The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show 10-04-23
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.
- Start preparing for leaf collection. Plan to compost your leaves Do Not Burn Them!!!!!!
- Save seed from coneflower, sunflower, marigold, rudbeckia, cosmos and others.
- Check cole crops for insects. Ex Loopers, cabbage worms, Harlequin bugs.
- Store leftover and collected seed in a cool, dry location.
- Bring in Houseplants from outside before this weekend
- If you overseed or reseed your lawn, avoid weed control products according to product instructions.
- October is a great time to collect your Soil Samples!n 2 week analysis time.
- Planting trees and shrubs? Start with a tape measure.
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