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$118M Expansion Planned For Oxford CertainTeed Plant

CertainTeed will add 37 new jobs as part of an expansion project at its Oxford plant that makes roofing shingles.

The expansion represents a $118.8 million investment in the Granville County facility, according to an announcement made Wednesday by Gov. Roy Cooper.

A performance-based grant of $125,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help with CertainTeed’s expansion in North Carolina. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require matching participation from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.

CertainTeed produces a portfolio of exterior and interior building products that includes roofing materials, siding, fence, decking, railings, trim, insulation, gypsum wallboard, and ceilings. The 122-year-old company will add 225,000 square feet of manufacturing space to their existing shingle manufacturing plant, enhancing their ability to serve customers in a time of unprecedented demand.

CertainTeed is the North American building products subsidiary of Saint-Gobain, one of the largest manufacturing companies in the world.

“This historic investment, made possible with support from the state of North Carolina, will create new jobs and allow our company to support our customers with more of the industry-leading roofing materials that our team has been making in Granville County since 1978,” said Mark Rayfield, President and CEO of Saint-Gobain North America and CertainTeed. “We thank the community for their continued support, and we look forward to many more years of state-of-the-art manufacturing in Oxford.”

Although wages will vary for each position, the average annual salary for the new positions is $66,930, exceeding Granville County’s overall average annual wage of $45,096. The new jobs have the potential to create an annual payroll impact of more than $2.4 million, according to the press statement from the Governor’s office.

“Global brands can operate anywhere in the world, but they continue to choose North Carolina for its workforce,” said North Carolina Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “CertainTeed’s commitment to our state highlights the importance of a well-prepared workforce to meet industry demands. As the manufacturing industry advances, we are committed to advancing our workforce training systems to prepare North Carolinians to help companies meet those demands.”

“This announcement is outstanding for our community,” said N.C. Sen. Mike Woodard. “CertainTeed has been a great corporate partner for our community, and we are grateful for the company’s continued investment here in Oxford.”

“We are excited to bring these great paying jobs to Granville County,” said N.C. Rep. Larry Yarborough. “These new jobs will have a positive impact on our capable workforce that stand ready to fill roles.”

In addition to the N.C. Department of Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina, other key partners in the project include the North Carolina General Assembly, North Carolina Community College System, Vance-Granville Community College, Kerr-Tar Council of Governments, Granville County, Granville County Economic Development, Granville County Chamber, Granville County Public Schools, the City of Oxford, the NCWorks Career Center Oxford, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy.

TownTalk: Timberlake Organizes JF Webb Class Of 1970 Reunion

The students who graduated from J.F. Webb High School in 1970 are the last students to be known as Webb Wildcats. Beginning the next year, the Oxford high school mascot became the Warrior.

Frank Timberlake is a member of the Class of 1970 and he is putting the word out to fellow Wildcats about the 50th reunion celebration that is scheduled to take place – after a 2-year delay – in early June.

Timberlake still lives locally and he said he has the “wonderful – or dubious – job” of trying to reach out to classmates to spread the word about the reunion, which is set for June 4, 2022.

“This year, the Class of “70 is turning 70,” Timberlake told John C. Rose on Town Talk Wednesday. He said many classmates have remained in touch over the years, but he wants to try to reach those folks who may have moved away from the immediate area to let them know about the reunion.

He also would like to know about classmates who have passed away, because there will be a special tribute during the reunion to remember them.

For the group that does convene for the reunion, Timberlake said, it will be just a low-key time. There will be cornhole boards and barbecue, he said, but mostly, the attendees “just want to spend quality time visiting.”

Contact Timberlake at frankt@rftimberlake.com or give him a call at 919.805.0055 to learn more about reunion details.


Tree Dedication Ceremony Apr. 29 At GAP In Memory Of Commissioners

The Granville County Board of Commissioners and county staff will gather at the Granville Athletic Park on Friday, April 29 to make a special dedication to remember three former commissioners in conjunction with National Arbor Day.

A grove of four maple trees will be dedicated in memory of former commissioners Dave Currin, Owen Roberts and Edward Smoak, according to a press statement from Terry Hobgood, Granville County public information officer.

The ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. “All members of the community are invited to attend and are especially encouraged to submit names of those they would like to see honored at this event. Granville County intends to make this a recurring recognition to honor the service and memory of former commissioners while also adding to our beautiful tree canopy at the GAP in conjunction with National  Arbor Day,” the press statement read.

The commissioners approved the idea at their February 2022 meeting and the plan is to install a plaque to dedicate this area of the GAP as a special place dedicated to deceased commissioners honored for their service to the county.

To submit a name of a former official to be considered for recognition at the April 29 event, contact Hobgood at 919.693.5240 or terry.hobgood@granvillecounty.org. The memorial grove and dedication ceremony will be located near the main entrance of the GAP (4615 Belltown Road, Oxford) near the walking path and butterfly garden at the large soccer fields adjacent to the main parking lot.

Granville County Sheriff

Man In Custody In Connection With Weekend Car Theft, House Fire

A 21-year-old man is in custody under a $1 million bond after a weekend incident involving an armed robbery, auto theft, a house fire and the shooting death of a dog in the Franklin County K9 unit.

William Darius Eichelberger was charged with nine felonies. He originally was placed under a $250,000 bond, but that amount was increased to $1 million after a court appearance on Monday, according to information from the Granville County Sheriff’s Office. No law enforcement officers were injured, but a dog was struck and killed by gunfire as events played out.

No law enforcement officers were injured in the incident. The Granville County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident along with the NC State Bureau of Investigation.

Deputies from Granville County Sheriff’s Office, along with other local law enforcement officials, responded to a report of an armed robbery involving the theft of a motor vehicle on Saturday afternoon about 3:15 p.m.

The car and the suspect, described as a black male about 6-foot-2 wearing a gray sweatshirt and black shorts, were later seen in the Antioch community of Granville County. The vehicle was recovered, but the suspect fled on foot.

Law enforcement officers canvassed the area into Saturday evening, but did not locate the individual, according to a press statement from Terry Hobgood, Granville County public information officer.

Sunday morning, sheriff’s deputies and fire department officials responded to a report of a suspicious fire in the Antioch community and upon arrival, determined that the suspect – possibly still armed – may be hiding in the crawlspace under the house.

Granville County requested assistance from Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team, which came under gunfire as it attempted to determine if the suspect still was in the crawlspace. Franklin County deputies returned fire and then retreated to a safe position, according to the press statement. Additional help from other law enforcement agencies was requested, including the State Bureau of Investigation.

A crisis negotiator from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office was called to the scene and made contact with the suspect, who was still under the house. The suspect did come out from under the house, at which time he was taken into custody and transported by EMS for medical attention. His injuries were minor, however, and medical professionals released him into the custody of law enforcement.

An assault-style rifle was recovered from underneath the residence.

Following is the list of charges against Eichelberger:

  • Assault on a law enforcement agency K9, NCGS 14-163.1(A1)
  • Assault on law enforcement officers w/firearm, NCGS 14-34.5(A)
  • Breaking and/or entering, NCGS 14-54(A), two counts
  • Breaking and entering a motor vehicle, NCGS 14-56
  • Larceny after breaking and entering, NCGS 14-72(B)(2)
  • Possession stolen firearm, NCGS 14-71.1
  • Robbery with dangerous weapon, NCGS 14-87
  • Possession of stolen goods/property, NCGS 14-71.1
  • Larceny of motor vehicle, NCGS 14-72(A)

RISE Open House Set To Gather Input On Regional Resiliency

A regional forum about resiliency is scheduled for later this month to hear from business and civic leaders and from the community at large to collect information to be used to develop a regional vulnerability assessment.

The open house will take place on Thursday, April 28, from 6 p.m to 7:30 p.m at the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments, located at 1724 Graham Ave., Henderson.

The in-person open house will begin with a short presentation but organizers encourage anyone interested in participating to drop in any time during the 90-minute session to leave suggestions and opinions; participants may choose to join via Zoom between 10:30 a.m. and noon.

The project is called RISE – Regions Innovating for Stronger Economies and Environment – and the open house is hosted by the N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency, the N.C. Rural Center, the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments and the Kleinfelder group.

RISE will collect information that it will share within the region related to climate impacts such as flooding and storms, as well as how participants define resilience in the workplace or in homes, as well as community strengths. All of the information will be used to develop a regional vulnerability assessment.

According to Michele Burgess, president of the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce, “As Vance County business leaders, community citizens, and members of the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce, we are encouraging you to step up and participate” in the regional forum.

The Kerr-Tar region includes Vance, Granville, Franklin, Person and Warren counties and organizers said they are looking to hear from a diverse cross-section of the community across ages, occupations and demographics.

The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84383461025.  The meeting ID is 843 8346.

The RISE project is associated with the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments. Phone Kerr-Tar at 252.436.2040 to learn more.

Rabid Skunk Found In Granville; State Law Requires Dogs, Cats, Ferrets To Have Rabies Vaccinations

Granville County Animal Control picked up a rabid skunk on Monday, April 4, 2022 and remind all pet owners to make sure their rabies vaccinations are up-to-date.

The skunk was located at U.S. Hwy 15 North and Watkins Wilkinson Road, and it did test positive for rabies.

Pet owners can bring their dogs and cats to the animal shelter to get a 1-year rabies vaccination Monday through Friday, from 12 noon to 4:30 p.m. The cost is $6.

State Law requires that all owned dogs, cats and ferrets by vaccinated by four months of age; one shot is not enough, and all rabies vaccinations must be kept current.

Granville County Animal Control office and shelter is located at 515 New Commerce Drive, Oxford. The phone number is 919.693.6749.

Downtown Arts And Wine Festival April 23 In Oxford

Oxford will be the site of the first Downtown Arts and Wine Festival – mark Saturday, April 23 on your calendars for an afternoon of strolling and sipping during the outdoor event.

Wine by the glass and beer will be sold at The Hub on Main, which is partnering with the Oxford Arts Council to host the festival.

There will be live music and food vendors from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., as well as live artist demonstrations throughout the afternoon. The arts and wine festival is free; purchase tickets online here or at The Hub on Main for a featured wine-tasting event from the wineries that will be present.

Follow The Hub on Main’s Facebook page for event updates.

Tell them you heard it on WIZS!

I Voted Sticker

Granville Early Voting Begins April 28

Granville County voters have several options for one-stop early voting, which begins Thursday, Apr. 28 and runs through Saturday, May 14. The statewide primary election will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2022.

In addition, voters may now request absentee ballots, either by filling out a ballot request at the county board of elections office or at https://votebymail.ncsbe.gov/app/home. All requests must be received by 5 p.m. on May 10, 2022, according to information received at WIZS by James A. Wall, Sr., chair of the Granville Board of Elections.

Individuals who need to register to vote must do so by Friday, Apr. 22, to be eligible to vote in the May 17 primary. Eligible individuals who are not registered by that deadline may register and vote at any early voting site during the early voting period. New registrants will be required to provide documentation of their residence.

Any voter who wants to change party affiliation, however, must do so by the April 22 deadline, according to the information from the board of elections chairman.

One-stop early voting will be held at the following locations on weekdays beginning Thursday, Apr. 28, 2022, to Saturday, May 14, 2022:


Oxford Public Works building meeting room (in lieu of the Board of Elections office)

127 Penn Avenue

Oxford, NC 27565

South Branch Library multipurpose room

1550 South Campus Drive

Creedmoor, NC 27522

Tar River Elementary School gymnasium

2642 Philo White Road

Franklinton, NC  27525


The early voting hours are from 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. each weekday; early voting on Saturday, May 14 ends at 3 p.m.

Polls will be open on Election Day – Tuesday, May 17 – from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

In the primary election, voters will select nominees for a political party to move on to the November 8 general election. Contests on the ballot include U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, N.C. General Assembly, state and local judges, district attorney, and county offices. In primaries, voters affiliated with a political party will be given a ballot of candidates for their party. Unaffiliated voters may choose the ballot of candidates for any party primary.

Contact the Granville County Board of Elections Office at 919.693.2515 or send an email to vote@granvillecounty.org for answers to questions you may have about voting in Granville County.

Granville Senior Center Recertified As “Center Of Excellence”

The Granville County Senior Center in Oxford has been recertified as a Center of Excellence from the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services. The five-year certification continues through 2027.

The voluntary certification is designed to strengthen senior centers across the state by documenting the achievements of centers that are providing quality programs and services.  The Granville Center previously completed certifications is 2012 and 2017, according to a press statement from Terry A. Hobgood, Jr., Granville County public information officer.

It received special commendations for programs like the Creative Lifelong Learning Program, Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinson’s patients, the Community Aging Fund and the Senior Welfare Program partnership with the Granville County Sheriff’s Office. These programs were noted as showcasing the strengths of senior services in Granville County by the N.C. Division of Aging and Adult Services.

Designation as a Center of Excellence means that “the center provides exemplary services and opportunities in their community and serves as a mentor and model to other senior centers” according to the state.

Senior centers may seek the designation to enhance professionalism, provide accountability, assure quality, improve credibility, promote consistent standards and to identify excellence among senior services providers. It also allows for senior centers to receive additional state funding for service enhancement and equipment/furniture purchases.

For more information about programs and services provided at the Granville County Senior Center, as well locations in Creedmoor and Stovall, visit https://www.granvillecounty.org/residents/senior-services/ or call 919.693.1930.

Mark Pace

TownTalk: Mark Pace Named Granville Citizen Of The Year

Mark Pace said he is scheduled for ten appearances in which he portrays the historical figure John Penn – a signer of the Declaration of Independence with ties to Granville County. No doubt Pace has done his fair share of research into Penn’s life, which was lived in relative obscurity after he signed that historic document. There were no awards given to those original signers – no acceptance speeches or thank you’s to be found.

Too bad, because Pace could have drawn upon Penn’s reactions when he himself was called to the dais to receive the John Penn Citizen of the Year award at Monday’s Granville County Chamber of Commerce banquet.

Annette Myers presented Pace with the award, and in comments leading up to announcing his name, she talked about the many hats that individuals wear in the community. Just before the announced his name, Myers put on the hat that Pace wears as part of the Penn costume.

Lauren Roberson, executive director of the Granville Chamber, told John C. Rose on Tuesday’s Town Talk that the John Penn winner is one of the highlights of the annual banquet.

Pace is well-known as a local historian and North Carolina Room specialist at the Richard Thornton library in Oxford. Roberson said he spreads his knowledge across the county – and beyond, and his genuine enthusiasm for history shines through

“He never turns down a request from the community” to provide assistance or research information, she said.

The annual banquet is usually held in January, but this year’s event was rescheduled because of COVID-19 safety protocols. Roberson said the evening went off without a hitch, which she said is a result of wonderful collaboration.

Outgoing president Cecilia Wheeler presided over the evening’s events. “She is such a trouper and an amazing woman,” Roberson said. Dan DeCarlo, general manager of Creedmoor Forest Products, is incoming president. “The board is excited for his leadership and vision,” she added.

UNC basketball legend Phil Ford was the evening’s keynote speaker.

“He gave an amazing keynote speech,” Roberson said. He talked about everything from his childhood to playing ball at Carolina and then in the NBA, with a focus on faith and where he is now, she said, which was both inspirational and motivational.

In a phone interview with WIZS News Tuesday afternoon, Ford said it was an honor to be at the banquet. There were “a lot of nice people, very welcoming. I was amazed at the camaraderie among the people there –  everybody seemed like one big family, everybody seemed to know each other…everybody seemed to be pulling for each other,” he said.

“It was an amazing evening and I was happy to be a small part of it.”

There was a good amount of Carolina blue among the attendees, too, and Ford graciously spoke to fans before and after the event, signing programs and taking pictures.