Tag Archive for: #granvillecountynews

Sheriff Charles Noblin

Granville County Sheriff Warns Against COVID-19 Scams

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County Sheriff Charles Noblin, Jr. advises that scammers have been “pulling out all the stops” to capitalize on the COVID-19 pandemic, using illegal robocalls, phony websites, bogus emails and other forms of communication. In the Summer 2020 Newsletter of the North Carolina Sheriff’s Association, Sheriff Noblin offers a warning to be aware and to look to trusted sources of information to stay safe and avoid being a victim.

According to the North Carolina Department of Justice (NCDOJ), there have been reports of scammers knocking on doors trying to peddle fake cures and test kits, as well as cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment. At the same time, price gougers had been driving up prices on necessities like toilet paper, food products, gasoline, disinfectants and hand sanitizer.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the release of economic relief payments offer scammers yet another opportunity to trick citizens out of their money and personal information. Social Security beneficiaries have reported receiving calls from scammers claiming to be from the United States Treasury Department, the Social Security Administration or the Internal Revenue Service, who try to convince them to give out confidential information such as their bank account numbers, Social Security information or government benefits debit card number.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, there are ways for consumers to avoid falling victim to coronavirus-related scams:

  • Do not respond to texts, emails or calls about checks from the government. The Internal Revenue Service will not contact you by telephone, email, text message or social media;
  • Ignore online offers for vaccinations, since there are no products proven to prevent or cure the coronavirus at this time;
  • Be wary of ads for test kits;
  • Hang up on robocalls;
  • Watch for emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease Control or the World Health Organization, and report any concerns;
  • Do your homework when making donations. Never make a contribution by cash, in gift cards or through wiring money.

To file a complaint with the North Carolina Department of Justice’s Consumer Protection Division, call 1-877-5-NO-SCAM. 

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Local COVID-19 Update as of 07/27/20: New Outbreak at Granville House in Oxford

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of July 27, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County

1,113 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 1,113, 596 are community-spread cases located across Granville County. Of those 596, 447 have been released from isolation and six are hospitalized.

Of those 1,113, 494 cases are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County and 74 of those 494 have been released from isolation.

Of those 1,113, 23 are associated with outbreaks at long term care facilities including six at Murdoch Development Center, two at Central Regional Hospital, one at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center, six at Universal Health Care, and seven at Granville House in Oxford, NC. The outbreak at Granville House is newly reported.

Of the 23 cases in long term care facilities in Granville County, five have been released from isolation.

There have been a total of 25 deaths in Granville County, three in the community, one at Central Regional Hospital, and 21 of whom were associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Vance County

667 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 667, 544 are community-spread cases located across Vance County. Of those 544, 415 have been released from isolation.

Of those 667, 123 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities including 48 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home and 17 associated with Senior Citizens Home. The outbreak at Pelican Health nursing home is no longer active.

Of the 123 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 44 have been released from isolation.

Three individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 40 deaths in Vance County, 14 of whom were associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 11 of whom were associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, and two of whom were associated with Senior Citizens Home.

WIZS Note: There are 129 total active cases in the Vance County community and 149 in the Granville County community at large at this time (excluding congregate living numbers). The total number of COVID-19 related deaths in Vance County has not increased since July 6.

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information from Granville Vance Public Health and to sign up for daily email updates.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Local GVPH COVID-19 Update: No Reported Vance Co. Deaths in Last 17 Days


100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of July 23, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County

1,075 positive test results for COVID-19 in Granville County.

Of those 1,075, 569 are community-spread cases located across Granville County. Of those 569, 446 have been released from isolation, and eight are hospitalized.

Of those 1,075 cases, 492 are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County. Of those 492, 74 have been released from isolation.

Of those 1,075 total positive cases, 14 are associated with an outbreak at long term care facilities including six at Murdoch Development Center, two at Central Regional Hospital, one at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center, and five at Universal Health Care in Oxford, NC.

Of the 14 cases in long term care facilities in Granville County, five have been released from isolation.

There have been a total of 25 deaths in Granville County, three in the community, one at Central Regional Hospital, and 21 of whom were associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Vance County

642 positive test results for COVID-19 in Vance County.

Of those 642, 519 are community-spread cases located across Vance County. Of those 519, 400 have been released from isolation.

Of those 642, 123 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities including 48 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home and 17 associated with Senior Citizens Home. The outbreak at Pelican Health nursing home is no longer active.

Of the 123 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 44 have been released from isolation.

Three individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 40 deaths in Vance County, 14 of whom were associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 11 of whom were associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, and two of whom were associated with Senior Citizens Home.

WIZS Note: There are 119 total active cases in the Vance County community at large at this time. This is an increase of 18 active cases since Monday, July 20, 2020. All congregate living facility numbers are still stable. The total number of COVID-19 related deaths in Vance County has not increased since July 6.

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information from Granville Vance Public Health and to sign up for daily email updates.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education Votes to Begin Academic Year Remotely

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

At a special called meeting on Thursday, July 23, 2020, the Granville County Board of Education voted 5-2 to begin the 2020-2021 academic year with remote entry for all students. The Board also granted the Superintendent the authority to reassess and make modifications to the reentry plan in consultation with the local Health Department at the four-week mark.

District and school leaders will begin the process of providing detailed information to families on what back to school will look like for children this year. GCSP knows that parents will have many questions and will strive to get answers flowing quickly to help with the transition back to school.

GCPS thanks you for your patience and understanding as it works through this difficult time.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Education to Hold Special Meeting on School Re-Entry Options


-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Thursday, July 23, 2020, at 2 p.m. The purpose of this meeting will be for the Board of Education to discuss School Re-Entry options and updates for the upcoming school year.

Due to the current statewide State of Emergency, and in order to protect the health and safety of board members, staff and the public, this meeting will be conducted electronically, with members of the public invited to view the live stream.

To join the live stream meeting, please use the following link: https://live.myvrspot.com/st?cid=MDhkZj

To view the agenda for this meeting, please click here.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

GVPH: Local COVID-19 Update as of 7/20/20 – Hospitalizations, Deaths Holding Steady


100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of July 20, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County

1,035 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 1,035, 535 are community-spread cases located across Granville County, Of those 535, 397 have been released from isolation and seven are hospitalized.

Of those 1,035, 486 cases are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County. Of those 486, 95 have been released from isolation.

Of those 1,035, 11 are associated with an outbreak at long term care facilities including six at Murdoch Development Center, two at Central Regional Hospital, one at Brantwood Nursing and Rehab Center, and two at Universal Health Care in Oxford, NC.

Of the 11 cases in long term care facilities in Granville County, five have been released from isolation.

There have been a total of 25 deaths in Granville County, three in the community, one at Central Regional Hospital, and 21 of whom were associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Vance County

607 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 607, 484 are community-spread cases located across Vance County. Of those 484, 383 have been released from isolation.

Of those 607, 123 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities including 48 cases associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home and 17 associated with Senior Citizens Home. The outbreak at Pelican Health nursing home is no longer active.

Of the 123 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 44 have been released from isolation.

Three individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 40 deaths in Vance County, 14 of whom were associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 11 of whom were associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, and two of whom were associated with Senior Citizens Home.

WIZS Note: There are 101 total active cases in the Vance County community at large at this time. This is an increase of 13 active cases since Monday, July 13, 2020. Fortunately, COVID-19 related deaths and hospitalizations are holding steady.

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information from Granville Vance Public Health and to sign up for daily email updates.

Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free Continues Lunch & Learn Sessions, Introduces Puppet Show

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free (FLVF) invites the public to join its Domestic Violence 101 Lunch & Learn weekly series online via Zoom. Sessions will be held from 12 until 1 p.m. each Wednesday through August 12, 2020.

Remaining Sessions Include:

July 22, 2020 – Domestic Violence and the Effects on Children

July 29, 2020 – When Loving You is Hurting Me

August 5, 2020 – Healthy Relationships

August 12, 2020 – Personal Boundaries

Families Living Violence Free also invites you to Kids Corner, an online puppet show that addresses issues children may face. Please visit https://flvf.org/kids-corner/ for upcoming shows.

Please visit FLVF’s website at www.flvf.org or call (919) 693-5700 to register for the Lunch & Learn sessions. The link to each week’s Zoom session will be available on the FLVF website.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Chamber Seeking Donated Items for New Teacher Welcome Bags

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 recognition and welcome for new teachers to the county will be a gift bag filled with donations from Chamber members.

The 100 gift bags will be distributed to Chamber member school systems Falls Lake Academy, Granville County Public Schools and Oxford Preparatory School. Large gift bags are being provided by Granville Health System.

Chamber members are encouraged to provide gift bag donation items by Tuesday, July 28, 2020. Please call or email to request staff to pick up items, or items may be delivered at either Chamber office location – 124 Hillsboro St., Oxford, (919) 693-6125, wanda@granville-chamber.com or 1598 NC Hwy 56, between Butner and Creedmoor, (919) 528-4994, tawheeler@granville-chamber.com.

Chamber staff will prepare the gift bags with the many goodies members will donate. Donor businesses will be recognized on a sheet included in the gift bags.

In past years, members have donated items such as business swag, pens, pencils, note pads, coupons, gift cards, key chains, rulers, tape measures, hand sanitizer, health and beauty products, candy/microwave popcorn/small bag of coffee/small snack bag of crackers or chips with a business card attached.

Granville’s new teachers are always very appreciative of these efforts!

Berea Mini Mart Robbery

Information Sought for Two Persons of Interest in Berea Mini-Mart Robbery

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information and photos courtesy Granville County Crime Stoppers

Information about two persons of interest is being requested after a July 13, 2020, robbery of the Berea Mini-Mart, located off Hwy 156 W in Oxford, NC.

During late evening hours, $1,000 was criminally removed from the cash drawer. The Granville County Crime Stoppers Board of Directors has authorized the payment of a reward for information leading to the arrest/indictment of those responsible for this crime.

If you can help identify the men pictured below or have any information to share about this incident, please contact Granville County Crime Stoppers at (919) 693-3100 or the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at (919) 693-3213.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Special Meeting July 20

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Granville

Special Meeting Notice

Please take notice that the Granville County Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting on Monday, July 20, 2020, at 7 p.m.

In order to adhere to the COVID-19 restrictions, members of the Board will participate via simultaneous communication.  Members of the public may only attend via simultaneous communication using call-in information.

The Board anticipates going into closed session pursuant to G.S. §143-318.11(a)(3), (5) and (a)(6).

Public Dial-in Information


Passcode is 583341

To view Granville Co. Board of Commissioner meeting agendas and minutes, click here.