Tag Archive for: #franklincountynews

Franklin County Schools

Franklin Co. Schools Offering Free Summer Meal Service

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Franklin County Schools

Franklin County Schools is offering a free summer meal service for students on Mondays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

Meals will be available for curbside pick up at Bunn High School, Franklinton Elementary School, Laurel Mill Elementary School, Louisburg High School and Youngsville Elementary School.

Breakfast and lunch for three days will be included at each pickup; please bring a large bag or box for meals.

FCS is now offering curbside pre-order for pick up on Mondays and Thursdays. Please contact the FCS Child Nutrition Services staff for more details (click here).

For more information, visit www.fcschools.net or https://www.fcschools.net/domain/1376.

Franklin County Logo

Franklin County Public Utilities Addresses May/June Water Billing Cycle

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

Franklin County Public Utilities has received some questions regarding the May and June billing cycles. Due to COVID-19 safety procedures and Executive Order 124 issued by Governor Roy Cooper, Franklin County Public Utilities did not read water meters for the May billing cycle.

Most customers were only billed the base fee for the May billing and any usage above the minimum was included on the June billing. The base fee for water-only accounts is $30 and the base fee for accounts with both water and sewer is $65. 

The May billing cycle included service for the period from March 16, 2020, through April 15, 2020. Franklin County Public Utilities only billed for the base fee of 0-2,000 gallons, even if your usage was more than 2,000 gallons. A flyer was included with the billing to notify customers of this change. 

Franklin County Public Utilities staff read water meters for the June billing cycle which included service from April 15, 2020, through May 14, 2020, and any usage in excess of 2,000 gallons from the May billing was detected with this reading and included on the June billing. 

If you have any questions, please contact customer service at (919) 556-6177. Franklin County Public Utilities Department apologizes for any confusion that this may have caused.

Franklin Co. Health Department to Offer Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Franklin County Government

Drive-thru COVID-19 testing will be available at the Franklin County Health Department beginning Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

Testing will be available on Tuesdays from 1 – 2 p.m. by appointment only. No walk-ins will be accepted.

Appointments will be available to patients without insurance first. If multiple people need testing, each person will need to schedule their own appointment time.

Non-insured patients will receive a free test sent to the State lab; insured patients will have their insurance billed.

Please bring your photo ID and insurance card, if applicable, and wear a face mask or covering to your appointment.

To make an appointment, call (919) 496-2533. The Franklin County Health Department is located at 107 Industrial Drive, Suite C in Louisburg, NC.

Franklin Co. Sheriff’s Office Arrests Warren Co. Man on Felony Drug Charges

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

On May 6, 2020, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Group arrested Warren County resident Tyrone Neal on three felony drug charges.

The arrest came as a result of a vehicle stop in the White Level area of Franklin County. The Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Group was conducting enforcement patrol after receiving complaints and information regarding drug activity occurring throughout that area of the county.

On May 6, 2020, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Group arrested Warren County resident Tyrone Neal on three felony drug charges. (FCSO photo)

Mr. Neal’s vehicle was stopped and, as a result, approximately 58 grams of Powder and Crack Cocaine, as well as US Currency, were seized. The street value of the drugs seized is estimated to be $5,800.

Sheriff Kent Winstead stated, “Our Special Operations Group continues to be responsive to information provided by the citizens of our county. This type of information allows our enforcement to be strategic and raises the chances we can be successful in removing these dangerous drugs from our neighborhoods.”

Tyrone Neal was placed in the Franklin County Detention Facility under a $65,000 secured bond.

Tyrone Neal (48)
213 Neal Ln.
Warrenton, NC 27589

Charges include:
Trafficking in Cocaine (2 counts)
Maintain a Vehicle for the Purpose of Selling Controlled Substances

For more information concerning this investigation or to report drug activity in your neighborhood, please contact Sgt. Ken Pike at (919) 496-2186.

Franklin County Logo

Franklin Co. Sees Largest Single-Day Community Coronavirus Case Increase

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Franklin County Government

On Monday, May 11, 2020, the Franklin County Health Department received notice of seven (7) new coronavirus cases within the community. As of the date and time of this press release, this is the largest singleday increase in coronavirus cases for Franklin County since the onset of the pandemic within Franklin County on March 20, 2020, when the county reported four (4) initial cases.

While the county has had larger increases in total cases reported during the pandemic, these prior larger numbers were associated with facility outbreaks. The current seven (7) cases are NOT associated with any facility outbreak and are not linked together. This is a stark reminder that even though North Carolina has entered into Phase 1of reopening, we must remain vigilant in our adherence to personal protective behaviors.

As North Carolina seems poised to enter Phase 2 of our states phased reopening on Friday, May 22, 2020, the Franklin County Health Department urges everyone to remember the virus has NOT left Franklin County, and there is still no vaccine.

Flattening the Curvesimply means there is room for you in the hospital if you get very sick with the virus. The best way to ensure you and/or your lovedones remain virus-free is to strictly adhere to

  • Wearing a face covering (i.e. surgical or cloth mask) when out in public.
  • Limiting your time out in public to only when absolutely necessary.
  • Maintaining six feet of physical distance between yourself and anyone who doesnt live with you, washing/sanitizing your hands frequently and not touching your face.

Look for more updates on this outbreak from the Franklin County COVID19 EOC as more information becomes available.

Franklin County Logo

National Drinking Water Week: Franklin Co. Assures Residents Water is Safe

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has assured consumers that drinking water was safe to use as normal. The consistent and reliable quality of drinking water is at the heart of the theme for this year’s Drinking Water Week, “There When You Need It” which is being held May 3-9 this year.

Franklin County Public Utilities and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) will observe Drinking Water Week by recognizing the vital role tap water plays in daily life, the infrastructure that is required to carry it to and from homes and businesses, and the important work of water professionals “behind the scenes.”

Many communities, including Franklin County, are fortunate to have reliable access to safe water when they turn on the tap. In large part, this stems from the regular testing Franklin County Public Utilities are subject to in order to ensure that regulatory standards for water quality are met. In fact, every water system must publish a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which details its water quality. The CCR will be available in June 2020 for the calendar year 2019.

“Shortly after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic, the EPA and CDC each reminded us that we should trust our tap water as we normally would for hygiene and hydration,” said AWWA CEO David LaFrance. “This proved to be extremely important because handwashing is an important way to stop the spread of the virus. We couldn’t do that without high-quality drinking water.”

To commemorate the week, water utilities, water organizations, government entities, environmental advocates, schools and other stakeholders throughout North America and beyond will encourage consumers to understand and appreciate their drinking water.

For more than 40 years, AWWA and its members have celebrated Drinking Water Week, a unique opportunity for both water professionals and the communities they serve to join together in recognizing the vital role water plays in daily lives.

Maria Parham Health

Maria Parham Health to Resume Elective, Non-Urgent Surgeries & Procedures

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Maria Parham Health

Maria Parham Health announced today that it is taking the appropriate steps to safely resume some elective and non-urgent surgeries and procedures that were previously rescheduled out of an abundance of caution amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The decision to reschedule procedures when clinically appropriate was made in accordance with federal and state guidance and aimed to help preserve critical resources in the event of a surge of COVID-19 patients in the community.

Today, current projections indicate a lower than expected volume of COVID-19 in the region, which means less strain on healthcare resources.

“Resuming these important services is an essential component of meeting our community’s health needs and advancing our mission of Making Communities Healthier,” said Bert Beard, Chief Executive Officer of Maria Parham Health. “As this work gradually gets underway in our hospital again, we remain committed to conserving critical supplies, being vigilant in our fight against COVID-19, and ensuring that our facility is a safe place for all patients, providers and employees.”

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Maria Parham Health has continued to carefully follow guidance from federal, state and local officials, monitor the prevalence of the virus in the community, and evaluate supplies and resources – including personal protective equipment like masks, gowns, gloves and goggles.

The decisions about which procedures can safely move forward will be made only after assessing a comprehensive pre-operative checklist and evaluating potential risks. The hospital will initially focus on scheduling patients with more time-sensitive health needs, and those decisions will be made in partnership with the attending physician/surgeon/proceduralist. Patients who are scheduled and approved for procedures must meet specific requirements, including passing standard COVID-19 screenings.

Surgical patients also will be asked to practice “safer at home” behaviors for seven days prior to their procedure to minimize potential exposure; check their temperature twice a day during this 7-day period and report temperatures over 100°F to their provider; and undergo testing for COVID-19.

Patients awaiting information about their previously postponed procedure can expect to hear from their provider or provider’s office to discuss rescheduling at the appropriate time.

Maria Parham Health will continue to screen and mask everyone who enters the facility and maintain a zero-visitor protocol for the foreseeable future. These important measures have had a positive impact on ensuring a safe environment, and they also are aligned with the federal government’s guidelines.

Additionally, the facility has implemented new processes and procedures to further protect the health of patients, providers and employees. Visit mariaparham.com to learn more.

As a reminder, if you are having a medical emergency, you should call 911 or go directly to the Emergency Room. If possible, tell the dispatch agent if your emergency involves symptoms possibly related to COVID-19.

Aviation Businesses Expanding at Triangle North Executive Airport

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

Franklin County welcomes the expansion of Total Flight Solutions (TFS) and Triangle Avionics (TA) at Triangle North Executive Airport (TNEA). Both businesses are a huge asset for our aviation community that service both existing airfield tenants as well as numerous outside clients.

Total Flight Solutions, established at TNEA in 2011, has expanded its capacity with the purchase of an existing 27,132 square foot hangar at the airport that will be their base for aviation frame and powerplant mechanical operations for the future. The land lease was executed for their operations until 2059.

“The expansion of Total Flight Solutions at Triangle North Executive Airport has allowed me to expand our workforce by four employees and aviation service offering to both the flight school operation as well as maintenance and repair,” states Al Mattress, Owner of Total Flight Solutions. “TNEA brings about an environment that makes us competitive in the marketplace to grow the aviation careers of pilots, bring service and maintenance to the airfield and beyond as well as address our capacity needs for future growth.”

A top tier Flight School and air operation provider in North Carolina, Total Flight Solutions participates in both the Part 61 and newly acquired Part 141 programs. The Part 141 program allows for airplane private pilot training at Triangle North Executive Airport. In the near future, TFS also plans to accept VA benefits followed by visas for international flight training students. Total Flight Solution also leases out 60,000 square feet of hangar storage space as well as office space for its Flight School.

“The success of Total Flight Solutions is a testament to the quality of service they provide to clients and tenants to the airfield,” stated Bo Carson, Airport Manager. “I am thrilled they chose to expand at TNEA and plan to continue their growth here both in flight school operations and aviation mechanics in the future.”

Triangle Avionics has also recently expanded its operation into a 60,000 square foot hangar located at Triangle North Executive Airport. This will complement their office and lab space on the airfield that services airfield tenants as well as outside clients. “Triangle Avionics is thrilled to be a part of the TNEA business and aviation community,” states Cliff Herndon, Owner of Triangle Avionics. “We have quickly grown to four employees and are dealers for the leading manufactures of avionics equipment. Our vision for growing capabilities and capacity are lockstep with Franklin County’s plans for the airport, making TNEA an ideal place to call home.”

“Triangle North Executive Airport is excited that Triangle Avionics is expanding its operation by the establishment of a new FAA repair avionics service station on the airfield, “stated Carson. “Having a repair avionics service station on our airfield is a gamechanger and adds to our diversity of aviation businesses that call us home.”

Triangle Avionics currently services avionic systems that include Aircraft Spruce, Aspen, BendixKing, Garmin, Genesys Aerosystems, MidContinent Instrument+Avioncs, Stratus and TrueTrak. Triangle Avionics offers the following services and certifications in altimeter and transponders, custom panels and overlays, installations, and troubleshooting and repair.

“Triangle North Executive Airport and Franklin County continue to offer an attractive location for aviation employers to succeed,” stated Sydney Dunston, Chair of the Franklin County Board of Commissioners. “The expansion of these two aviation-related businesses shows that the airport and businesses are thriving at Triangle North Executive Airport.”

Franklin County Logo

Franklin Co. Reports First Community (Non-Facility Based) COVID-19 Related Death

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Franklin County Government

Sadly, Franklin County has now recorded its first community COVID19 related death. As of the date and time of this press release, this death is not associated with any congregate care outbreak

This brings Franklin Countys current total number of COVID19 related fatalities to nineteen (19), and this community loss is reflected in the NCDHHS numbers that were updated on May 1, 2020, which includes the report of 105 total labconfirmed coronavirus cases in Franklin County

Please note that the NCDHHS COVID19 website now contains maps that show confirmedcases by zip codes.This is a new feature, and only includes results for zip codes where the population exceeds 500 people. Here is the link for this new feature: https://www.ncdhhs.gov/divisions/publichealth/covid19/covid19nccasecount#zipcodemap 

Look for more updates from the Franklin COVID19 EOC as more information becomes available.

Triangle North Executive Airport Holding ‘Healthcare Fly-Over’ Sat., May 2

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Bo Carson, Airport Manager, Triangle North Executive Airport

Triangle North Executive Airport is basing pilots for an upcoming healthcare fly-over this Saturday, May 2, 2020, from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. The healthcare fly-over will consist of hospitals in Franklin, Orange, Durham and Wake counties.

Take a look to the sky if you should happen to be near the hospitals on Saturday, wave in support and make sure to spread the word.

Schedule · Saturday, May 2, 2020:

11:40 a.m. – Maria Parham Franklin Flyover

12 p.m. – Duke/VA Hospital Flyover

12:05 p.m. – UNC Hospitals

12:14 p.m. – Rex Hospital

12:22 p.m. – Wake Med Cary

12:32 p.m. – Wake Med Raleigh