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NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 05/08/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 05/07/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 05/03/18


Tobacco and e-cigarettes

Tobacco and tobacco products have played an important role in the history of NC.  Many parents and grandparents in our area grew up in the tobacco industry and used tobacco products. However, everyone now knows the risks of using tobacco products.  Parents want to make sure that their children grow up strong and healthy, and discouraging kids from starting smoking is as important to healthy growth as eating healthy foods.

Nicotine, the addictive ingredient in tobacco products has been shown to harm brain development in children. Many children will experiment with tobacco products in adolescence. The years from 12 to 25 are an important time for brain development. During this period, the brain undergoes structural and functional development- it is still under construction. The brain is sensitive to neurobiological insults, including nicotine during development. This can increase the risk of becoming addicted to nicotine and other substances, and lower amounts of nicotine can cause harm. Nicotine is also harmful to younger children and unborn children. Some of the negative long-term consequences of nicotine are sudden infant death syndrome, impaired brain and lung development, and effects on behaviors and learning. Nicotine affects the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system by causing blood vessels to constrict, raising the pulse and blood pressure. Additionally, eating, drinking or absorbing nicotine through the skin can cause nicotine poisoning. Young children are especially vulnerable to this. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning include nausea, vomiting, seizures and it can be fatal.

Parents can discourage the use of tobacco products best by being a role model- if you smoke, then quit. Many people have switched to e-cigarettes because they believe they are safer. This is not necessarily the case. E-cigarettes also contain nicotine.  They also may contain other chemicals that can be harmful. Studies have shown varying amounts of nicotine in e-cigarettes, and there are few quality and manufacturing standards for e-cigarettes. Whether you get nicotine from an e-cigarette or another tobacco product, does not matter, the nicotine is still harmful no matter where it is from.

A problem with e-cigarettes for young children is poisoning. There has been a significant rise in poisoning due to exposure to the liquids in e-cigarettes. There were 215 calls per month nationally to poison control centers in 2014 about this exposure.  These used cartridges and bottles are a potential hazard to young children. If you use these products treat them as you would and dangerous substance, and keep them away from young children.

Educate your kids about tobacco and nicotine use. One way is to have a conversation with your kids about the dangers of using these products. A more natural discussion will help your kids to listen, so pick the right moment. Ask your child what she thinks if you see someone using an e-cigarette in person or in an advertisement. Tell your child that e-cigarettes are not safe, but avoid criticism if your child tells you that he or his friends have used e-cigarettes. You can get help for quitting from your health care provider, websites such as www.smokefree.gov or www.quitlinenc.com or calling helplines 1-800-QUIT-NOW .

Setting a smoke free example for your children by not smoking or quitting will help your whole family be healthier.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 05/02/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 05/01/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 04/30/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 04/26/18


Reducing Stress

Life these days is stressful for everyone. Parents have to deal with work, housework, bills, kids, and even illnesses and emergencies. Sometimes there just does not seem to be a lot of peaceful moments in life.  This can cause a lot of stress for kids and parents When parents are stressed, kids can pick up on the tension and become stressed themselves.  Kids may show stress by becoming whiny or clingy or more demanding. They may get easily frustrated and become upset by little things and changes in their daily routine. Kids may also not have any energy and not want to do things. This can even cause stress for the parents because the kids are behaving badly! Of course, adults react to stress in many of the same ways. There are ways for parents to take action to reduce their stress.  These suggestions may not remove the stressful events from daily life, but can help you cope and bring peace and calm to your home.

  • Consider your mental attitude. Reviewing the problems of the day will only cause stress. Think calm peaceful thoughts and let go of the bad thoughts. Don’t keep thinking about what you did wrong during the day, and wonder what you could have said or done differently. Find the positive in your day, and focus on that.
  • Use music to soothe and relax. Music can soothe frayed nerves. Studies have even shown that music can lower blood pressure, which can lessen your physical responses to stress. Think about the music you enjoy and that you find calming. If you love Christmas music, and it relaxes you listen to it any time of the year! Make it a point to listen to the music you find calming when you need to relax.
  • Don’t expect perfection from yourself or others. Some people can’t forgive themselves for a mistake or a not perfect response. Remind yourself that you are only human, and all humans make mistakes. Forgive yourself for mistakes and then take the steps to make it right.
  • Live life one day at a time. Many people have anxiety about the past and worry about the future. You can’t change the past (remember no one is perfect) and be confident that you can deal with whatever happens in the future. Many people find comfort and support in their faith. Just giving your problems to your higher power and letting go of worry about what has passed and what is to come can help you to deal with the present.
  • Eliminate the negative in your life. Study your environment and see if there is something irritating that can be improved. Maybe it is as simple as a door that doesn’t latch correctly which causes you irritation every time you try to lock it or never being able to find your keys when you leave the house. Look for solutions- get the door repaired and designate a place for your keys and develop the habit of always putting the keys there. When you deal with small irritations your stress level can decrease.
  • Take a mini break. Make time to do something just for yourself every day, It can be as simple as going for a walk, sitting down with a cup of coffee and a book, taking a bubble bath, playing a game with your kids. Just try to do something pleasant every day. Taking ten minutes for yourself can set the tone for the day, from stressful to relaxed.

Try to look at life positively. Remember that some parts of life can be managed, and some parts are out of your control. Recognizing this can reduce your stress levels, and this will make the atmosphere of your home happier for everyone in the family.

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 04/24/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 04/24/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 04/23/18