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Franklin County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

— press release

Franklin County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Charrette (Virtual)

Franklin County, NC — Franklin County is developing a bicycle and pedestrian master plan. Through review of previous or ongoing planning & development efforts, remote and field analysis, and public involvement and stakeholder input, the team will identify a countywide recommended bicycle and pedestrian network. This project will consider infrastructure improvements such as sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, and greenways in addition to complementary policies.

The community is invited to participate in this interactive, virtual workshop that will help shape the overall master plan.

Where: Zoom Virtual Meetings (see links below)

When: Two virtual workshops will take place at the end of January – January 25 from 4pm-5pm for a project introduction/open house, and with a work-in-progress presentation on January 28 from 4pm-5pm.

Monday, January 25, 2021

4:00pm – 5:00pm Virtual Public Workshop

Thursday, January 28, 2021

4:00pm – 5:00pm Virtual Public Workshop

Share your thoughts with planning staff: How can we improve walking and biking connectivity between and within Franklin County communities and County destinations?

The virtual workshops will include an overview presentation about the project and existing conditions, interactive exercises to collect ideas for plan recommendations, and opportunities to talk with planning staff and project team members about your ideas for improving walking and biking in Franklin County.