Tag Archive for: #granvillecountynews

GCPS Continues Significant Proficiency Gains and Academic Growth

At their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, September 11, the Granville County Board of Education received a special report on the student achievement results from the 2016-2017 school year.  During this presentation, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michael Myrick presented a series of graphs and charts providing comprehensive data on how the students performed on state tests.  The presentation focused on GCPS test score averages over the past three years compared to state and surrounding district averages.  Dr. Myrick also shared information about academic growth measures for each school, and school letter grades as assigned by the state.

Data from his presentation revealed an increase in proficiency in 14 of 18 tested areas, with 18 of 19 schools having met or exceeded academic growth.  These significant gains in growth and proficiency across grade levels and content areas contribute to a multi-year positive trend for student achievement.

The scores for our district were generally higher than those of Vance, Warren and Person counties, and slightly lower or comparable to those for Franklin County.  All five districts in our region were at or below the overall state average in all areas.

In the second set of data, Dr. Myrick displayed the following chart showing how GCPS schools letter grades compared to those of local charter schools:

Letter grades for schools in our district improved compared to the previous year, with no schools reporting an F, fewer schools reporting as a D, and more schools reporting as a B.

School Board Chairman Dr. Thomas Houlihan commented on this set of data, saying, “Three year trends sho tremendous growth over time.  It’s very exciting to see this type of progress.  We do want to celebrate, but we don’t want to forget the work that remains.  We also don’t want to forget the hard work and dedication of all of our talented teachers.”

School letter grades are determined by a state-mandated formula that uses proficiency and growth on a variety of test scores to assign a letter grade.  More information about how school letter grades are calculated can be found here:


Vice Chairman Leonard Peace, Sr. offered his remarks, saying “We are definitely headed in the right direction.  The teachers certainly deserve all of the credit for their hard work.”

Superintendent Dr. McLean thanked Dr. Myrick for his work in this area, and summarized the presentation with these remarks, “While I can take no credit for these remarkable gains, I am excited that there is established, consistent momentum for our district.  If we are to achieve our goals of double digit improvements and 90 percent across the board, then we must use these fine results to help launch us forward. ”

Faulkner Family Statement of Campbell Guilty Verdict

This day has been a long time coming.  We have waited over two and one half years for justice for Jerome and Dora Faulkner, whose lives were taken in such a brutal and horrifying way.  It is hard for us to find any joy in this situation.  We are ready to move forward with our lives, taking the memory of Jerome and Dora with us.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Granville County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Brindell B. Wilkins, Jr., the West Virginia State Police, the Lewisburg, West Virginia Police Department, the Greenbrier County, West Virginia Sheriff’s Office.  We would especially like to thank District Attorney Mike Waters, Assistant District Attorney Allison Capps, and the entire Granville County District Attorney’s Office for their countless hours spent in preparing this case for trial.  We would also like to thank the Oak Hill, Oxford, and surrounding communities for their support over the last two and one half years, and for the love and support of our families and friends.

Although there is no real closure for us, we continue to pray for peace.  Thank you.


The Faulkner Family

Granville County to hold Business & Industry Appreciation Day

The Granville County Economic Development department, in partnership with the Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center and the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, is planning this year’s “Business & Industry Appreciation Day.” The annual event is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 19, from 4-6 p.m. at the Granville County Expo & Convention Center, located at 4185 Highway 15 South in Oxford.

For local businesses and industries, the event is not only a networking opportunity but also a chance to learn more about services and resources that are available to assist them. Organizations, agencies and businesses that provide services to a business (such as lending or education/training) are invited to set up a table to share information with those in attendance. For information on reserving a table, which is free of charge, contact Lynn Cooper at the Granville County Economic Development department at (919) 693-5911 or Lynn.Cooper@granvillecounty.org.

The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. A brief program, including remarks to recognize the important contributions made by local employers, will take place at 5 p.m.


Health Concerns at Creedmoor Elementary

Granville County Public Schools administrative staff are currently addressing concerns with the facilities on the Creedmoor Elementary School campus.  On Wednesday, August 16, we received reports from staff about some possible spore growths in two classrooms.  On Thursday morning, August 17, we investigated the reports and widened our inspection to other areas of the school.  On Friday, August 18, we arranged for a professional laboratory to collect both air and surface samples throughout the school to be tested.  We received the preliminary results of these tests on Tuesday, August 22, which indicated the presence of mold.  On this same day, we contracted with a professional cleaning company to clean the affected areas in the school building.  They began preparations and staging of equipment on Wednesday, August 23.  We estimate that their work will be completed by the afternoon of Saturday, August 26.  We will conduct additional testing after cleaning is complete to determine if we can safely open the school to staff and students.  The safety of our students and staff is an absolute priority to Granville County Public Schools.  Our rapid response and immediate action are precautionary measures to protect everyone.

As a result of this intervention, the location of Open House on Thursday, August 24 was moved to the First Baptist Church located in downtown Creedmoor.  Also, depending on the pace of the cleaning work, we may find it appropriate to delay the opening of school a day or two.  Unfortunately, we will not know for certain until we have the official report late Saturday evening, August 26.  We will communicate additional updates no later than Sunday, August 27.

Please direct all inquiries on this matter to Dr. Stan Winborne, Executive Director of Operations, Human Resources, Communications and Safety.  winbornes@gcs.k12.nc.us  (919) 693-4613

Breaking and Entering, Laceny and Vandalism reported in Granville County

Sometime between Thursday, June 18th, 2017 late evening and Friday, June 19th, 2017 early morning hours an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property off Gantt Farm Road, Stem, NC and criminally damaged mailboxes.

Sometime between Saturday, July 1st, 2017 noon and Sunday, July 9th, 2017 late evening hours an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property off George Sherman Road, Rougemont, NC and criminally forced entry into a shed and removed one 2600 PSI pressure washer, one DeWalt table chop saw and one Stihl MS290 chainsaw.

On Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017 between early morning and late evening hours an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property off Tar Hill Road, Oxford, NC and criminally removed from a trailer- one 16 inch Stihl HT 101 pole saw, one Stihl BT 130 Auger with 6 inch bit, one Stihl 170 with a 16 inch bar chainsaw, one Stihl HS81 T 24 inch hedge trimmer and one Stihl FS110R straight shaft weed eater.

Sometime between Saturday, July 15th, 2017 and Monday, July 31st, 2017 during mid-morning hours an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property off Graham Hobgood Road, Oxford, NC and criminally removed one ES 25 NAPA booster jumper, one back pack Solo sprayer, and one Lowes push mower from a storage shed.

Sometime between Friday, April 14th and Saturday, August 12th, 2017 during mid-afternoon hours an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property off Hayes Road, Creedmoor, NC and forced entry into a shed and criminally removed a 2008 Honda CR dirt bike red in color.

Sometime between Sunday, August 13th late evening and Monday, August 14th, 2017 mid-morning hours an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon inter-state 85 northbound at mile marker 185 and vandalized a disabled 4 door 2000 Honda Accord by breaking the windshield and criminally removed a radio from the vehicle.

If you have information concerning these incidents, please contact the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at 919-693-3213 or call Crime Stoppers 919-693-3100.


The Embers Coming to Downtown Oxford

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the last Alive After Five event of 2017 – Thursday, September 21st – will feature the music and entertainment of THE EMBERS – “truly one of the finest entertainment experiences of our lifetime.” THE EMBERS will soon be celebrating their 60th anniversary, as the band began in 1958.

From The Embers’ website:  “There are many bands or groups today yet few that are considered a musical institution.  The Embers have solidified their position as a thriving musical entity leaving their mark on listeners for decades.

The Embers boast numerous albums and single releases that span decades and all the crazes continuing to exhibit top quality showmanship, musicianship and professionalism.  Having been inducted into the SC Rhythm and Blues Hall of Fame and most recently the SC Beach Music Hall of Fame, THE EMBERS are honored to carry the moniker of North Carolina’s Official Ambassadors of Music.  They have traveled the country and the world and have performed for every event imaginable from the highest dignitaries to the hottest back yard frat parties.  THE EMBERS were also honored to travel throughout South Korea to perform their Christmas special “Christmas with the Embers” on American Military bases for America’s troops in Dec. 2007 and 2008.  They were awarded Military Coins of Excellence for their distinguished services.

A MUSICAL MARVEL:  THE EMBERS are widely considered a musical MARVEL and have laid the groundwork for what has become known as “Beach Music” in the Carolinas, Virginia, the gulf coast region of North America and every each in between.  They are a true musical tradition with which many Americans have listened to from childhood to adulthood.  THE EMBERS consider the genre of Beach Music as “music with a memory” and have been creating lasting since its inception in 1958.  Simply put – Heart and Soul, Rhythm and Blues, Feel Good Music.

For decades THE EMBERS have been making music by playing a mix of rhythm and blues and heart and soul.  Rhythm and Blues became the foundation and essence of soul music and the Motown sound, but in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida and Alabama, the name that applies is ‘Beach Music.’  Bobby Tomlinson, drummer and the leader of the band, believes that Beach Music is music with a memory.  Others believe that Beach Music is simply lyrics that are easy to sing with and simple melodies and pretty harmonies that accompany them.

AN ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCE:  THE EMBERS are truly one of the finest entertainment experiences of our lifetime.  Come to their show, and they will put JOY in your step, LOVE in your heart and BEACH MUSIC in your soul!”

This outdoor event is free to attend.  Chamber member concession vendors will be available to purchase food from – Chick-fil-A, A Place to Eat, Jay Boys Hot Dogs, Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell – with beverages available from Coca-Cola and Long Beverage.

Come early, bring a chair, listen to this incredible music, dance and enjoy visiting with friends.  The last Alive After Five event of 2017 will be a night to remember!

Boys and Girls Club Set for 2017-2018 School Year


As the summer program comes to an end, members are preparing to return to school and the Club staff are preparing for the start of the after-school program. The GREATEST staff and volunteers in Boys & Girls Club will take two weeks to clean, and re-energize for the 2017-2018 school year.  

Walmart Distribution volunteers will return to the Club to freshen up the walls and floors. Ms. Evelyn will be traveling to Atlanta, GA for the Unit Directors Academy. This Academy will help the Vance County staff build and sustain a high- quality Club experience for all Members. Vance unit will also be accepting applications for new team members and school aged members ages 5-18.


WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! We have had a great summer, but the Granville Unit is so excited to have an even better school year. Our staff is excited to engage with our club members on so may different levels!

Power hour will continue to be a driving force at our club, but we are focusing on exposing our youth to new activities and tasks. We are planning on having a strong focus in STEM, leadership, & creatvity. BGCNCNC cannot wait to see our youth learn & grow throughout the school!


We are looking forward to an exciting school year in Warren County.  Three of our schools are back in session and our club members are very excited about the new opportunities that will be available to them this school year.  Our last site will open at the end of this month, and we are extremely eager to meet those club members as well.

We have partnered with the school administration and staff members at each of our sites, to ensure that our students experience great academic success this school year.   We  are looking to also partner with the local high schools and community colleges to get volunteers to help out at our sites to ensure that our club members have a great club experience.  We want each club member to truly believe that “Great Futures Start Here”

Featured here our most recent visitor Lieutenant Corey Adams City of Henderson Fire Department Division of Fire Prevention.


The Franklin Unit is excited for the first day of school, 2017!! The staff is very busy at the club working on new bulletin boards, rearranging classrooms, planning a fun and engaging schedule, and cleaning up the club!! As the age old saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child” we are fully committed to being a part of that village in Franklin County to mentor and support the children of the community we serve. While it may not be what the children want to hear, this 2017-2018 school year the Franklin Unit will be focusing on…drum roll please….homework! Yes, homework. Part of the mission of The Boys & Girls Clubs of America is to enable all young people to reach their full potential. Homework is a tool that we can use to bridge the gap between school, families, and their community.  

We’re so eager to get this year started because we will be partnering with AmeriCorps to bring a full time LiteracyCorps member to the Boys & Girls Club in Franklin County for the next 12-13 months. This member’s full focus will be on improving literacy in the youth we serve at The Boys & Girls Club! Our staff will also benefit through the relationship they build with this member by learning new and exciting ways to implement fun and engaging programming that includes an underlying academic piece. We are ready to tackle this school year and continue to grow and mentor great futures for the youth of Franklin County!


As summer winds down and the clean up begins, we are looking forward to the exciting new school year. The staff is gearing up to make the 2017-2018 school year one of the best ever! We have been collecting back to school supplies for our annual book bag give away, that is shaping up to be a big event!

We are setting up and planning some new and exciting programs and lining up some new and engaging speakers to start the school year off right! We are looking forward to seeing all our returning members, as well as meeting all our NEW members. See you on August 28th! Let the FUN begin!

Granville County Logo

Granville County sees 3% Boost in Tourism Spending

Visit North Carolina announced that domestic visitors to and within Granville spent $47.08 million in 2016, a 3% increase from 2015.

“We are excited to hear that Granville has made a 3% increase in the last two years due to collaborations with area hotels, retail shops, restaurants, farms, parks and recreation, and events to promote our area as a destination for many travelers.” said Angela Allen, Granville TDA Director.

Tourism impact highlights for 2016:

  • Total payroll generated by the tourism industry in Granville was $6.02 million.
  • State tax revenue generated in Granville totaled $2.81 million through state sales and excise taxes, and taxes on personal and corporate income. About $1.33 million in local taxes were generated from sales and property tax revenue from travel-generated and travel-supported businesses.

Gov. Roy Cooper announced in May that visitors to North Carolina set a record for spending in 2016. The $22.9 billion in total spending represented an increase of 4.4 percent from 2015.

These statistics are from the “Economic Impact of Travel on North Carolina Counties 2016,” which can be accessed at partners.visitnc.com/economic-impact-studies. The study was prepared for Visit North Carolina by the U.S. Travel Association.

“All eight economic development regions of the state had spending growth of 3 percent or more, and 96 percent of the state’s counties saw direct tourism employment growth from 2015 to 2016,” said Wit Tuttell, executive director of Visit North Carolina. “Tourism continues to be major driver of economic development across North Carolina, which is the sixth most-visited state in the country.”

Statewide highlights include:

  • State tax receipts as a result of visitor spending rose 5.1 percent to nearly $1.2 billion in 2016.


  • Visitors spend more than $62 million per day in North Carolina. That spending adds more than $5.1 million per day to state and local tax revenues (about $3.2 million in state taxes and $1.9 million in local taxes).


  • The travel and tourism industry directly employees more than 219,000 North Carolinians.


  • Each North Carolina household saves $497 in state and local taxes as a direct result of visitor spending in the state.

Red Cross and Sport Clips Haircuts offer free haircut coupon to blood and platelet donors

DURHAM, N.C. (Aug. 21, 2017) – Feel good, do good and look good this September by donating blood or platelets with the American Red Cross and get a free haircut coupon from Sport Clips Haircuts. Blood and platelet donors of all blood types, especially type O negative and O positive, are urgently needed to replenish the blood supply following a critical summer blood shortage.

“We are excited to continue the Saving Lives Never Looked So Good campaign and partnership with Sport Clips this September,” said Donna M. Morrissey, director of national partnerships, Red Cross Biomedical Services. “We are grateful for Sport Clips showing its support of the Red Cross and saying ‘thank you’ to those helping save lives through blood donations.”

Those who come out to give blood or platelets Sept. 1-30 will receive a coupon for a free haircut via email several days after their donation. The coupon is valid through Nov. 11, 2017, at participating Sport Clips locations. Donors must have a valid email address on record to receive the coupon.

“Sport Clips is proud to support the blood collection efforts of the Red Cross on a national level,” said Amanda Palm, corporate communications manager of Sport Clips. “There is always a need to maintain the blood supply in our country, and a free haircut is a simple way we can thank donors for their lifesaving donation.”

Donors are urged to make an appointment to donate using the free Blood Donor App, online at redcrossblood.org or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). The Red Cross and Sport Clips encourage donors to use the hashtag #SavingLivesLooksGood to share their new looks and invite others to give.

Upcoming blood donation opportunities



9/12/2017: 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Granville Central High School, 2043 Sanders Rd





9/5/2017: 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Vance Granville Community College, 200 Community College Road


How to donate blood

Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

Blood donors can now save time at their next donation by using RapidPass to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, prior to arriving at the blood drive. To get started and learn more, visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass and follow the instructions on the site.

About the American Red Cross:

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit redcross.org or cruzrojaamericana.org, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.

About Sport Clips Haircuts

Sport Clips Haircuts is headquartered in Georgetown, Texas. It was established in 1993 and began franchising in 1995. The sports-themed haircutting franchise, which specializes in haircuts for men and boys, is ranked by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the “Fastest-Growing Franchises” and in the top 10 in its “Franchise 500.” There are more than 1,600 Sport Clips stores open in the U.S. and Canada. Sport Clips is the “Official Haircutter” of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), offers veterans preferential pricing on haircuts and franchises, and was named a “2016 Best for Vets: Franchises” by Military Times. Sport Clips provides “haircuts with heart” through its annual Help A Hero fundraiser that has given $5 million to the VFW; national partnership with St. Baldrick’s Foundation, the largest private funder of childhood cancer research grants; and other national and local philanthropic outreach. Sport Clips is a proud sponsor of Joe Gibbs Racing’s NASCAR driver Denny Hamlin and Furniture Row Racing’s Erik Jones, and partners with numerous NCAA and professional sports teams. To learn more about Sport Clips, visit sportclips.com.

Oxford Prep Women’s Golf participates in Inaugural Match

The OPS Griffins Women’s golf team began their inaugural season yesterday 8/17 with a conference match at Henderson Country Club. Conference schools in attendance were Oxford Prep, Falls Lake, Voyager Academy, East Wake Academy and Franklin Academy. Kerr-Vance Academy also joined the NCAC for yesterdays match.

In team competition for the match KVA took 1st with a 161, followed by Falls Lake in second with 181, and East Wake Academy in 3rd with 188.

Hannah Brewer was the top scorer for OPS with a 66, followed by Jadyn Cooper with a 70. Rorie Brewer and Jordan Jones both had a 72.


Rick Kenner, M.A.A.Ed.


SSG (Ret), US Army

NIAAA Registered Athletic Administrator

NFHS Certified Interscholastic Coach

Visual Art Instructor


Oxford Preparatory School

6041 Landis Rd

Oxford, NC, 27565