Tag Archive for: #granvillecountynews

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Thank-A-Vet Program Launches in Granville County

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government 

The “Thank-A-Vet” program is ready to launch in Granville County. Beginning November 12, the Granville County Register of Deeds will be providing Veterans with a FREE service as a photo identification card is offered that can be used for discounts at participating local businesses. This service will be available to all veterans who register or have already registered their DD-214 form.

A list of businesses offering discounts will be provided to each veteran who participates in this program and includes:

  • Air Works Heating and Air
  • Art and Antique Gallery
  • Black’s Tire Service
  • Butner Care Care Service, Inc.
  • Comfort Inn and Suites
  • Georges of Oxford
  • Granville Athletic Park (facility rentals)
  • Granville County Expo and Convention Center (facility rentals)
  • Granville Little Theater
  • Lake Rogers, Creedmoor (rentals)
  • Mark E. Bostic, DDS
  • NAPA Auto Parts
  • O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
  • Oxford Car and Truck
  • Peace Point Guest House and Retreat
  • Premier Eye Institute, OD, PLLC
  • Professional Pharmacy
  • T. Owen Electric Inc.
  • Select Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
  • Southern States of Oxford
  • The Hub on Main
  • This and That
  • Tobacco Wood Brewing Co.
  • Verizon Wireless
  • Whitco Termite and Pest Control

To register for this service, veterans should bring a valid, state-issued driver’s license or identification card, such as their military ID, and an original DD-214 form. If the DD-214 form has already been registered with the Granville County Register of Deeds office, record verification will be provided prior to issuing this “Thank A Vet” photo identification card.

The Granville County Register of Deeds office is located at 101 Main Street in Oxford, inside the Courthouse building. Hours for issuing these cards will be Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Those with questions about this FREE photo ID service should contact Kathy Taylor, Granville County Register of Deeds, at kathyadcock@granvillecounty.org or at 919-693-6314.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Chamber to Hold Annual Thanksgiving Breakfast

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s annual Thanksgiving Breakfast will be held Wednesday, November 27, 2019, at 7:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center of Oxford Baptist Church, Main Street, Oxford.

Although there is no charge to attend the breakfast, attendees are requested to bring non-perishable food donations (canned food) for Area Congregations In Ministry (ACIM).

Attendees may expect the customary Southern buffet breakfast, prepared by volunteer men at Oxford Baptist Church. No one will leave hungry as we depart to begin the Thanksgiving holiday celebration!

The School of Graphic Arts/Masonic Home for Children is continuing its tradition of providing attendees with desk calendars for 2020.

Also, the Chamber will be officially kicking off its promotion for the National SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY – SHOP LOCAL  – SHOP GRANVILLE by providing attendees with Shop Small tote bags filled with swag from Granville County small businesses. This annual event will be held on Saturday, November 30.

Reservations for the breakfast are REQUIRED with one of the Chamber’s offices by November 20. Please contact Wanda, 919.693.6125, wanda@granville-chamber.com or Toni Anne, 919.528.4994, tawheeler@granville-chamber.com.

Bridgestone’s continued sponsorship of this annual event spans 25+ years. The November Thanksgiving breakfast began as an industry-sponsored breakfast, and Bridgestone has graciously remained the event supporter for all these years. The Chamber is grateful to Bridgestone plant manager Mark Highland and his staff for continuing their support and sponsorship.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Shop Small, Shop Local on Small Business Saturday – Nov. 30

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Chamber of Commerce

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce announces its support and recognition of Small Business Saturday on November 30, 2019, to support small, local, independent businesses in Granville County, NC.

Small Business Saturday® was founded by American Express in 2010 to celebrate the small businesses that help support your neighborhood and is held every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Now in its 10th year, Small Business Saturday® has been embraced as part of the holiday shopping tradition as each year shoppers, businesses and public officials come together to Shop Small® and show their neighborhood pride.

Understanding the important contributions small businesses make to their communities, the Granville County Chamber of Commerce encourages consumers to take part in Small Business Saturday® by supporting small, local businesses. Continuing our five-year tradition, shopping bags with promotional items will be available at the Chamber’s Annual Thanksgiving Breakfast on Wednesday, November 27 at Oxford Baptist Church.

American Express created the Neighborhood Champions program to help rally communities around Small Business Saturday and is working alongside numerous business organizations to support local Small Business Saturday celebrations throughout the country.

Small business owners can learn more about taking part in Small Business Saturday and download free marketing materials at www.shopsmall.com. Consumers can also visit the site to find small merchants to shop at on Small Business Saturday.

If your business has coupons, small items, special sale flyers, etc. you would like to include in the 200 Shop Small shopping bags to be given out at the Chamber’s Thanksgiving Breakfast on November 27, bring them to a Chamber Office by the end of the day on Monday, November 18. For the South Office, items may also be brought to the Nationwide Office next to the South Office.  The bags will be prepared by our Chamber Ambassadors at their 8 a.m. meeting on Tuesday, November 19.

American Flag

Granville’s Veterans Parade to Honor Military Personnel & Families

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Oxford NC, Historic Downtown 

The Annual Granville County Veterans Parade honors all those who have or are currently serving in the military and their families. Please come out and show your support on Sunday, November 10, 2019, in Downtown Oxford.

The parade starts at 3 p.m. and will leave from Belle Street, take a left onto Williamsboro Street, a right onto College Street and then right onto McClanahan Street ending in front of the Oxford Fire Station.

Bring your flags and support your veterans!

Masonic Home for Children

Masonic Home Administrator Thanks All Involved in Homecoming’s Success

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

A 2019 Homecoming “Thank You” message from Kevin Otis, Administrator, Masonic Home for Children at Oxford:

We realize that good weather is important, but realize even more that the real success of Homecoming is the help so many provided. MHCO especially wants to thank everyone who lined College Street to watch the parade, enjoyed the BBQ, participated in the activities, and danced to the music!

So many people and groups were involved in making this weekend enjoyable for everyone. This year, MHCO had amazing volunteer supports from United Rentals, Wells Fargo, the Rainbow Girls, several individuals, alumni, masons, and MHCO Ambassadors. Their help allowed the staging to be more effective and timelier than in past years.

The Alumni hit a record with the Charlie Burton Chip Shots for Children Golf Tournament. Big thanks to Bill and Tina Gilreath for chairing the tourney and for their entire family’s contributions to the weekend. Many may not realize how much extra work goes on behind the scenes to promote the alumni portion of the weekend. Special thanks to all who help the alumni truly enjoy coming back home.

The BBQ teams continue to increase and are energized to participate. The Soggy Bottom Boys BBQ Team’s first Homecoming was three festivals ago when Hurricane Matthew washed out everything but our enthusiasm and commitment. They have been committed ever since. Before Homecoming they do a preparation cook-off. They receive donations for anyone wanting to sample what they prepared. This year they contributed $555 to go toward the pool.

We are also blessed that the Hub had two teams including Tobacco Wood. It is important and fantastic for local businesses to want to participate and help the Home. Let them all know your appreciation. Special thanks to Brother Charles Barrett for chairing the BBQ competition.

The Shrine Parade was impressive, and several more units participated this year. There were smiles on the faces of children of all ages as the parade went over one hour! The community groups were a hit also as three bands, three scout groups, and dance and karate teams shared their support for MHCO. Big thanks to Frank Long, Gene Purvis, and Chris Richardson for their continued leadership for the parade.

Oxford Police Department Oxford Fire Department, the Sheriff’s Office, EMS, and the City of Oxford continue to support the Home in all areas, and this year was exceptional and safe. We applaud all they do to keep our kids, staff and the entire community safe.

Special thanks to our friends in the media as they helped MHCO get the word out so everyone knows the family-friendly fun that is available. We appreciate all their ongoing support. Thanks to Oxford Public Ledger, The Daily Dispatch, 98.3 FM, and WIZS 100.1 FM/1450 AM. We appreciate you sharing our good news. Special thanks to Granville County Public Schools for allowing bookbag flyers to be sent with the children to inform their families.

The music and entertainment were extraordinary this year. Special thanks to the Tams and Tonez as they got everyone dancing and grooving. As always, we appreciate Russell Ragland Productions, Ted’s Twisted Balloons, Scrap Exchange (sponsored by Creedmoor Rotary Club), Lumpy’s Ice Cream, Sheetz, and Gaming Unplugged.

Finally, we would like to thank the Board, staff and children for all their support and effort. The cottage booths are always a hit and the proceeds go toward cottage special needs and events. Special recognition to Board Members Dewey Preslar and the Andrew Jackson Boys for cooking for everyone on Friday, Nicki Perry for staying at the cottage booths all day, Don Steichen for his work on the float, and Tony Cozart for helping load up the fencing. To all, we hoped we thanked you personally, and if not, we appreciate each and every one of you.

What we collectively do for Homecoming is fantastic, but what we accomplish for the children every day is the really impressive work. If you know a family going through troubled times, please let them know to consider MHCO. If you would like to be a houseparent and help children overcome challenges and develop every day, please consider applying. If you want to help children today and tomorrow, consider setting up a recurring gift.

For any information please visit MHCO’s webpage www.mhc-oxford.org or call 919-693-5111. The children beam from the light you help shine.

Thank you all!

Granville County Public Schools

GCPS Aims to Increase Number of Students Receiving School Breakfast

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools

Did You Know?

1 in 5 kids in North Carolina grows up in a family that struggles with hunger.

  • Here’s what that means: In some families, the pantry is completely empty. In others, mom skips dinner a few nights a week so the kids can have something to eat in the evening. In others, families are making impossible decisions between paying the rent and buying groceries.
  • In Granville County, we fed 647,358 lunches but only 300,670 breakfasts for the 2018-2019 school year.
  • When kids aren’t getting the consistent nutrition they need, it’s harder to focus in class. Test scores drop, and students are more likely to miss class time because they’re in the nurse’s office with headaches or stomach aches. Discipline problems rise and attendance levels fall.

The Solution: School Meals

  • One of the most effective ways to make sure hungry kids are getting the nutrition they need is through school meal programs like school breakfast and lunch.
  • When kids eat school breakfast, it means calmer classrooms, better attendance rates and ultimately more time for learning.
  • Yet in North Carolina, school breakfast only reaches 58% of the kids who may need it.
  • One way to make sure more kids are starting their day with breakfast is by serving breakfast after the bell, making it more easily accessible to any child that needs it by overcoming common barriers like late buses, busy morning schedules and stigma.
  • The Granville County Public Schools Child Nutrition Department is working hard to implement alternative ways to get students to eat breakfast.
Granville Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers: Catalytic Converters Stolen From Vehicles at Oxford Express Mart

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Granville County Government

Do you have any information about these crimes?

Sometime between the early morning and late afternoon hours of Friday, October 18, 2019, an unknown person(s) unlawfully went upon the private property of Oxford Express Mart, located off Hwy 158 E, Oxford, and criminally removed catalytic converters from vehicles.

Also, sometime between Wednesday, October 23 and Saturday, October 26, an unknown person(s) unlawfully went upon private property off Old NC Hwy 75 in Stem and criminally removed one homemade tobacco trailer, about 12 feet long and 3 feet wide.

If you have information concerning these incidents, please contact the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at 919-693-3213 or call Crime Stoppers at 919-693-3100.

The Granville County Crime Stoppers Board of Directors has authorized the payment of a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest/indictment of those responsible for these crimes.

NC Dept of Agriculture

Jernigan Named Superintendent of Oxford Tobacco Research Station

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, NCDA&CS

Chris Jernigan has been named as the new superintendent of the Oxford Tobacco Research Station. The director of the NCDA&CS Research Stations Division, Kaleb Rathbone, made the announcement on Friday. Rathbone also thanked Sam Brake for his leadership while he served as interim superintendent over the past several months.

Jernigan’s new position marks a return to working at a research station. He previously worked as a summer intern in the Research Stations Division and after graduation served as the tobacco supervisor and later as assistant superintendent at the Caswell and Lower Coastal Plains Research Stations, which are both in Kinston.

More recently, Jernigan worked in the NCDA&CS Agronomic Services Division as a regional agronomist and research coordinator.

In addition, Jernigan manages his family farm that produces corn, small grains and soybeans.

Jernigan graduated from North Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in extension education. He is a certified crop advisor.

The Oxford Tobacco Research Station is about 40 miles north of Raleigh and consists of 426 acres of land. Cropland covers 110 acres, while the rest is woodland and infrastructure. NCDA&CS and the U.S. Department of Agriculture established the Oxford facility in 1910 to research diseases and pest related to tobacco production. USDA ended operations in 2013, and in more recent years, the station has been the base for NCDA&CS Bioenergy Research Initiative in Oxford.

‘File of Life’ Pouches Help Make Seconds Count

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Medical emergencies can happen at any time, and when they do, confusion can often be a result. That’s why the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging, in partnership with the Granville County Senior Center, emergency responders, businesses and faith-based organizations, is sponsoring the local “File of Life” project to help make seconds count.

When first responders arrive at an emergency scene, they usually have no information about the person in need. Does the patient have prior medical conditions or allergies? Are they on medication? How are family members to be contacted? “File of Life” can provide easy and convenient access to information that will help answer these questions, allowing emergency teams to quickly begin the best possible treatment, notify loved ones and pass information on to awaiting physicians in the emergency room.

Since 1995, more than 5,000 communities across the country have implemented a “File of Life” program, gaining the support of national and state civic organizations such as the American Red Cross, the National Council on Aging and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).

These information cards – in the form of refrigerator magnet pouches and personal-sized sleeves for wallets, purses or glove boxes – are now available locally through the Granville County Senior Center, the Granville County Sheriff’s Office, Granville County Emergency Services and the Creedmoor Police Department, as well as the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging in Henderson.

Limited sponsorship opportunities are also available to local organizations who would like their name/logo on the front of the information card. If interested, contact Nancy Francis, Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging Director, at 252-436-2040.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Board of Commissioners to Meet Nov. 4

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, November 4, 2019, at 7 p.m. at the Granville Expo and Convention Center, 4185 US Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Agenda items include:

Consent Agenda

1. Contingency Summary

2. Minutes

3. Resolution of Notice to Reduce Salary of Elected Official

Introductions, Recognitions and Presentations

4. Recognition of Service – Luanne O. Cox

5. Presentation – NC Education Lottery

Public Comments

6. Public Comments

Solid Waste Matters

7. Landfill Scale and Scale House


8. Granville County Law Enforcement Center Detention Furnishings


9. Granville County Human Relations Commission

10. Granville County Economic Development Advisory Board

11. South Granville Water & Sewer Authority

County Manager’s Report

12. County Manager’s Report

County Attorney’s Report

13. County Attorney’s Report

Presentations by County Board Members

14. Presentations by County Board Members

Any Other Matters

15. Any Other Matters

To view Granville Co. Board of Commissioner meeting agendas and minutes, click here