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Online Meeting May 19 To Talk About Business Recovery Grants

The N.C. Department of Revenue has scheduled an online information session next week to help businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic apply for Business Recovery Grant money.

The session will be held Thursday, May 19 from 11 a.m. to noon and is open to anyone interested in learning more about the grant’s Phase 2, according to Sheri Jones, VGCC Small Business Center Director. “The state is eager to distribute these funds to eligible businesses so I would encourage anyone who was in business during the pandemic to take a look at the criteria and apply – it is much broader and covers more business types in this phase, Jones said.

The deadline to apply is June 1.
To register for Thursday’s online session, go to:  NC DOR Business Recovery Grant – Program Overview & Common FAQs
The N.C. General Assembly passed the legislation and Gov. Roy Cooper signed it into law in March. The BRG issues awards of up to $500,000 to eligible North Carolina businesses that suffered substantial economic loss during the pandemic.
Two types of grants are available through the program:

  • A hospitality grant is available to an eligible arts, entertainment or recreation business,
    as well as an eligible accommodation or food service business such as a hotel, restaurant or bar (NAICS code 71 and 72).
  • A reimbursement grant is available to an eligible business not classified in NAICS Code
    71 and 72.

For Phase 2, the law was changed to make more businesses eligible for a grant. A business that received other COVID-19 relief may now be eligible for a grant in Phase 2.
Visit https://www.ncdor.gov/business-recovery-grant for more information and to apply.

Mail Carriers’ ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ Event May 14

Postal carriers deliver all sorts of mail to boxes near and far every day. But there’s a special-delivery postcard that found its way into area mailboxes recently to promote the “Stamp Out Hunger” campaign, which takes place the second Saturday in May.

That day is THIS Saturday, May 14.

The request is simple: Leave healthy, non-perishable food items by your mailbox and the person who delivers your mail will pick up your donation.

Since 1993, the National Association of Letter Carriers, along with various national partners, has worked to collect food items that are donated to local food pantries.

Visit www.stampouthungerfooddrive.us to learn more.

Upcoming Blood Drives Scheduled; Make An Appointment To Give

-information courtesy of the American Red Cross Eastern North Carolina

 The school year is almost over, and it’s about time for afternoons at the pool and family road trips. While summer means fun for many of us, it’s business as usual in hospitals across the country. The need for blood doesn’t take a break, and it’s critical that donors take time to give blood or platelets to ensure a strong blood supply in the coming months.

In thanks for helping boost the blood supply, all who come to give through May 19, 2022, will receive a $10 e-gift card to a merchant of choice and will also be automatically entered to win a travel trailer camper that sleeps eight. Details are available at rcblood.org/camper. Those who come to give May 20-31 will receive an exclusive 20-ounce Red Cross aluminum water bottle and customizable sticker set, while supplies last, according to Cally Edwards, regional communications director for the Red Cross of Eastern North Carolina.

Upcoming blood drive schedule by county:



5/18/2022: 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Maria Parham Medical Center, 566 Ruin Creek Rd.

5/19/2022: 1 p.m. – 6 p.m., Raleigh Road Baptist Church, 3892 Raleigh Rd.



5/27/2022: 2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Creedmoor United Methodist Church, 214 Park Ave.



5/20/2022: 2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Macon Baptist Church, 159 Church St.

How to donate blood

Download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enable the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

Blood and platelet donors can save time at their next donation by using RapidPass® to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, before arriving at the blood drive. To get started, follow the instructions at RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass or use the Blood Donor App.




Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments

‘Operation Fan Heat Relief’ Provides Fans To Eligible Elderly, Disabled


-Information courtesy of N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Aging and Adult Services is partnering with the N.C. Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers to distribute fans to eligible recipients through Operation Fan Heat Relief.

People over the age of 60, as well as adults with disabilities, are eligible to sign up for assistance now through the end of October at local aging agencies across the state, according to information from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.

Residents in Vance, Granville, Warren, Person and Franklin counties can contact the Kerr Tar Regional COG, 1724 Graham Ave., Henderson at 252.436.2040 or visit their website https://www.kerrtarcog.org/

Since 1986, the relief program has purchased fans for older adults and adults with disabilities, providing them with a more comfortable living environment and reducing heat-related illnesses.

The program is made possible by donations from Duke Energy Carolinas, Duke Energy Progress, Dominion Resources and Valassis, and allows regional area agencies on aging and local provider agencies to purchase fans for eligible individuals. Local provider agencies can also purchase a limited number of air conditioners based on a person’s specific health conditions.

Last year, DAAS received $85,500 in donations, allowing for the distribution of 3,240 fans and 26 air conditioners.

As individuals age and develop chronic medical conditions, they are less likely to sense and respond to changes in temperature, and they may also be taking medications that can worsen the impact of extreme heat. Operation Fan Heat Relief helps vulnerable adults at risk for heat-related illnesses stay safe during the summer.
In addition to applying for fans, people ages 60 and older, as well as adults with disabilities, can take the following steps during high temperatures:

  • Increase fluid intake
  • Spend time in cool or air-conditioned environments regularly
  • Reduce strenuous activity during the afternoon
  • Speak with their physician before summer about how to stay safe while taking medication that can affect the body’s ability to cool itself (e.g., high blood pressure medications)

For more details, individuals may contact their area agency on aging or the Division of Aging and Adult Services’ housing program consultant at 919.855.3419.

More information about Operation Fan Heat Relief, including tips on preparing for extreme heat and a list of local agencies distributing fans, is available at www.ncdhhs.gov/operation-fan-and-heat-relief.

NC Dept of Agriculture

Horse Owners: Protect Your Animals From Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Information courtesy of the N.C. Department of Agriculture

N.C. Department of Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler is encouraging equine owners to have their animals vaccinated against Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis and West Nile Virus.

“Mosquito-breeding season in North Carolina lasts from spring until the first frost and horses are at risk if not properly vaccinated,” Troxler said in a press statement issued Tuesday, May 3. “EEE is fatal 90 percent of the time in horses and WNV has a fatality rate of 30 percent,” he said. However, both diseases are preventable by vaccination.

Last year, there were three recorded cases of EEE and two cases of WNV.

State Veterinarian Dr. Mike Martin recommends that equine owners talk to their veterinarians about an effective vaccination protocol to protect horses from mosquito-borne diseases. The combination vaccination initially requires multiple injections for horses, mules and donkeys that have no prior vaccination history.

Mosquitoes can breed in any puddle that lasts for more than four days, so removing any source of standing water can reduce the chance of exposing animals to WNV or EEE. Keeping horses in stalls at night, using insect screens and fans, and turning off lights after dusk can also help reduce exposure to mosquitoes. Insect repellents can be effective if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Symptoms of EEE include impaired vision, aimless wandering, head pressing, circling, inability to swallow, irregular staggering gait, paralysis, convulsions and death. Once a horse has been bitten by an infected mosquito, it may take three to 10 days for symptoms to appear.

Symptoms of WNV include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, head pressing, seizures and aimless wandering.

People, horses and birds can become infected from a bite by a mosquito carrying the diseases, but there is no evidence that horses can transmit the viruses to other horses, birds or people through direct contact.

“It’s also a great time to make sure your animal is current on its rabies vaccination,” Troxler said. “In 2021, seven cases of livestock infected with rabies was reported to our Veterinary Division. Since January we have already had four positive cases in livestock. Most of the cases have been in cows but all livestock are naturally curious animals, which puts them at risk for a bite if a rabid animal gets through their fence line.”

Granville County Manager Leaving; Accepting State-Level Job

Granville County Manager Michael Felts announced his resignation at Monday’s board of commissioners meeting and is set to take a position with the N.C. Association of County Commissioners Risk Management Pools.

Felts was appointed county manager in July 2013 after serving 11 years as the county’s finance director. His last day with the county is set for July 31, 2022, according to information from Terry Hobgood, county public information officer.

During his tenure as manager, Felts spearheaded the county’s first long-range strategic plan and established a capital improvement program for county facilities to deal with current and expected growth to maintain a high level of service to county residents.

Board Chair Tony Cozart called Felts’ departure “a tremendous loss” for the county.

“Michael Felts has done so much for Granville County as a leader and dedicated public servant,” Cozart said in the press statement. “He has guided our county staff with a steady hand and worked  tirelessly to implement policies from this board in a diligent and professional manner.

His ability to identify solutions, develop a strong team, and maintain a visionary focus are truly exemplary.”

The board of commissioners will determine the appropriate process to search for the next county manager and will provide details as they become available.

Felts stated that it was a privilege to serve the citizens of Granville County in his roles as manager and finance director and said he was proud of the work he and the team had accomplished.

“It has been an honor to serve this community and I am confident that Granville County is well-positioned for the years ahead, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our staff and the steady and thoughtful leadership of our board of commissioners,” Felts said.

Popular “Quittin’ Time” Returns To Downtown Oxford May 5

Quittin’ Time in Oxford is set to kick off the 2022 season next week, inviting folks to hang around downtown after the workday ends to enjoy unwinding at a number of local eateries.

This is the second year for Quittin’ Time, and eight local restaurants and venues are gearing up to create small plates and drinks for their patrons during the 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. window that begins Thursday, May 5 and continues on Thursdays through the end of June.

Visit Uptown 101, The Hub, Main St. Oasis, Strong Arm Bakery and Kitchen, Tobacco Wood Brewery, Harvest, Milano’s and The Orpheum to purchase hand-crafted small plates, craft cocktails, irresistible desserts – there may be some of last year’s favorites back on the menu, too!

Menu offerings will change from week to week, so follow along on social media for hints on what’s to come!

There’s no need to RSVP for the weekly free event – the only cost is for what patrons choose to purchase from the different locations as they stroll through downtown Oxford.

Would You Rather Lose 20 Lbs. Or $2K Of Debt?

Think for a moment about how you would answer this question: Would you rather lose 20 pounds of weight or $2,000 of debt?

If your answer is the weight, you’re right in line with most other North Carolinians who responded to a survey from BarBend.com, a world leader in news and information about strength training.

The results show that 54 percent of North Carolinians who took part in the survey said they are more concerned about their “fitness debt” than their financial debt. Financial debt may be an all-too-familiar term to many, but just what is “fitness debt?”

“Fitness debt, or fitness deficit, can be defined as the difference between how much exercise you should be doing and the amount of exercise you actually do on a regular basis,” according to information from BarBend.

“If you’re exercising your body for fewer hours than it needs to function optimally, you have a fitness debt, which can be measured as a percentage. Over time, a fitness deficit can add up and negatively impact one’s health, leading to things like weight gain and increased risk of certain health factors – much like how a poor credit score can affect finances,” the statement continued.

In another study by BarBend, North Carolinians, on average, complete 111.3 hours of training or physical activity each year. That’s less than the CDC recommendation of 130 hours, so North Carolina has an average fitness debt of 18.7 hours per year.

Compare that to the national average of 115.1 hours – fitness debt of  7.3 percent – and North Carolina’s ranks lower than the national average.

So, what can individuals do to lower that fitness debt? Some of the same tactics that we use to reduce financial debt can be adapted to help improve overall fitness.

Those New Years’ resolutions to move more, spend less may have faded into oblivion as we approach the halfway mark of 2022. It helps to be conscious of the number of hours that you are seated during the day – whether it’s behind a desk, watching TV or sitting in front of a computer.

“It may sound innocuous to think about the number of hours per day you are sitting down, but sitting has even been referred to as the ‘new smoking’ based on the number of health issues it can trigger,” according to BarBend.

The only two states with a fitness “credit” are the Dakotas – South Dakota has a fitness credit of 7.3 percent, which means that South Dakotans work out 7.3 hours above the CDC recommendations; North Dakota also had a fitness credit of 3.7 percent.

The state with the overall highest fitness deficit is Wyoming, which had a 35.6 percent deficit – its residents worked out 35.6 fewer hours than the recommended 130 hours.

Granville Spring Clean Recycle Event May 14 At Expo Center

Granville County residents, mark your calendars for Saturday, May 14 to bring unwanted hazardous materials and a variety of recyclable items to the countywide Spring Clean event.

Teresa Baker, Granville County’s recycle coordinator, said the event will be held at the Granville County Expo and Convention Center from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Expo Center is located at 4185 U.S. Hwy 15 South in Oxford.

Residents may bring items ranging from old paint and unused pesticides to batteries, electronics and books.

But it’s not just an event to get rid of unwanted items – the Humane Society of Granville County will be on hand to accept much-needed donations of dog and cat supplies, from crates to collars, pet food to flea and tick medication.

The county usually hosts a recycle event each spring and fall, and Baker has reported that tons of materials are diverted from landfills when they are collected for proper disposal at county events like this one.

Below is a complete list of vendors on site for the event:

  • Veolia: paints, household chemicals, light tubes, drain cleaners

Note: Limit 15 cans of paint per vehicle

  • C. Dept. of Agriculture Pesticide Division: pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc.
  • Shred Ace: onsite secure document shredding
  • GFL – scrap metal, junk lawnmowers, broken appliances, broken bicycles
  • Metech Electronic Recycling: laptops, computers, printers, fax, televisions, monitors
  • Granville County Sheriff’s Office: prescriptions/medications, sharps, flares, ammunition
  • Interstate Batteries: all types of batteries
  • Book Recycling & Polystyrene/Styrofoam



Representatives of the Humane Society will happily accept dog and cat food, crates, dog houses, leashes, collars, towels and flea and tick prevention.

Enjoy Highland Games In Oxford Saturday, Apr. 30

The Central North Carolina Highland games will be held on Saturday on the campus of Central Children’s Home. Traditional Scottish athletic events like “tossing of the caber” will be demonstrated by skilled athletes from all over, and it’s all for a good cause.

Proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the children’s home. And if there happens to be a kilt hanging in your closet, you’re welcome to wear it Saturday. The daylong event runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Granville Tourism Director Angela Allen said it will be a fun time to watch and learn.

Tickets are $20 for those 16 and older; those 15 and under are admitted free. Contact event organizers at GamesAnnouncer@gmail.com.

Just what exactly IS a caber? It looks like a telephone pole and it weighs more than 150 pounds. And people toss it in the air and flip it so that it lands perpendicular to the ground. If that sounds a bit much, there’s also the N.C. Sheaf Toss Championship that will take place that day. That event involves throwing a 16-pound bundle of twine over a high bar.

The athletic events won’t be the only draw, however. A number of pipe bands will be performing, incorporating the sounds of bagpipes with drums and precision marching.

“If music and movement is your thing then you’ll want to take in the Celtic dance exhibition,” Allen said. “We’ve all heard of Riverdance. This will give you a chance to see individual dancers up close as they present traditional steps and dances,” she added.

There will be plenty of food and drink on hand throughout the day as well.

Visit www.visitgranvillenc.com for the schedule of events. The children’s home is located at 211 W. Antioch Dr., Oxford.