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TownTalk: Economic Summit To Be Held In Littleton

The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments and the Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board are teaming up to host a regional economic development summit later this month with the theme “Innovate 2023: Question. Design. Thrive.”

The half-day event will take place in Littleton at the Lakeland Cultural Arts Center on Thursday, Mar. 23 and will be packed with workshops, panel discussions, guest speakers and more, according to information from the KTCOG.

Participants from Region K, which includes the four-county area that WIZS serves will “explore the power of innovation, and its ability to ignite change within,” said Kenia Gomez-Jimenez, KTCOG’s communications & administrative coordinator.

Registration is required by Mar. 21. To register, visit https://www.kerrtarcog.org/innovate-2023/

The workshop will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. During that time, speakers will cover a range of issues including how failure and resilience can lead to innovation, challenging bias and creating room for innovation in hiring practices and workplace culture, self-determination, innovative education for a more purpose-driven workforce and more. Participants will hear from a variety of speakers on relevant issues and be challenged to think about solutions to problems in new and innovative ways.

The workshop kicks off with an activity called “Unlocking Your Innovative Spirit,” courtesy of Innovate Carolina. Author and entrepreneur Inez Ribustello will share her thoughts on becoming resilient through experiencing personal tragedy, and a panel discussion on innovative human resource practices and innovative approaches in education.

This event is for anyone who has a stake in the economic future of the workforce, and specifically human resources, hiring managers, educators, government  employees, small business owners, executive directors and CEOs.

Collaborative partners include: Franklin County Economic Development Commission, Granville County Economic Development Commission, Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce, Person County Economic  Development Commission, Piedmont Community College, Vance-Granville  Community College, Granville County Chamber of Commerce, Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce, Person County Tourism Development Authority,  Henderson-Vance County Economic Development Commission, Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce, and Warren County Economic Development Commission.