Tag Archive for: #granvillecountynews

Berea Mini Mart Robbery

Information Sought for Two Persons of Interest in Berea Mini-Mart Robbery

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information and photos courtesy Granville County Crime Stoppers

Information about two persons of interest is being requested after a July 13, 2020, robbery of the Berea Mini-Mart, located off Hwy 156 W in Oxford, NC.

During late evening hours, $1,000 was criminally removed from the cash drawer. The Granville County Crime Stoppers Board of Directors has authorized the payment of a reward for information leading to the arrest/indictment of those responsible for this crime.

If you can help identify the men pictured below or have any information to share about this incident, please contact Granville County Crime Stoppers at (919) 693-3100 or the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at (919) 693-3213.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Special Meeting July 20

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Granville

Special Meeting Notice

Please take notice that the Granville County Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting on Monday, July 20, 2020, at 7 p.m.

In order to adhere to the COVID-19 restrictions, members of the Board will participate via simultaneous communication.  Members of the public may only attend via simultaneous communication using call-in information.

The Board anticipates going into closed session pursuant to G.S. §143-318.11(a)(3), (5) and (a)(6).

Public Dial-in Information


Passcode is 583341

To view Granville Co. Board of Commissioner meeting agendas and minutes, click here.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

GVPH: Local COVID-19 Update as of 7/15/20

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of July 15, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County

983 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 983, 509 are community-spread cases located across Granville County. Of those 509, 371 have been released from isolation, and seven are hospitalized.

Of those 983 cases, 465 are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County, and 95 of those 465 have been released from isolation.

Six of those 983 are associated with an outbreak at the Murdoch Development Center, five of whom have been released from isolation.

Two of those 983 are associated with an outbreak at Central Regional Hospital.

One resident has tested positive for COVID-19 at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center. Three staff members have also tested positive.

There have been a total of 25 deaths in Granville County, three in the community, one at Central Regional Hospital, and 21 of whom were associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Vance County

586 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 586, 463 are community-spread cases located across Vance county, and 365 of those 463 have been released from isolation.

Of those 586, 123 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities, including 48 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home and 17 associated with Senior Citizens Home.

The outbreak at Pelican Health nursing home is no longer active. Of the 123 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 44 have been released from isolation.

Two individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 40 deaths in Vance County, 14 of whom were associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 11 of whom were associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, and two of whom were associated with Senior Citizens Home.

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

North Carolina has a prevention and detection-focused approach to testing for COVID-19 in long term care facilities. Because people are living in close proximity, these are settings that many states monitor for the spread of COVID-19. NC DHHS considers long term care facilities to be experiencing an “outbreak” if at least two individuals who are staff and/or residents have tested positive. An outbreak is considered over after 28 consecutive days with no new positive test results.

All long term care facilities in the district are testing staff and residents regularly and participate in a weekly call with Dr. Shauna Guthrie at Granville Vance Public Health. For schools, businesses, and other settings that are not congregate living facilities, the state considers multiple cases to be a “cluster.” A cluster is defined as both a minimum of five cases in the same facility within a 14-day period and a plausible epidemiological linkage between cases.

Some additional cases being reported currently out of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) are related to a building on the Durham County side, and those cases will be reported to the Durham County Health Department for data entry into the NCEDSS system. The Bureau of Prisons is doing its own testing on-site. For more about the response from the Bureau of Prisons, please visit the Prison’s website.

Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information from Granville Vance Public Health and to sign up for daily email updates.

Granville County Library System

Granville County Library System to Ease Restrictions on July 21

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

The Granville County Library System will ease restrictions to the public beginning Tuesday, July 21, 2020. The re-opening will be accompanied by procedures put into place to ensure the safety of staff and visitors, which include: 

  • The number of patrons in each library branch will be limited to support social distancing guidelines. Each patron should limit the number of people brought in with them;
  • Library patrons may browse the shelves or pick up holds Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. and from 2 until 4 p.m. at the Richard H. Thornton and South Branch Libraries. (Contact Stovall and Berea branches for their hours);
  • An emphasis will be placed on mobile printing and the quick selection of materials;
  • Face coverings over the nose and mouth will be required;
  • Computer usage will be limited to 30 minutes a day with limited, remote assistance;
  • Curbside pick-up will continue;
  • Designated areas will be closed off, such as the Children’s area; and
  • Some materials will be restricted, including magazines, newspapers, Legos, and puzzles.

To follow public health requirements, hand sanitizer will be available and high-touch public areas will be cleaned frequently. Protective barriers at circulation and information desks have also been installed. 

Areas that will remain closed to the public include:

  • The Children’s Library at the Thornton Library in Oxford;
  • The Picture Book section at the South Branch Library;
  • Tables;  and
  • Meeting rooms.

Visitors are encouraged to follow the “Three Ws” as outlined by the N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services – WEAR a cloth face covering; WAIT in line at least six feet away from others; and WASH hands frequently or use hand sanitizer. Library visits should be postponed if experiencing symptoms of illness.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all four branches of the Granville County Library System (in Oxford, Creedmoor, Stovall and Berea) have been closed to the public since March 21 for safety precautions. “Virtual” programming, curbside service and other precautionary measures have been in place since that time.

Keep up-to-date by visiting the Granville County Government website at https://granville.lib.nc.us/ or following the library system’s social media page.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools Moving Forward With ‘Plan B’


-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

On Tuesday, July 14, 2020, Governor Cooper announced that all schools will open this fall under the state’s “Plan B.” Plan B includes moderate social distancing, in which only half of the students may physically report to school at a given time, while the other half of the students will participate remotely.

This is a balanced, flexible approach that also includes extensive daily screening and cleaning processes as well as a requirement for ALL students and staff to wear a face mask while at school.

Our Board of Education recently approved the general framework for Plan B in GCPS, which includes two separate groups of students alternating between two consecutive days of face-to-face school each week, with Wednesday being a remote learning day for all students. So, essentially, students will physically report to school for two days of “face-to-face” learning at school and remain at home for three days of remote learning each week.

Our Board also approved a provision to allow the district to begin this schedule on August 17, 2020, using a ‘staggered entry’ approach. This means for the first two weeks of school, smaller groups of students will physically report to school in order to learn and understand the new screening processes, social distancing expectations, use of PPE and modified class schedules.

This school year, all students and parents will be learning about many new expectations, processes and procedures for how school will operate. Therefore, it is important that we do this with smaller groups of students in a staggered manner, initially, to ensure the safety of everyone on our campuses.

Granville Early College High School will also operate under Plan B, but with a modified format, which will be different from all other schools. Their individual plan will accommodate VGCC’s decision to have all of its courses delivered in an online format only.

GCPS is committed to providing CHOICES to our families. Starting later this week, families can expect to receive additional information about how to sign-up for other choices they have available. This process, known as “SaFE”, or Sign-up for Fall Entry,” will allow parents who do NOT want their children to physically report to school under Plan B to either: (1) apply to Granville Academy (our K-12 blended learning school); or (2) receive full remote instruction at their base school. We want parents to feel comfortable about their decision for their children. Everyone should remain on the lookout for more information about the “SaFE” process in the next few days.

Finally, GCPS will join a number of other districts in extending the suspension of all athletic activities until the NCHSAA gives further guidelines following Governor Roy Cooper’s announcement today. We understand that may come later in this process. Therefore, summer workouts that were planned to begin on July 20 will be suspended until further notice. All other non-athletic extracurricular activities are suspended until further notice, as well.

We understand that this is a very difficult and stressful time for our families and students. We will continue to provide frequent communication and updates to our families using our automated phone system, emails, social media, our district website and our partners in the local media.

Korena Weichel

Weichel Hired as Assistant County Manager

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County Government announces that Korena Weichel will be joining the administrative team as Assistant County Manager.

Weichel brings 20+ years of managerial experience and 12 years of local government experience to her new role as she has most recently served as City Manager for the City of Creedmoor (beginning as Interim Manager in 2018) and Assistant City Manager (since 2013). Weichel also held the position of Administrative Services Director for the City of Creedmoor for five years, as well as having prior experience in financial reporting, human resources and marketing.

Granville County Government announces that Korena Weichel will be joining the administrative team as Assistant County Manager on August 17, 2020. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt)

“I have enjoyed serving the citizens of the Creedmoor community and appreciate the opportunity to work alongside such a dedicated staff to accomplish many goals and initiatives over the past twelve years,” Weichel says. “I am pleased to continue working in Granville County, and I am looking forward to supporting all our municipalities at the county level.”

As Assistant County Manager, Weichel will work with the County Manager in researching policy recommendations and long-range approaches for program services implemented by the County and will serve as project manager for multi-department projects and as a liaison for interdepartmental contacts.

In addition to other duties, Weichel will assist the County Manager with the planning and development of programs, as directed by the Board of Commissioners, as well as negotiating contracts, monitoring the budget and submitting proposals and reports. 

A fall graduate of UNC Pembroke with a degree in Public and Non-Profit Administration, Weichel holds an Associate’s degree in Business Administration from Vance-Granville Community College. She has also completed programs of governmental studies from the UNC School of Government, including Municipal and County Administration and Public Executive Leadership Academy, and presently serves on the North Carolina League of Municipalities’ (NCLM) Human Resources Advisory Committee and the N.C. City and County Manager’s Association’s (NCCCMA) Planning Committee.

Weichel is married and has one son, who also serves in local government as Finance Director for the Town of Valdese, NC (Burke County).

She begins work with Granville County Government on August 17.

Granville County Public Schools

Re-Entry Plans, Budget Amendments Topics of July 13 Granville School Board Meeting

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Monday, July 13, 2020, at 1 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is for the Board of Education to review budget amendments, consider technology purchases and receive updated information on school re-entry plans for the upcoming school year.

However, due to the current statewide State of Emergency, and in order to protect the health and safety of board members, staff and the public, this meeting will be conducted electronically, with members of the public invited to view the live stream.

To join the live stream meeting, please use the following link:


The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel, and Attorney/Client Privilege.

To view the agenda for this meeting, please click here.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

GVPH: Local COVID-19 Update as of 7/7/20

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of July 7, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County:

863 positive test results for COVID-19. Of those 863 results, 448 are community-spread cases located across Granville County, Of those 448, 323 have been released from isolation, and seven are hospitalized.

Of those 863 cases, 407 are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County and 92 of those 407 have been released from isolation.

Five of those 863 are associated with an outbreak at the Murdoch Development Center, all five of whom have been released from isolation.

Two of those 863 are associated with an outbreak at Central Regional Hospital.

One resident has tested positive for COVID-19 at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center. Three staff members have also tested positive.

There have been a total of 23 deaths in Granville County: one in the community, one at Central Regional Hospital, and 21 of whom were associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Unfortunately, two more recent deaths have been reported associated with the outbreak at the prison: a 62-year-old male passed away on July 3 and a 61-year-old male passed away on July 4.

Vance County:

537 positive test results for COVID-19. Of those 537, 415 are community-spread cases located across Vance County. Of those 415, 210 have been released from isolation.

Of those 537, 122 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities including 47 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home and 17 associated with Senior Citizens Home. The outbreak at Pelican Health nursing home is no longer active. Of the 122 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 44 have been released from isolation.

Ten individuals in Vance County are hospitalized

There have been a total of 40 deaths in Vance County, 14 of whom were associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 11 of whom were associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, and two of whom were associated with Senior Citizens Home.

Unfortunately, another recent death has been reported associated with the outbreak at Senior Citizens Home – a 63-year-old female passed away on July 6.

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

North Carolina has a prevention and detection-focused approach to testing for COVID-19 in long term care facilities. Because people are living in close proximity, these are settings that many states monitor for the spread of COVID-19. NC DHHS considers long term care facilities to be experiencing an “outbreak” if at least two individuals who are staff and/or residents have tested positive. An outbreak is considered over after 28 consecutive days with no new positive test results.

All long term care facilities in the district are testing staff and residents regularly and participate in a weekly call with Dr. Shauna Guthrie at Granville Vance Public Health. For schools, businesses, and other settings that are not congregate living facilities, the state considers multiple cases to be a “cluster.” A cluster is defined as both a minimum of five cases in the same facility within a 14-day period and plausible epidemiological linkage between cases.

Some additional cases being reported currently out of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) are related to a building on the Durham County side, and those cases will be reported to the Durham County Health Department for data entry into the NCEDSS system.

The Bureau of Prisons is doing its own testing on-site. For more about the response from the Bureau of Prisons, please see the prison’s website.

Granville Vance Public Health Information:

GVPH updates its website daily at approximately 5 p.m. with Vance and Granville COVID-19 statistics. Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information.

GVPH also emails updates about COVID-19 in Granville and Vance counties each evening. You can sign up to receive these emails at www.gvph.org/covid-19.

Rob Rivers

Rob Rivers Resigns from Granville County School Board

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education held a special called meeting on Monday, June 29, 2020. After the conclusion of official business items on the agenda, Board Member Rob Rivers announced his resignation effective September 30, 2020.

Rivers stated, “To my fellow citizens of District 3, I will be forever grateful for the trust you placed in me to be your representative on the school board. However, I have regrettably concluded that I can no longer function effectively and productively on the Board to the level that I expect.”

Mr. Rob Rivers has served the constituents of District 3 for two years as a member of the Board of Education, having been elected to the position in May of 2018.

Rob Rivers

Granville County School Board Member Rob Rivers announced his resignation effective September 30, 2020. Rivers has served the constituents of District 3 since May of 2018. (Photo courtesy GCPS)

Superintendent McLean and Board Chairman Richardson both expressed their appreciation for Mr. River’s service to the students of Granville County.

The Board will continue with six members until a replacement for District 3 is appointed. Per Policy 2115 – Unexpired Term Fulfillment, the Granville County Board of Education will proceed with the process for filling the District 3 seat made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Rob Rivers effective September 30, 2020.

It is the intent of the Board to identify and appoint a suitable candidate for this position using the process outlined below, with the ultimate goal of serving the students of Granville County Public Schools.

Interested candidates should review the “Duties of the Board” guidelines issued by the NC School Board Association, which may be found at the NCSBA website  https://www.ncsba.org/news-resources/board-member-knowledge-base/duties-of-the-board/

Candidates should submit a letter of interest, a C.V. or resume, and three letters of recommendation to the Clerk of the Board of Education, Ms. Lynn Henderson, by the close of business, August 31, 2020. These documents should provide information that highlights the candidate’s ability and experiences related to education and service to children.

All candidates must reside in District 3 in order to be considered for this position. Proof of residency will be required. District 3 map and information may be found at the Granville County website  https://www.granvillecounty.org/government/county-commissioners/district-map/

During its regularly scheduled meeting on September 8, 2020, the Board will review the documents submitted by each candidate and vote to issue invitations to those the Board wishes to interview.

In September, the Board will hold a Special Called Meeting for the purpose of interviewing candidates (the Board will use a list of questions asked of each candidate, chosen at the beginning of the meeting).

At its regularly scheduled meeting on October 5, 2020, the Board will then vote on who will fill the unexpired term of District 3. (Note: Interviews and vote to take place in Open Session)

At a date to be determined, the chosen candidate will take the oath of office.

GVPH Director Lisa Macon Harrison Elected NACCHO Board Vice President

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NACCHO

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) has elected Lisa Macon Harrison, Local Health Director of Granville Vance Public Health, to its 2020-2021 Board of Directors as vice president. NACCHO is the voice of the nation’s nearly 3,000 local governmental health departments.

Ms. Harrison assumed the Vice President role on July 1, 2020. She will then serve as president-elect in 2021-2022 and president in 2022-2023.

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) has elected Lisa Macon Harrison, Local Health Director of Granville Vance Public Health, to its 2020-2021 Board of Directors as vice president. (Photo courtesy NACCHO)

 “It is an honor to be selected for this opportunity to work together with colleagues across the nation to elevate the practice of public health during such a critical time,” said Ms. Harrison. “Across rural and urban areas of our country, the local public health workforce remains dedicated, hard-working, and effective whether we are focused on communicable disease during pandemic response, on health equity and systems change, or on so many other population health focus areas that have not slowed down as our work has intensified. I look forward to advocating for public health and the incredible people working for the health and well-being of every community.”

“Lisa has been a strong volunteer leader within NACCHO’s Board and Executive Committee and has contributed significant amounts of time, energy, and expertise to the organization. I congratulate Lisa on her election to Vice President of NACCHO and look forward to her continued leadership in this new role,” said NACCHO’s CEO Lori Tremmel Freeman, MBA.

About Ms. Harrison

Lisa Macon Harrison, MPH, has been the director of the Granville Vance District Health Department in North Carolina since 2012. Her previous roles in North Carolina public health thread through research, practice, advocacy, and policy development.

Lisa has been a member of the public health field for over 23 years and has served as director of the Office of Healthy Carolinians and Health Education at the North Carolina Division of Public Health; led the Public Health Incubator Collaboratives Program at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, and directed the Southeast Public Health Leadership Institute (SEPHLI) at UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health where she continues to stay connected as adjunct faculty in the Public Health Leadership Program. In 2015, Lisa served as the North Carolina Public Health Association president where she continues to stay involved in connecting public health research and practice.

As a local health director in a rural district, Lisa enjoys advocating for rural public health and provides mentorship for students interested in public health and rural health. Although a true Tar Heel by birth (in Chapel Hill, NC) and by training (UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health), Lisa is also happy to serve as a consulting associate at Duke University School of Nursing where she hosts national clinical scholars making rotations across NC health system opportunities at Granville Vance Public Health.