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Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Public Schools Moves Forward on Re-Entry Plans


-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

At a special called meeting on Thursday, July 2, 2020, the Granville County Board of Education approved plans related to the reentry of students to school this fall.

During the past four weeks, GCPS has been busy preparing three distinct plans as required by the state. Governor Roy Cooper had planned to announce on July 1, 2020, which of these three plans would be enacted this fall. However, he instead postponed his decision until later in the month.

Despite this delay, GCPS is moving forward to finalize plans so families and staff can prepare for which plan the Governor eventually chooses, and are explained as follows:

Plan A – minimal social distancing – which is the least restrictive, is one where all students would return to school with extra attention to cleaning, health and safety. This plan looks a lot like a traditional return to school and is less complex to implement.

Plan C – remote learning for all – is the most restrictive, and is very similar to what families experienced this past spring.  GCPS has been busy working on ways to improve the instructional delivery and support systems should this plan be chosen.

Finally, under Plan B – moderate social distancing – only 50% of students would be able to return to school on any given day. Many different possibilities and scenarios are being considered by districts across the state, but in each of these, separate groups of students would physically report to school on different days or weeks.

So, what would Plan B look like in GCPS? On July 2, 2020, the GCPS Board of Education approved the general framework for our Plan B, which includes two separate groups of students alternating between two consecutive days of face to face school, with Wednesday being a remote learning day for all students. So, essentially, students would have two days of learning at school and three days of remote learning each week.

At this time, the Board also approved a provision to allow the district to begin this schedule for ALL students on August 17, 2020, but with using a ‘staggered entry’ for face to face, whereby smaller groups of students would physically come to school in the first few weeks to better learn and understand the new screening processes, social distancing expectations, use of PPE and modified class schedules.

Under this plan, all students and parents will be learning about many new expectations, processes and procedures for how to come to school. Therefore, it is important that we do this with smaller groups of students to ensure the safety of everyone on our campuses.

To understand exactly how the weekly schedule will work for students, refer to this chart below:







Group A Students

Group A Face to Face

Group A Face to Face

Remote Learning for All

Intensive Disinfecting and Cleaning of Campuses and School Buses

Group A Remote

Group A Remote

Group B Students

Group B Remote

Group B Remote

Group B Face to Face

Group B Face to Face

Students with Specialized Learning Needs

Face to Face

Face to Face

Face to Face

Face to Face


Face to Face with Group A, Remote with Group B

Face to Face with Group A, Remote with Group B


Grading Feedback

Virtual Sessions

Lab Day

Face to Face with Group B, Remote with Group A

Face to Face with Group B, Remote with Group A

Some details are yet to be finalized under this plan.  The way in which students are selected for A or B group remains to be determined, however, care will be taken to ensure that siblings are not separated by group, even among grade spans or different schools if necessary. Also, students with special needs may be eligible to physically report to school more frequently than two days a week. The district is also working on plans to make sure students can have access to meals on days when they are engaged in remote learning.

Finally, guidance from the state indicates that our school bus capacity will be limited to a maximum of one student per seat, which may mean significant changes to our bus schedules and routes.

It is also important to note that this schedule includes a break on each Wednesday between the two different groups of students so additional cleaning and disinfection can occur. This will help reduce the possibility of potential virus transmission between groups of students in the unlikely event of an outbreak. The district will also be performing daily, regular disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces and high traffic areas throughout our buildings and buses.

Families should also know that if either Plan A or Plan B is chosen by the Governor, GCPS will also provide remote learning from a student’s base school to ANY family who does not feel comfortable with their child returning back to school.

Granville Academy, which offers a blended model of education, is also another option that will be available to families. We are committed to providing choices to all families to meet their needs.


Daily Schedule


Meal Service

Internet Connectivity

Is an Application Required?

Academic Support Provided by Adult

Are Paper Packets Available on Remote Days?

Face to Face

2 days per week

Provided by Base School

Provided by Base School

Not Required




Granville Academy

2 Partial Days per Week face to face, 3 Full Days and 2 Partial Days Remote per Week

Not Provided

Not Provided



Required, At-Home Learning Coach Must Sign a Contract


Virtual Option @ Base School

5 Days Remote per Week

Not Provided

Not Provided





Finally, in the coming weeks, we will continue to refine our internal processes and be ready to share more information with our families once the Governor makes a final decision on which plan will be in place on August 17. If the Governor chooses option A or B, then we will immediately be launching our “SaFE” process, or “Sign-up Fall Entry,” whereby families can choose which of the above learning options they prefer for their child.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to move forward during this difficult time for all.  #gcpsonthemove

Granville County Logo

Granville Commissioners to Hold Regular July Meeting This Evening Via Zoom

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County


The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet remotely by Zoom conference call on Monday, July 6, 2020, at 7 p.m. for the regularly scheduled meeting.

In order to adhere to the COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting may be accessed by utilizing the link and/or phone number included below. Public comments will be accepted in written format and must be received by Monday, July 6 at 12 p.m. by mail to P.O. Box 906, Oxford, NC 27565 or email to grancomrs@granvillecounty.org

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 994 0703 8038

Password: 265650

Dial by your location

877 853 5247 US Toll-free

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 994 0703 8038

Find your local number: https://granvillecounty.zoom.us/u/akY90s4zz

To view Granville Co. Board of Commissioner meeting agendas and minutes, click here.

U.S. Department of Justice

Butner Federal Inmates Withdraw Lawsuit Against Prison Officials

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, U.S. Department of Justice

Eleven inmates housed at the Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, North Carolina (“FCC Butner”) voluntarily dismissed their lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons (“BOP”) officials seeking release from prison as a result of the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to court documents, the federal inmates, who are represented by several advocacy groups, filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus, temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction on behalf of themselves and a purported class of current and future medically vulnerable inmates. The inmates alleged violations of their Eighth Amendment rights related to FCC Butner’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and sought relief including mass release or transfer of inmates from FCC Butner in order to facilitate social distancing. BOP officials filed substantial responses detailing the significant steps BOP and FCC Butner have taken to manage the crisis at FCC Butner.

On June 11, 2020, United States District Court Judge Louise W. Flanagan denied the inmates’ motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, finding that the BOP officials made reasonable efforts toward the goals of preventing unnecessary illness and death and slowing the spread of the virus, that the claims were not appropriate under a habeas petition, and even if they were, the inmates failed to show a likelihood of success on the merits or that equity and public interests favor a temporary restraining order.

On Monday, the inmates filed a stipulation of dismissal essentially withdrawing their remaining claims.

Robert J. Higdon, Jr., U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina commented: “Effectively managing prisons is a complex and difficult job on any day, but especially so in the midst of a global pandemic which affects so many people both inside and outside of the prison system. We are gratified that the court, in its ruling denying the inmates’ request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, recognized the efforts that officials at FCC Butner have made to minimize the risk of virus infection to the prisoners while doing their usual excellent job at maintaining order and ensuring the safety of the public in operating these critical facilities. I fully support the professional way in which that the FCC Butner officials continue to maintain the safety and security of the individuals housed within their institutions and the responsible manner in which they are managing the COVID-19 crisis.”

Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael Bredenberg, Genna D. Petre, Christina Kelley, Mallory Brooks Storus, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Joshua Rogers defended the case on behalf of the BOP officials.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Public Schools Delays Athletic Skills Development Training

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

With guidance from the NCDHHS and the NCHSAA, Granville County Public Schools had planned to begin athletic skill development training for high school sports on Monday, July 6, 2020.

However, given the increased rate of positive COVID 19 cases throughout our community and state, this date will now be delayed until Monday, July 20, 2020.

This new date is consistent with those of some neighboring school districts and schools that are in our athletic conferences.  This delay will also allow additional time to refine and strengthen our staff training and the implementation of local and state-mandated screening and cleaning protocols and practices.

When skill development begins, it will be limited in scope per NCHSAA regulations and restricted to outside activities only.  All GCPS buildings remain closed to the public and students this summer.

As we get more guidance from our Governor and the NCHSAA, we will update you on any necessary adjustments involving our athletic programs.

GCPS believes strongly in the value of our athletic programs as positive influences on the lives of our student-athletes. We will continue to monitor and plan for ways to resume these activities as soon as possible while keeping the health and safety of our students and staff a top priority.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

COVID-19 Update: Current Numbers; Outbreak at Brantwood Nursing & Rehab

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health and the Warren County Health Department

As of June 30, 2020, there are 813 known COVID-19 cases in Granville County, 502 cases in Vance County, 160 in Warren County and 64,670 confirmed cases in North Carolina.

Granville County:

There are three outbreaks at congregate living facilities in Granville County: Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, NC, Murdoch Development Center in Butner, NC, and Central Regional Hospital in Butner, NC.

Of the cases in Granville County, 403 are associated with the prisons, five are associated with Murdoch, and two are associated with Central Regional Hospital.

Of the 403 cases in the prison system, 92 have been released from isolation and two individuals with Murdoch have been released from isolation.

Of the 403 community-based cases in Granville County, 247 have been released from isolation and six are hospitalized.

There is an outbreak at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center. Two staff members have tested positive but neither reside in Granville County, so they are not included in the Granville County numbers. The center is testing staff and residents regularly.

There have been a total of 21 deaths in Granville County, 19 of whom were with the Bureau of Prisons and one with Central Regional Hospital.

Vance County:

There are two active outbreaks at congregate living facilities in Vance County: Kerr Lake Nursing Home in Henderson, NC, and Senior Citizens Home in Henderson, NC.

There was also an outbreak at Pelican Health in Henderson, NC that is no longer active.

Of the cases in Vance County, 117 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities including 46 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home and 13 associated with Senior Citizens Home.

Of the 117 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 44 have been released from isolation.

Of the 385 community-based cases in Vance County, 171 have been released from isolation.

Eleven individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 37 deaths in Vance County, 14 of whom were associated with Pelican Health and 11 of whom were associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home.

Warren County:

There are 160 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases with one known result currently pending. Of the known positive cases, 140 are considered recovered.

No known individuals in Warren County are currently hospitalized with COVID-19.

There have been a total of five deaths in Warren County.

Health Department Information:

GVPH updates its website daily at approximately 5 p.m. with Vance and Granville COVID-19 statistics. Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information.

GVPH also emails updates about COVID-19 in Granville and Vance counties each evening. You can sign up to receive these emails at www.gvph.org/covid-19.

Warren County Health Department provides COVID-19 updates on its Facebook page (click here). You can also view more information online at www.warrencountyhd.com.

Sheriff Charles Noblin

Sheriff Noblin Offers Tips for Safe July 4th Weekend

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

With the approach of the July 4th weekend, Granville County Sheriff Charles Noblin asks all residents to join him in making this holiday a safe and enjoyable one.

Traditionally, highways experience one of the highest traffic flows of the year during the July 4th holiday. Sheriff Noblin reminds all Granville County residents to be mindful of these safety tips when driving:

  • Always shift attention every few seconds, constantly scanning the road ahead and behind. Never stare blankly ahead or fix your gaze on one point on the road.
  • When passing a vehicle, always glance at the ground beside the front wheel of the car you intend to pass. That way, you will know instantly if the car is about to veer, giving you an extra few seconds to respond.
  • Also when passing, pull out into the opposite lane of traffic while you are still well behind the car in front. This should give you some time and space to build up speed, and will enable you to pull back into your own lane, should the need arise. 
  • Never cut abruptly out of your lane into the opposite lane. Always signal your intentions with your brake lights, turn signals, horn and/or headlights so that other drivers will see you well before you change course.
  • Always “aim high” in steering, glancing frequently at points well ahead. Not only will this help in steering, but will also help check the position of vehicles in front, as well as oncoming traffic.
  • Never follow too close. Remember that, as speed increases, it takes substantially longer to stop. Also remember that it’s good to have an extra cushion of space in front if you are being tailgated, on a slippery road, or in low visibility conditions.

“I would like to remind all drivers to also practice the ‘Golden Rule’ when driving,” Sheriff Noblin said. “Be courteous and tolerant of other drivers. Let’s make this summer a safe one on our roads.”

Brides on Wheels

Granville’s ‘Brides on Wheels’ Wedding Tour Rescheduled 

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release and photos, Granville County Government

Brides planning a 2020-2021 wedding are invited to take a scenic caravan tour of Granville County to learn more about wedding locations and resources available to help plan their special day. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was postponed from its original date in April and is now scheduled for July 26, 2020.

The day includes a stop at three wedding/reception venues (The Oaks at Oxford, Carlee Farm and Shadowing Oaks), as well as early access to a brand new venue, The Orpheum at Oxford, located in downtown Oxford. Florists, photographers, caterers, disc jockeys, rental companies, etc. will welcome brides and their guests throughout the tour as a variety of wedding service options are displayed. 

Prior to the tour, registered participants will receive the tour schedule by email/text so that they can travel to each venue in the comfort of their own vehicles. The schedule is tentative and subject to change based on statewide restrictions and guidelines for events and social gatherings. 

A number of venues have indoor and outdoor accommodations that will allow tour participants to move around freely. To ensure safety, each venue guide and vendor will wear face coverings and will practice social distancing. Each bride and guest should also wear a cloth face mask during the tour. It is also suggested that participants bring along hand sanitizer/disinfectant wipes for vehicle use. Sanitized restrooms will be available at each stop, and hand sanitizer will be provided upon entry and departure at each venue. 

This annual event is presented by the Granville Tourism Development Authority (TDA). Interested brides should register online at https://granvillebows2020.eventbrite.com.

For more information about the Brides on Wheels Tour, please visit www.brides-on-wheels.com or contact TDA Director Angela Allen by phone at (919) 693-6125 or by email at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org.

Granville County Public Schools

GCPS Addresses Possible Re-Entry Plans for Fall, Announces Special Called Board Meetings


-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Public School Districts throughout the state have been receiving guidance from both the DHHS and NCDPI about what school might look like on August 17, 2020. Two specific documents may be found at this link HERE. As outlined specifically in the “Lighting Our Way” document from the state, all public schools have been preparing three separate ‘re-entry’ plans for this fall.

Under Plan A, Granville County Public Schools (GCPS) would begin school with minimal social distancing. This means all students and staff would report to school, much like in a regular year, but with special safety and cleaning practices in place.

Under Plan B, GCPS would begin school with moderate social distancing. This means that only some students would physically report to school at any given time. Under this plan, school districts would have some type of alternating schedule for different groups of students. These schedules could look different at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Under Plan C, no students would physically report to school in the fall. Instead, all learning would occur remotely, either through connected technology devices and/or hard copies of instructional materials and assignments.

Governor Roy Cooper will make an announcement by July 1, 2020, about which of these three plans will be in place for the start of the school year. School districts may choose a more restrictive plan than what he announces, but may NOT decide locally to have a less restrictive plan.

GCPS has been busy planning details for what each of these three plans will require. Plan A, which is the least restrictive, looks a lot like “regular school,” just with more cleaning and attention to the health and safety of all students and staff.

Plan C, which is the most restrictive, looks a lot like what happened in our schools this past spring. We have been working hard to plan for improvements in both the quality and range of service and support for students and families should this plan be implemented.

Plan B, of course, is in the middle. Under this plan, districts have flexibility in choosing how to create alternating schedules and services for students and their families. To date, we have more than 4,500 parent responses to the two surveys we have administered. Part of the questions on this survey will help inform our Board of Education in determining what Plan B looks like.

On Monday, June 29, our Board will be holding a special called meeting. Part of this meeting will be reserved for discussion and sharing of information about these three plans, with a specific focus on what Plan B might look like for our district.

The Board also plans to hold a special meeting on July 2, 2020, after the Governor makes his announcement, to officially vote on and approve a plan for the school district.

It is also important for GCPS families to know that if Plan A or Plan B are implemented, we realize that there are many who may not feel comfortable sending their children back to school. Some children and their family members may be at a higher risk for the virus or simply are not ready to physically return to school. If either Plan A or Plan B are put in place, we will have blended and remote learning options available for these families. We want to make sure that there are options for everyone.

Finally, we want everyone to know that regardless of which of the three plans are chosen by the Governor, we are making specific plans to provide strong support for any students with special needs. We will also be making sure to continue our meal service programs so that no children go hungry during these difficult times.

We thank you for your support and patience and will continue to provide updates with any new information or decisions as they are made. We are all, indeed, in this together!

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Discuss Budget Amendments, School Re-Entry Plans

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Monday, June 29, 2020, at 4 pm.

The purpose of this meeting is for the Board of Education to consider year-end budget amendments, consider technology purchases, receive updated budget information as requested, and receive updates on school re-entry plans for the upcoming school year.

However, due to the current statewide State of Emergency, and in order to protect the health and safety of board members, staff and the public, this meeting will be conducted electronically, with members of the public invited to view the live stream.

To join the live stream meeting, please use the following link:


The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel, and Attorney/Client Privilege.

To view the agenda for this meeting, please click here.

Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free Presents Domestic Violence Lunch & Learn Series

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free (FLVF) invites the public to join its six-week Domestic Violence 101 Lunch & Learn series online via Zoom. Sessions will be held from 12 until 1 p.m. each Wednesday beginning July 8 and concluding August 12, 2020.

Sessions Include:

July 8, 2020 – Understanding Domestic Violence

July 15, 2020 – Why Victims Stay in Abusive Relationships

July 22, 2020 – Domestic Violence and the Effects on Children

July 29, 2020 – When Loving You is Hurting Me

August 5, 2020 – Healthy Relationships

August 12, 2020 – Personal Boundaries

Please visit FLVF’s website at www.flvf.org or call (919) 693-5700 to register. The link to each week’s Zoom session will be available on the FLVF website.