Tag Archive for: #composting

Granville County: Compost Bins & Kitchen Caddies Now Available

-Press Release, Granville County Government

“Reduce – Reuse – Recycle” comes to mind when most everyone sees the “recycle” symbol, but it also has another message and meaning that goes deeper, “Collection – Processing – Utilization.”

This can be accomplished by composting in three easy steps: 1) collect food scraps or residuals, along with leaves or shredded paper; 2) place items into the compost bin or pile to let the “processing” occur; and 3) use the finished product in your gardens, indoor plants, on your lawn and many other applications.

Since approximately one-third of food produced for human consumption is wasted, everyone should strongly consider backyard composting.

Outdoor compost bins and kitchen caddies are now available for purchase. Contact Granville County Recycling Coordinator Teresa Baker at 919-725-1417 or bakertd@gcs.k12.nc.us if you would like to get started today.