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Boys and Girls Club fundraiser brings a taste of New Orleans to Granville County

OXFORD – Mardi Gras festivities begin a few days early in Granville County this year when a local venue transforms into a New Orleans-style party spot.

The inaugural Mardi Gras Bash, set for Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017, is a fundraiser to benefit the Granville Unit of the Boys and Girls Club. Event organizers, most of them members of the local club’s advisory committee, say they expect this to become an annual “signature” event for the community.

“We are excited for the community and for the club,” said Irene Nichols, a member of the planning committee. “When you step through those doors, you’re going to feel like you are right down on Bourbon Street,” she said.

The fundraiser will be held at Thorndale Oaks in Oxford. “Thorndale Oaks is such a beautiful spot,” said Jackie Sergent, another committee member. “We are delighted to be able to have our event there,” Sergent said. Thorndale’s chef has created a New Orleans-inspired menu for the occasion. The event is from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., with special recognitions and other activities during the evening. Music will be provided by DJ Jay.

Boys and Girls Club members are creating and decorating Mardi Gras masks for the occasion, which will be available for purchase at the event. Local artist Linda Edwards will lead a workshop at the club to help the children create the masks in colorful Mardi Gras fashion.

The local club is in its fourth year of operation in Oxford. It is part of the North Central North Carolina region, which operates clubs in Granville, Vance, Franklin, Warren and Halifax counties. Each local club has an advisory committee which is responsible for local fundraising annually. The club began at Mary Potter Middle School, but soon needed extra space. Elementary school-aged club members spent part of the afternoons at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Then the BGCNCNC accepted building space, formerly used by  Santa Fe Natural Tobacco. The club officially moved to its new spot in summer 2016.

“This is what true community collaboration is all about,” said Laura Gabel, a local advisory committee member. “We got help from the schools and from a local church when we needed it most,” she said. Advisory committee Chairman Xavier Wortham agrees. “This community identified a need for a Boys and Girls Club,” he said, “and now we need to make sure that this community continues to support everything that the club provides.”

Tickets are $50 a person and are available in downtown Oxford at Stovall’s Gifts, Java Dave’s Cafe, Harvest restaurant and The Purple Bird. Tickets also are available from BGC  advisory committee members and online at bgcncnc.com.

For more information, contact Resource Development Director Mary Ann Avery at the BGC corporate office, 919.690.0036.


Mary Ann Avery

Resource Development Director


Sixth Annual Great Landscape Day Planned at the MHCO

6th Annual Great Landscape Day at MHCO – March 18, 2017

It’s that time of year again, March 18, 2017 will mark our 6th Annual Great Landscape Day at the Masonic Home! Thank you for your participation in the past as part of this successful Masonic Home for Children’s event.  This day of service and charity has grown from one single Girl Scout Troop to over 120 individuals representing families, businesses, churches, Lodges, and civic organizations.  The beauty that you and others have given to this Home continues today.  Our thanks again for your help in the past and for your consideration of this year’s event.  We hope you can join us and will invite others to share in this day of help and fellowship!  Come and join us for a good meal (two in fact) and the chance to bring beauty, comfort, and security to the home of a child.

When:           Saturday, March 18, 2017 – (NO RAIN DATE THIS YEAR – CALL FOR UPDATES!)

Where:          Campus of Masonic Home for Children, 600 College St., Oxford, NC

Schedule:      7:30am – 9am – Continental Breakfast for participants

8:30am – 12:00pm – Landscaping Event on Campus

12:00pm – Lunch and Conclusion of Event

Groups can start after 8:30am and/or leave before 12 noon if needed.  Please bring shovels, gloves, wheelbarrow, rakes, and other landscaping implements for your personal use.  A needs list of items that can be given as part of the event is available at www.mhc-oxford.org.  You must RSVP and sign-up on or before March 10, 2017 to participate and must include the number attending.  This is very important to make the most of this day. To RSVP or for more information contact MHCO at 919-603-3930 or jgrimes@mhc-oxford.org.


Jennifer Grimes

Financial Development Assistant & Database Manager

The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford, Inc.

600 College Street

Oxford, NC 27565

Granville County Animal Management Survey

Granville County Animal Management and Granville County Senior Services are collecting information about pet ownership in Granville County. We will use this data to better understand pet owners in Granville County and where services are needed.

This survey is anonymous.

Please only take it once.


Single Owner Request: If you co-own a pet, please only complete one survey per household.

The link to complete the survey online: https://tinyurl.com/hqzrkpz.




Charla Duncan

Grants Coordinator

141 Williamsboro St.

P.O. Box 1286

Oxford, NC  27565

NCSWIA awards Oxford $10 Million in Water and Sewer Infrastructure Funds

For Immediate Release

In February of 2016 City Engineer Amy Ratliff recommended that the City apply for NC Connect, North Carolina State funds. Faced with aging water and sewer infrastructure that in places dates back to 1907, the Commissioners approved the recommendation and ordered a plan to proceed.


In September of 2016, The Board of Commissioners approved a water and sewer rate increase to meet minimum rates required by the State of North Carolina to apply for the water and sewer grants and loans to allow Oxford to be in a better position to maintain both existing and new infrastructure well into the future.


City Engineer Ratliff led the team that developed a $96 million Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that was adopted by the Board in regular session on September 13th, 2016. Project planning on the improvements is already underway and construction is slated to start on the water and sewer infrastructure as early as this summer.


On January 18th 2017, the North Carolina State Water Infrastructure Authority, voted unanimously to grant the City of Oxford over $6 Million in state grants and nearly $4 Million in 0% interest loans to replace over nine miles of water and sewer infrastructure within the Oxford city limits.


Securing this funding is the first step in fortifying the water and sewer infrastructure in Oxford. Residents will notice work on these infrastructure improvements in the coming months. The completed system will pave the way for continued residential and commercial growth in our community.


Much of the water and sewer infrastructure upgrades need to be completed in time for the City to piggy-back on the North Carolina Department of Transportation resurfacing project scheduled to begin in the spring of 2018. By working with DOT, The City of Oxford will be able to resurface about four times as many road-miles as they have in the past.

Granville Superintendent Howard Announces Retirement

Granville Superintendent Howard Announces Retirement

At the regularly scheduled January Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Dr. Dorwin L. Howard, Sr. informed Board members that he had made the decision to retire from employment with the State of North Carolina as Superintendent of Granville County Public Schools effective July 1, 2017.

Dr. Houlihan, Chairman of the Board of Education, offered his reaction to the news, “Speaking on behalf of the Board of Education, we were certainly saddened to hear about this announcement, but at the same time we congratulate him on the remarkable 37-year career he has had serving the students of Granville County Public Schools and we wish him and his family the very best in the future.”

Dr. Howard began his career in public education when he took his first job as an Agriculture Teacher at JF Webb High School in 1980.  Since then, he has served as a vice-principal, principal, Director of Secondary and Career and Technical Education, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and as Superintendent.  All but six months of his career in public education has been spent serving the students of Granville County.

Dr. Howard shared the news with staff members across the district, offering  some thoughts about this important announcement, “I am appreciative of the opportunities which Granville County Public Schools has given me since I began teaching.  As I reflect on my experiences, I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to work with others throughout my career.  Each and every one of the employees has been, and I am sure will continue to be, instrumental in creating the type of school environment which fosters learning at the highest levels.”

Dr. Howard, a native of Granville County, and a graduate of JF Webb High School, attended NC A&T for his undergraduate degree, and NC State University for his master’s and doctoral degrees in Educational Administration.  He will have completed his third year serving as Superintendent upon retirement.

Dr. Howard concluded his remarks to staff by saying, “I trust that during my remaining five months with you as Superintendent, we all will continue to work together, giving our best for the good of all students throughout the district.  I pray that the future of the students of Granville County Public Schools will be bright.”

(Granville County Schools Press Release and Picture)

Granville Little Theatre to present “Miracle on 34th Street”

Bring your whole family to join Granville Little Theatre to share some holiday spirit as we present “Miracle on 34th Street” directed by Amy Hann.

December 15th, 16th, 17th @ 7:30PM
December 17th, 18th @ 2:30PM 

Please note the additional matinee on Saturday to accommodate as many families as possible. Santa Clause will be in the lobby before each show to take pictures! The pictures and the time with Santa are free. We ask that you make a donation to the theater if you are able, but it is not required.

House opens 30 minutes before each show. Concessions will be available before the show and at intermission. In addition to our regular concessions we will have coffee, hot chocolate, single doughnuts and doughnuts by the dozen fresh from Krispy Kreme!

Visit our website for more information: www.GranvilleLittleTheatre.org 

or log onto their Facebook page Granville Little Theatre

Granville Chamber to host New Teacher Breakfast

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce and Granville Health System are sponsoring the annual New Teacher Breakfast on Friday, August 19th at 7:30 am at Granville Central High School, 2043 Sanders Road, Stem. This event welcomes and recognizes new employees to the Granville County School system and allows them an opportunity to meet local elected officials, as well as  business and agency leaders in Granville County.

Presiding will be Angela Allen, President of the Granville Chamber, with remarks from Dr. Lee Isley, CEO, Granville Health System.

Granville County Chamber banks, real estate, and insurance members are invited to set up business displays to provide information for the newcomers. Chamber of Commerce member businesses contribute items for gift bags for the 100 new teacher employees.  Businesses interested in donating gift bag items should contact either of the Chamber’s offices – Toni Anne Wheeler, 919.528.4994, tawheeler@granville-chamber.com or Wanda Garrett, 919.693.6125, wanda@granville-chamber.com.