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VGCC Graduates 19th ‘Tea & Etiquette’ Class

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College has graduated its 19th “Tea and Etiquette” class with an Afternoon Tea highlighting the celebration.

The class held its final meeting and graduation ceremony on April 26 at First Presbyterian Church in Henderson with a tea party organized and carried out by the students of the class.

Graduating were Mary Adcock of Oxford, Vickie Bailey of Creedmoor, Jean Carter of Roanoke Rapids, Kay Currin of Oxford, Patty Currin of Oxford, Sandy Lehman of Roanoke Rapids, Frankie Marks of Oxford, Sharon Murrell of Henrico, and Dr. Paula Wood of Bracey, Va.

Above: Seen here in a parlor at First Presbyterian Church of Henderson are, from left, graduates Mary Adcock of Oxford, Sharon Murrell of Henrico, Kay Currin of Oxford, Dr. Paula Wood of Bracey, Va., the class instructor Dr. B.K. McCloud of Oxford, graduates Sandy Lehman of Roanoke Rapids, Vickie Bailey of Creedmoor, Jean Carter of Roanoke Rapids, Frankie Marks of Oxford, and Patty Currin of Oxford. (VGCC Photo)

The instructor for the class was Dr. B.K. McCloud of Oxford. Vance-Granville has been offering the class since it was founded by the late Constance Lue in 2006.

Among the tea selections for the graduation were Southern Tea Lady’s, Lemon & Ginger Delight Black, and Harney & Sons Fine Teas. On the menu were: for savories, Goat Cheese Pepper Boats, Petite Ham Biscuits, Quiche Florentine, and Aunt Virginia’s Asparagus Sandwiches; fruity scones served with clotted cream, lemon curd and strawberry preserves; and, for sweets, Luscious Lemon Bars, Salted Caramel Strawberries, Orange Blossoms and Brownie Tuxedos.

The graduation also included a rousing rendition of “The Old North State,” the official state song of North Carolina, written by William Gaston and collected and arranged by Mrs. E.E. Randolph.

In the course, students learn about the history of tea; the difference between an afternoon tea party, a royal tea party and “High Tea”; and the proper way to make the best pot of tea. They have tastings of a wide variety of teas (black, white, green, Oolongs and herbal) at each class meeting. Beyond the specifics of teas, students study grace, civility and etiquette.

For information about future tea classes, contact Gabbie Norfleet at (252) 738-3275 or ped@vgcc.edu.

View a photo album from the graduation on our Flickr site at https://www.flickr.com/photos/vancegranvillecc/albums/72157669044789608.

National Weather Service

Flash Flooding Possible Through Tuesday Night

-Information courtesy Brian K. Short, Director of Emergency Operations, Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations

The National Weather Service has issued a flash flood watch for Central North Carolina through Tuesday evening. Periods of showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain may produce flash flooding through Tuesday night. Rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches, with 5 inches locally, will be possible.

Recent heavy rain has led to nearly saturated grounds. Additional rounds of showers and thunderstorms will produce rapid runoff and possibly flash flooding. The heavy rain and storms may last well into the overnight hours Monday and Tuesday.

Flash Flooding often results in rapid water rises. Take precautions now! Visit www.floodsafety.noaa.gov for more information on flood safety.

For more information on the flood hazard threats, stay tuned to our social media accounts, NOAA Weather Radio, and our website: www.weather.gov/rah.

State Board Approves Dr. Burns as Interim President at VGCC

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College 

The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges has approved the appointment of Dr. Gordon Burns as the interim president of Vance-Granville Community College.

The former leader of Wilkes Community College in Wilkesboro was the longest-serving president in the history of the western North Carolina college, retiring in 2014 after 18 years at WCC and 46 years in education.

The approval came today (Friday, July 20) at the regular meeting of the State Board, held this month at Pitt Community College in Winterville, following the VGCC Board of Trustees’ selection of Dr. Burns as its choice for an interim.

Dr. Gordon Burns, retired president of Wilkes Community College, has been named the interim president of Vance-Granville Community College. He will lead the college while the Board of Trustees searches for Vance-Granville’s seventh president. (VGCC Photo)

Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the sixth president of VGCC, announced plans in May to take the position of Vice President for Durham Affairs at Duke University, effective Aug. 13. Dr. Burns will work alongside Dr. Williams for his first two weeks at Vance-Granville and will officially become the interim president on Aug. 11.

“We are excited to get someone of the caliber of Dr. Burns to help lead Vance-Granville during this time of transition,” said Danny W. Wright, chair of the VGCC Board of Trustees. “At Wilkes Community College, Dr. Burns demonstrated an ability to assemble and lead a strong team of administrators, faculty and staff that took their college to new heights during his tenure.”

“We feel very fortunate that, after just a few years of retirement, he still has a burning desire for community colleges and the excellent work we do to educate students of all ages.”

Vance-Granville will be his fourth community college home in North Carolina. Prior to his time at WCC as president, Dr. Burns served as executive vice president at Lenoir Community College in Kinston, and as vice president for instruction and dean of continuing education at Wilson Community College in Wilson. After completing high school in Easton, Pa., Dr. Burns earned his Bachelor of Science degree at Eastern Kentucky in Richmond, Ky., and his Master of Education and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University of Missouri in Columbia. His Ph.D. major was Industrial Education with support areas in Educational Administration and Industrial Management.

Dr. Burns described his management style for the VGCC Trustees as “participatory.” “I like to engage and I like to involve the staff, faculty and students in the life of the college, the decisions that are made, the planning that is done and the execution of those plans,” he said. “I can honestly say that much of what was accomplished in my career was not accomplished by me. It was accomplished by the people that I supervised and that I worked with as team members.”

Operations will be the top priority during the transition, he said. “The ultimate compliment at the end of the period would be that we didn’t miss a beat, that the college continued on its journey. I would not be here to change things so that things would be done in the Burns way or in the Wilkes Community College way. They need to be done in the Vance-Granville way with the Vance-Granville people.”

“Dr. Williams has continued the journey of creating a great work environment and a great learning environment here and a supportive one for all, the students, the faculty and the staff and has worked well with Trustees in the governance of the institution,” he added.

At Wilkes Community College, Dr. Burns is credited with leading the college through a period of significant growth and successes in enrollment, donations to the college’s Endowment, construction and renovation projects, technology, academic offerings, planning, and school, university, business and industry partnerships.

At the VGCC Board of Trustees’ July meeting, a search committee of six Trustees was appointed to find the permanent president. Deborah F. Brown was appointed chair of the search committee, and Herb Gregory was named vice chair. Rounding out the committee are N. Annette P. Myers, Abdul Sm Rasheed, Donald C. Seifert, Sr., and Sara C. Wester. The committee was selected by Trustees Chair Wright.

Wright Re-elected Chair of VGCC Board; Two Trustees Reappointed

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

At their regular bi-monthly meeting held July 16, the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees re-elected Danny W. Wright as the chair of the board for the 2018-2019 fiscal year, Herb Gregory as vice-chair, and Deborah F. Brown as secretary after nominations from a committee chaired by Trustee L. Opie Frazier, Jr.

Retired North Carolina Ninth District Court Judge Henry Banks swore in two Trustees for additional terms. Trustee Barbara Cates Harris was reappointed by the Granville County Board of Education for a second four-year term on the board. Chair Wright was appointed to a new four-year term by the Vance County Board of Commissioners. Wright had been appointed in 2015 to fill an unexpired term on the board. He was also a commissioner in 2011-2013 when he was appointed by the governor.

Building Update

In his update on capital projects, Trustee Donald C. Seifert, Sr., reported that preparations will begin in August to renovate seminar rooms in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus.

VGCC Trustee Danny W. Wright is sworn in for a new four-year appointment on the college’s board by Retired District Court Judge J. Henry Banks. Also serving as the chair of the board, Wright was appointed by the Vance County Board of Commissioners. He also served in 2011-2013 when appointed to an unexpired term by the governor. From left are Judge Banks, Wright, and Wright’s wife, Betty Wright. (VGCC Photo)

The assessment phase of an exterior masonry repairs project on Main Campus was completed in May, and a design service proposal has been sent to the State Construction Office (SCO) for review. The project is expected to be bid out in February 2019 with renovations starting the following April. The majority of the masonry work is being funded by the Connect NC State Bond passed by North Carolina voters in March 2016.

Seifert also reported the SCO is expected to issue a design contract this month for fire alarm replacements and renovations to heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems on the Main Campus. The fire alarm replacements will be completed first with the HVAC renovations expected to start in 2020.

The second phase of renovations to the newest building on campus, Building 10, are expected to start in August and be completed in December, Seifert said. Space is being renovated to add a Practical Simulation Lab for Basic Law Enforcement Training, Fire/Rescue and Emergency Medical Services programs, among other expansions.

Retired District Court Judge J. Henry Banks administers the oath of office to Vance-Granville Community College Trustee Barbara Cates Harris of Oxford. She has been reappointed by the Granville County Board of Education for a second four-year term on the college Board of Trustees. From left are Judge Banks; Harris; Maurice Harris, Jr., Harris’ grandson; and her husband, Phillip Harris. (VGCC Photo)

Budget Amendments

The 2017-2018 Budget Resolution was amended upon recommendation from the Budget Committee, chaired by Trustee Abdul Sm Rasheed. The State Current Fund increased $1,959,983 to a total of $21,512,238, the County Current Fund was unchanged at $2,578,292, and the Institutional Fund increased $340,947 to a total of $9,993,779, for a combined Amended Operating Budget of $34,084,309. The Capital Improvement Budget increased $348,943 to a total of $889,653. The total Combined Amended Budget is $34,973,962.

 Other Action

In other action:

  • The Trustees voted to terminate Warren County High School as an off-campus site with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The site had been approved in November 2015; however, the high school has requested that dually enrolled students take their college courses at VGCC’s Warren County Campus in Warrenton. No college classes are currently being offered at WCHS, and students are completing their work at the Warren Campus, according to Trustee Harris, chair of the Curriculum Committee. The change will be effective as of the Fall 2018 academic term.
  • An informational report on new employees, retirements, resignations and changes in positions was given by the Personnel Committee, chaired by Trustee Sara C. Wester.
  • New and amended board policies for the 2018-2019 Policy Manual were approved by the Trustees on a recommendation from the Executive Committee, chaired by Trustee Wright. The policies cover areas of organizational structure, public information and campus safety, personnel policies, academic affairs, institutional research and technology, and finance and operations.
  • Trustee Frazier, chair of the Investment Committee, reported on the progress of the college’s investments.

A Board Retreat has been scheduled for August 7, and the Trustees will participate in Ethics Training on August 29. The next meeting of the VGCC Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, September 17, at the Main Campus.

Search Committee Appointed To Seek Next VGCC President

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College 

A search committee of six members of the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees has been appointed to find a successor to Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the college’s president who is taking a position with Duke University in August.

Deborah F. Brown has been appointed chair of the search committee, and Herb Gregory will serve as vice chair. Rounding out the committee will be N. Annette P. Myers, Abdul Sm Rasheed, Donald C. Seifert, Sr., and Sara C. Wester.

Trustees Chair Danny W. Wright made the appointment at the board’s regular bi-monthly meeting on July 16 at the college’s Main Campus.

Dr. Williams, the sixth president of VGCC, announced her plans in May to take the position of Vice President for Durham Affairs at Duke University, effective Aug. 13.

Looking back at her tenure at Vance-Granville, Dr. Williams offered her reflections to the Trustees, recalling the support given to the college through grants, donations and governmental and community partnerships; the thousands of students who have been educated and have graduated; and a supportive faculty, staff and Board of Trustees.

“I have one big wish for a bright future ahead for Vance-Granville Community College,” she said. “I appreciate the opportunity that you all have provided for me to serve over the past six and a half years. It’s the people who have really made this a special place and a great experience for me. I will forever be grateful. And I will forever be a Vance-Granville Vanguard.”

VGCC President Dr. Williams Recognized For State Award

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dr. Stelfanie Williams, Vance-Granville Community College’s president, was recognized on July 16 for her honor as the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges President of the Year for 2018.

Jim Rose, vice chair of the State Board, presented Dr. Williams with a plaque at a dinner held in the Civic Center on Main Campus prior to the regular bimonthly meeting of the VGCC Board of Trustees.

“I’m here to celebrate Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of the college here and the President of the Year for all 58 community colleges,” said Rose. “We had a grueling and tough interview process that you go through” to be selected as the President of the Year, he added. “Dr. Williams really took our committee by storm and it was an easy choice for us to make.”

Jim Rose, vice chair of the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges, left, presents the State Board’s President of the Year Award to Dr. Stelfanie Williams, Vance-Granville Community College’s president, at a dinner on July 16 in the Civic Center on the Main Campus. (VGCC Photo)

Appointed by the governor to the State Board, Rose chaired the special committee to select the 2018 award recipients. He is regional president for the Raleigh market at United Community Bank, serving on the finance, legislative and policy committees of the 21-member board.

“I think about Dr. Williams as a lifter of people,” he said. “I believe the administration that she has built here and the culture that she has built here is one of lifting up people.”

He cited several accomplishments of Dr. Williams during her tenure at Vance-Granville, among them unprecedented grant funding, development of career training programs in Advanced Manufacturing, the increase in the use of technology for online instruction, accelerated College Transfer opportunities, and the nationally recognized VanGuarantee need-based scholarship program.

“This is truly an honor, and I thank you, Mr. Rose, and the State Board for selecting me and recognizing the great work taking place at Vance-Granville Community College,” Dr. Williams said. “I know that you all do a lot of work leading and supporting the great 58 community college institutions. We appreciate that. I’m really glad to work at the greatest institution out of the 58.

“As I think about the Trustees (of Vance-Granville) and look around the room and see the wonderful leadership and support you provide, this truly is a great institution, a great place to learn and to work. And I’m grateful to each and every one of you for your support and your guidance over these years as we have led and served together.”

Dr. Williams was joined at the dinner by members of her family, Trustees who are currently serving on the board, former Trustees who served during her tenure, and the spouses of Trustees.

Dr. Williams has announced she is taking the position of Vice President for Durham Affairs at Duke University, effective Aug. 13. “Dr. Williams has laid a great foundation for us to continue to go forward with, and we’ll certainly miss her,” said VGCC Board of Trustees Chair Danny W. Wright, who thanked Rose and others for their attendance.

Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments

Public Open House for P5 Regional Transportation Projects

-Press Release, Kerr-Tar Regional Transportation Planning Organization

The public is invited to an open house on Thursday, July 19, 2018, to express their opinions on the regional transportation projects in Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren Counties being considered for inclusion in the NCDOT 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is a 10-year plan that identifies funding for projects throughout North Carolina and schedules them for construction.

The Kerr-Tar Regional Transportation Planning Organization (KTRPO) will hold an informal open house on Thursday at the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments’ office, 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson, NC, from 5 to 7 p.m. Residents will be able to view all potential projects and provide feedback. KTRPO staff will be present to answer any questions and address any concerns.

For those unable to attend the open house, the projects are available for review on the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments’ website: https://www.kerrtarcog.org/. Comments may be submitted via email to info@kerrtarcog.org. Please include P5 Regional Projects Comments in the subject line.

VGCC Hosting Biotechnology Open House At Franklin Campus

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Area residents interested in the field of Biotechnology are invited to Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin Campus for an Open House on Monday, July 23, from 4 to 7 p.m.

The event is open to new applicants to the program as well as current students of VGCC. Stewart Lyon, program head for the Bioprocess Technology curriculum program, will discuss the options for students to earn a certificate or an associate’s degree, and members of the admissions and financial aid staff will be available to help students complete applications on site.

Above: Students work in the Bioprocess Tech lab at VGCC’s Franklin Campus, which will hold a Biotechnology Open House on July 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. (VGCC Photo)

“Vance-Granville prepares men and women for work in the growing biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and chemical manufacturing and distribution environments,” said Lyon. Graduates work as process technicians in biological products manufacturing facilities, with possible jobs including mixing chemicals to make cancer drugs, formulating medical and cosmetic creams and DNA testing kits.

“The certificate program is open to everyone, including students who would be currently enrolled in high school,” Lyon added. The certificate program can be completed with the BioWorks: Process Technician course through VGCC’s Continuing Education division and two curriculum courses, BIO 110 (Principles of Biology) and BPM 111 (Bioprocess Measurements).

In the two-year associate degree program, first-year courses include basics such as biology, chemistry, college algebra and computers, as well as industrial courses in bioprocessing, biochemistry and industrial environment. The first summer and subsequent semester of the program include a cooperative work experience in a local biotechnology company. The second year includes specialized courses in industrial bioprocessing, research and reporting and statistical quality control.

Evening and day course options are available, including online and hybrid opportunities. Visitors will be able to examine the state-of-the-art Biotechnology equipment that students use in the lab at Franklin Campus.

To register for the Open House, complete the form available on the college’s website at www.vgcc.edu/bio-open-house. For more information, contact Bioprocess Technology program head Stewart Lyon at (252) 738-3632 or lyons@vgcc.edu.

VGCC’s Franklin County Campus is located at 8100 NC Highway 56 in Louisburg.

Brady Arrested on Count of Felony Second Degree Forcible Rape

-Press Release, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, Terry M. Wright – Chief of Staff

On July 10, 2018, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Unit issued a warrant for the arrest of Brandon Lee Brady, a Franklin County resident. Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Unit arrested Brandon Lee Brady later that day at his residence without incident.

Brandon Lee Brady, a Franklin County resident, was arrested by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Unit and charged with one count of Felony Second Degree Forcible Rape.

Brandon Lee Brady was charged with the following: one (1) count of Felony Second Degree Forcible Rape.

Brandon Lee Brady is currently being held in the Franklin County Detention Center under a $100,000 secured bond.

VGCC Partners With N.C. State For Dual-Admission Program

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College has entered an agreement with North Carolina State University to offer a dual-admission, dual-enrollment program. The initiative will benefit students who wish to be guaranteed admission to NCSU to earn a baccalaureate degree after completing an associate degree at VGCC.

VGCC is one of eight community colleges working with the university in the N.C. State Community College Collaboration, or C3, as the program is called. NCSU officials met with Vance-Granville officials on Main Campus on June 12 to online the plans for the program.

“This pathway to N.C. State is more like an eight-lane highway for our students to continue a superior education even beyond the doors of Vance-Granville,” said Stacey Carter-Coley, VGCC’s vice president of employee and student services. “What a remarkable day it is for our community of learners, supporters and partners.”

“C3 is intended for high-achieving community college students from low-to-moderate income backgrounds who plan to attend N.C. State University after completing their associate degree at one of the eight community colleges,” Bobbie Jo May, dean of VGCC’s Franklin Campus, said in her welcoming remarks. The program differs from other VGCC partnerships in place, however, she said, because “students are dually admitted to both institutions at the same time.”

North Carolina State University Senior Vice Provost of Enrollment and Management Services Dr. Louis D. Hunt outlines plans for the N.C. State C3 program to allow dual admission and dual enrollment to VGCC students who wish to earn their four-year degree at NCSU after getting an associate degree at the community college. NCSU officials met with college officials on Vance-Granville’s Main Campus on June 12. (VGCC Photo)

When a student enrolls in the Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degree programs at VGCC, he or she will also enroll at NCSU as a Non-Degree Studies (NDS) student, according to Dr. Louis D. Hunt, N.C. State’s senior vice provost of enrollment management and services. Students will have up to three years to complete their AA, AS or Associate of Engineering (AE) degree at one of the designated community colleges.

After completing the degree and maintaining a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better, the C3 participants will be guaranteed admission to N.C. State. Entry into specific majors may be more competitive, Hunt added.

“Each year, nearly 1,700 students transfer to N.C. State to complete their bachelor’s degree,” Dr. Hunt said. “N.C. State is committed to increasing that number by providing a guaranteed admission pathway to N.C. State from our partner community colleges.”

“We’re very excited about this partnership,” he added. “As a land-grant institution, we’ve always been committed to providing opportunities to all citizens across the state of North Carolina. Creating more opportunities for students from low-to-moderate income families and students from rural communities is essential to our success. N.C. State’s strategic plan emphasizes increasing the number of North Carolina Community College System graduates enrolling in our programs.”

May noted that C3 students will work with advising staff at both institutions. “Once enrolled, students are assigned an academic and career coach with Vance-Granville and a separate academic advisor for N.C. State,” May said. “The coach and the advisor will work together with the student on their academic plan.”

Students who may apply for C3 include graduating high school seniors as well as current community college students who have completed less than 30 credit hours of college work, officials said.

Among the benefits of the program for Vance-Granville students will be access to N.C. State’s online advising and course planning systems, the opportunity to enroll in approved NCSU courses while enrolled at VGCC, and planned C3 activities on both VGCC’s campus and N.C. State’s campus.

“Vance-Granville is always seeking new opportunities to educate, inspire and support our students through creative partnerships,” said Dr. Stelfanie Williams, VGCC’s president. “This initiative developed by North Carolina State University will open new doors for our Vanguards, providing clear pathways from an associate’s degree to a bachelor’s degree.”

Also meeting with the NCSU officials were Dr. Levy Brown, VGCC’s vice president of academic affairs, and Spence Bailey, director of admissions.

The other community colleges participating in the program are Alamance, Central Carolina, Durham Technical, Johnston, Nash, Wake Technical and Wilson.

For more information, interested individuals can visit the N.C. State website at https://admissions.ncsu.edu/m/community-college-collaboration/ or speak with a staff member in the VGCC’s Admissions Office at (252) 738-3234.