press Release was issued by Granville County Government: 

Granville Vance Public Health (GVPH) reports that – as of March 18 at 10 a.m. – there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Granville or Vance County, and that public health officials are currently active in surveillance, testing, monitoring and providing guidance information to individuals and agencies daily.

In partnership with providers and neighboring health departments, the first phase of the response has consisted of intensive containment strategies.

“If we act now, and work together, we can make a difference in preventing extra stress to our health care system from the number of cases that may grow to be more serious,” said Lisa Harrison, Director of Granville Vance Public Health. “There is a lot we still don’t know about this virus, but what we do know clearly is that age and underlying health status make a big difference.”

GVPH has released guidance and information to help focus on those most at risk to develop a more serious strain of COVID-19 and be more likely to have complications. Many of the recommendations are focused on protecting people at higher risk of severe illness, which includes adults over 65 years of age, people with underlying health conditions including heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes, or people with weakened immune systems.

“This time of year it is easy to confuse the symptoms of coronavirus with the common cold, with allergies, or the flu – all of which are prevalent,” Harrison explains. “The symptoms of Coronavirus are fever, cough, or shortness of breath.”

A global dashboard in real-time is available on the Granville Vance Public Health web site,  https://gvph.org/COVID-19/?fbclid=IwAR0OG3rWzcK4EjI4k4-nM-wKmrGy3XjGZjzLILQluBPgvEiIbu14c4h4xlg.

According to Harrison, Coronavirus can be serious, but getting Coronavirus isn’t severe for everyone. “We do not yet understand why, but often children tend to fare well and get a really light version of the virus and get better relatively quickly from what we know so far,” she says.

Harrison adds that it is important to get information about this pandemic from trusted fact-based sources like the CDC, the World Health Organization, the NC Division of Public Health, and your local health department, Granville Vance Public Health.

Harrison advises that if you or a family member has fever AND cough – or difficulty breathing – to call your healthcare provider or an urgent care if you do not have a healthcare provider. If you have fever, cough, and shortness of breath, do NOT show up at your healthcare provider’s office or the urgent care without calling first so they can prepare for your visit.

Do NOT go to the emergency room unless you are in severe distress. Emergency rooms need to be able to serve the most critically ill. If you are having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 and tell them your symptoms.

“Although we have and are monitoring closely confirmed cases in our state, North Carolina has no indication at this point of widespread community spread of Coronavirus,” Harrison says. “It is so important that we stay home and practice social distancing. If we reduce our chances of getting this virus, we reduce our chances of spreading it to others. Please stay home and if you feel you are getting sick with fever and cough, or shortness of breath, remember to call your provider before coming in.”

You may also call the statewide Coronavirus Helpline at 1-866-462-3821, which is answered 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. People at higher risk include those age 65 and older, those with underlying health conditions including heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes, and those who have weakened immune systems.

Residents are asked to turn to accurate sources of information from the CDC (www.cdc.gov) and State Division of Public Health (https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/public-health/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-response-north-carolina) as well as your own local public health officials.

Granville Vance Public Health will provide the most up-to-date and accurate information for COVID-19 in their district online at https://gvph.org/.

Emily Osborne, Oxford Prep Senior, Receives NC Teaching Fellows Award

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Oxford Preparatory School

Emily Osborne, a senior at Oxford Preparatory School, has received the North Carolina Teaching Fellows award to attend Meredith College.

Emily Osborne, a senior at Oxford Preparatory School, has received the North Carolina Teaching Fellows award to attend Meredith College. (Photo courtesy OPS)

Emily, the daughter of Kevin and Christy Osborne of Henderson, NC, will enter Meredith in the fall of 2021 where she intends to pursue a teaching degree with a focus on Exceptional Children. During her time at Oxford Prep, Emily has been named to the Directors’ list each semester, earned Beta Club recognition, and has been a key member of Interact.

As a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, Emily will receive up to $8,250 per year in a forgivable loan if she commits to teach in a STEM or a special education area. The program is specifically designed to attract high-quality teachers to low-performing schools by offering an accelerated loan forgiveness schedule for Teaching Fellows who agree to teach in a low-performing school in North Carolina.

To be eligible for a teaching fellows award, each high school student must first meet a strict level of high academic performance including:

  • a minimum unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 and have scored at least a 24 on the ACT or a 1,170 on the SAT if the student has fewer than 24 college credit hours or,
  • a minimum of a 2.7 cumulative GPA if they have more than 24 college credit hours.

In addition to the stringent GPA and standardized test score requirements, applicants were also evaluated on leadership and experience, a written essay and mission statement, and for those moved forward as a semi-finalist, an in-person interview.

Only those chosen for the final interviews held in late February were eligible to be chosen to receive a teaching fellows scholarship.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Chamber Announces Members With Open Drive-Thru, Food Delivery

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Granville County Chamber of Commerce

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce has received information from some food service Chamber members regarding their menus, pick-up and delivery options. We encourage everyone to be supportive of our members and do business locally. As other Chamber member businesses share their information, our offices will send email updates.

Bojangles – drive-thru & take-out

Chick-fil-A, – 200 Trade St., Henderson; (252) 436-0010 – drive-thru and curbside delivery via the Chick-fil-A app

McDonald’s – drive-thru & take-out

Owl House Cafe – 209 N. Main St., Creedmoor; (919) 864-0820 – delivery, curbside pickup and take-out.

Simply Delicious Catering – 702 N Main St., Creedmoor; (919) 528-7400 delivery, take-out

Sunrise Biscuit Company – 128 Williamsboro St., Oxford; (919) 693-6178 – pick-up/take-out

Tobacco Wood Brewing Co. – 117 Wall St., Oxford; (919) 725.-9402 – take-out, delivery within 10-mile radius

Veneto’s Pizzeria – 124 W. Church St., Creedmoor; (919) 528-3839 – take-out, curbside pickup and delivery

For specific information such as delivery radius, times, menu items, etc., please contact the business directly. For Chamber-related questions, call the Chamber office at (919) 693-6125 or email wanda@granville-chamber.com.

Granville County Logo

Granville County Government Makes Operational Changes

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

While at this time there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Granville County, for the safety and security of the community, Granville County Government is taking precautionary measures, following guidance from CDC, and working closely with Granville Vance Public Health. With everyone’s safety in mind, we have implemented the following operational changes:

Granville County Senior Services: All three Senior Centers (Oxford, Creedmoor and Stovall) are closed to participants until further notice. This decision was made in an effort to protect participating older adults from the COVID-19 virus, as senior residents are the most vulnerable. Group activities, classes, group meetings and special events have been canceled; however, tax assistance, offered on Thursday evenings in small groups, will continue until notified.

Home delivered meals will continue and congregate meals (on-site) will still be available as a drive-through option. Those not able to use the drive-through option should call the Senior Center at 919-693-1930 to inquire about being placed on a home-delivered route.

KARTS has also made the decision to temporarily discontinue the around-town shuttle until further notice.

Granville County Library System: All four branches of the Granville County Library System remain open but hours have changed. Until further notice, The Richard H. Thornton and Stovall libraries are now closing at 5 p.m. and the South Branch is closing at 5:30 p.m. All events and programs scheduled through the Granville County Library System are canceled until further notice.

In addition, meeting rooms will not be available for public use until the state of emergency is lifted. All services to nursing homes and assisted living centers have been postponed until further notice, and Legos, toys and kits from the children’s area will not be available for use. Deadlines for all materials currently checked out will be automatically extended. Please contact your local public library for more details.

Granville County Animal Management:  Animal Control and the Animal Shelter for Granville County are observing the following guidelines until further notice: 1. Fees will be waived for adoptions and rescue pulls; 2. Rabies vaccinations for owned animals are being suspended; 3. Visitors to the shelter can only come into the facilities for purposes of adoption or rescue, or if looking for lost animals. For questions, please call 919-693-6749.

Parks and Recreation: Although tournament play has been canceled, Granville Athletic Park remains open for public use. Residents are asked to follow health recommendations for gatherings, including social distancing. Avoid being closer than six feet from anyone, whenever possible, and limit physical contact. Remember that gatherings are limited to 50 people or less. Reservations for picnic shelters and other amenities can still be made by calling the GAP at 919-693-3716.

Granville County Courthouse:  To help minimize the exposure of the Coronavirus in North Carolina, by order of the Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, many court matters are being continued and rescheduled until after April 13, 2020. Exceptions to this general rule are proceedings necessary to preserve statutory and constitutional rights in criminal cases, such as first appearances; and proceedings necessary to obtaining emergency relief, such as protective and restraining orders. Matters that fall into these exceptions will proceed as necessary and required by law before the Court.

Cases that will be continued and rescheduled until after April 13, 2020, include 1. Magistrate’s and Small Claims Court; 2. Regular Civil and Criminal District Court; 3. Civil and Criminal Superior Court; and 4. Most Estate and Special Proceedings Hearings before the Clerk.

The Clerk’s Office will mail notice of a new hearing date for all matters that are continued and are rescheduled. Residents are encouraged to handle any other matters with the court over the phone or by mail if they are able to do so. Contact the Clerk of Court’s office at 919-690-4800.

Meeting cancellations: Several committee meetings and meetings of independent boards have been canceled or postponed. For a listing of canceled/postponed meetings and events scheduled through Granville County Government, please visit www.granvillecounty.org for notices.

Granville County Logo

Three Granville Senior Centers Closed to Public Until Further Notice

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

At their March 16 meeting, Granville County Commissioners voted to close all three Senior Centers (Oxford, Creedmoor and Stovall) until further notice. This decision was made in an effort to protect participating older adults from the COVID-19 virus, as senior residents are the most vulnerable.

Group activities, classes, group meetings and special events have been canceled as of Wednesday, March 18 at 8 a.m. Tax assistance, offered on Thursday evenings in small groups, will continue until notified.

Home delivered meals will continue to be delivered, and congregate meals (on-site) will still be available as a drive-through option. Congregate participants may pick up meals at the Oxford Senior Center, 107 Lanier Street, between the hours of 11 a.m. and noon, but must order one day ahead by calling 919-693-1930.

Those utilizing the drive-through services of the satellite centers should call the Centers in Creedmoor (919-528-0848) or in Stovall (919-693-3383) to make arrangements.

Those not able to use the drive-through option should call the Senior Center to inquire about being placed on a home-delivered route.

KARTS has also made the decision to temporarily discontinue the around-town shuttle until further notice.

Those with questions are asked to call 919-693-1930; however, the doors of all three Senior Centers will remain open between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday as staff will be available to provide one-on-one assistance and answer questions as needed.

Granville County Library System

Granville Co. Libraries Implement Precautionary Measures; Remain Open

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

All four branches of the Granville County Library System have implemented precautionary measures to reduce the risk of virus exposure to patrons and staff. Measures being taken include:

  • All events and programs scheduled through the Granville County Library System are canceled until further notice;
  • Meeting rooms will not be available for public use until the state of emergency is lifted;
  • All services to nursing homes and assisted living centers have been postponed until further notice;
  • Computers and seating have been reconfigured in observance of the “social distancing” recommendation by health officials;
  • Legos, toys and kits from the children’s area will not be available for use until further notice;
  • Deadlines for all materials currently checked out will be automatically extended;
  • Cash handling is limited.

These measures have been approved by the Granville County Board of Commissioners and are now in effect.

In addition, patrons are encouraged to return books via the book drop box, outside of the library facilities, when possible, and are reminded that E-books are also available.

While all four libraries remain open, please note that operating hours at your local branch may change. For questions or more information, please call:

  • Richard H. Thornton Library, Oxford: 919-693-1121
  • South Branch Library, Creedmoor: 919-528-1752
  • Stovall Branch Library: 919-693-5722
  • Berea Branch Library: 919-693-1231

or visit the Granville County Library System’s website at https://granville.lib.nc.us/.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Co. Chamber Remains Open & Encourages Community to ‘Shop Local’

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Letter sent to Granville County Chamber of Commerce members from Chamber President Cecilia Wheeler and Executive Director Ginnie Currin:

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce is continuing to work on your behalf in our community and with government officials during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Chamber’s goal is to ensure that information that we share is accurate, informative and researched. Our goal for business and nonprofit members is to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees, volunteers and customers.

Our community goal is to continue to support local in ways that are safe and appropriate.

Please be assured that we are going through this together. Let’s count on each other to be calm, rational and considerate. We encourage everyone to check on your neighbors and at-risk community members by calling them via phone or sending private messages via social media, rather than visiting in person.

Our 124 Hillsboro Street, Oxford office will be open daily, 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Our South Chamber Office will continue its part-time schedule – Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. Please feel free to reach us at 919.693.6125, wanda@granville-chamber.com and 919.528.4994, tawheeler@granville-chamber.com. Our Chamber staff will be available for messages, phone calls, emails, etc.

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s offices are committed to provide an avenue for connecting with businesses and to be available to our Chamber members for questions and concerns. “It’s More Important Than Ever Before to Support Local Businesses!”

We can provide you with contact information for elected officials – local, state and national.

Contact for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Resources on COVID-19; www.cdc.gov; 800-CDC-INFO, 800.232.4636; open 24/7.

Thank you for your investment in our community!

Granville County Public Schools

GCPS to Provide Student Assignments Tues.; Drive-Thru Meal Service to Expand

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools has two important updates to share about academic and nutritional support for our students.

First, GCPS is providing an extended learning plan for March 16-30 for all students to ensure they can continue their learning while school is not in session. This supplemental learning can take place virtually or through the use of teacher-made handouts.

All supplemental assignments will be aligned to current units or focus on reviewing content previously taught. Copies of assignments for those students that do not have internet access will be in the front office of your child’s school from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17.  They will also be available on the school and district websites and through social media beginning at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Other pickup times can be arranged by contacting your child’s school.

Second, we will be extending our drive-thru meal service to more than 25 sites by the end of the week. School buses will be parked at various locations throughout the county to provide FREE meals to all children ages 2-18.

No documentation or paperwork is required, and children do NOT need to be present to pick up the meals. Simply drive through and grab what you need for your children – no strings attached! NO child should go hungry during this time. Details to follow soon!

In the meantime, we will continue drive-thru meal service tomorrow at BSMS, MTEES and CGCES from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Please encourage your students to continue learning and don’t forget to wash those hands!

Granville Co. Chamber Cancels ‘Cluck ‘N Shuck’ Event

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce

In accordance with CDC guidelines, the Granville County Chamber Board of Directors will cancel the April 3, 2020,  ‘Cluck ‘N Shuck’ seafood fundraiser event. If you have purchased a ticket, please contact the Chamber office at (919) 693-6125 or email wanda@granville-chamber.com for a refund.

The Chamber apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause but feels this action is appropriate.