City and County Leaders Vote to Demolish Abagayles Books Property
In the respective Vance County Commissioners and Henderson City Council meetings Monday night, the boards each voted to demolish the former Abagayles Books property on Garnett Street and that the effort would be jointly funded 50/50.
Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington indicated the council “moved ahead with that to joint fund with the county 50/50.”
Vance Commissioners Chairman Tommy Hester said, “Yes, we did approve.”
Monday night’s Vance Commissioners agenda packet, of which the entire agenda is available online by clicking here, indicated the properties committee met and reviewed quotes received to demolish the building at 405 South Garnett Street. The committee recommended its demolition.
The agenda packet information reads as follows on page 16 of the document:
“The committee met and discussed recent quotes received by the City of Henderson for demolition of the jointly owned Abagayles Books Building on Garnett Street. Previously the city and county considered adding a roof to the structure at a cost of $24,000 although a recent structural evaluation by an engineer determined significant repairs would be necessary inside of the building. The City land planning committee has recommended and the city council will be considering demolition of the building at their January 8th meeting. Recent quotes obtained for the demolition have a low bid of $18,000 plus an additional $500 to increase the liability insurance to 2 million. The county would cover 50% of the demolition cost from existing budgeted funds, or not to exceed $9,250 subject to approval from the City of Henderson. The committee discussed the potential presence of asbestos and recommended including an additional $5,000 as a contingency to cover 50% of any asbestos cost. An asbestos report completed since the committee meeting indicates no presence of asbestos, although a contingency is still advised. All county costs associated with the demolition would come from existing budgeted funds for joint property demolition and maintenance. The committee recommended proceeding with the demolition but requested that the adjoining building owner be notified of any responsibility for the shared wall following demolition. Also, the owner of the adjoining vacant lot has given permission for use of the lot for access during demolition. Recommendation: Approve demolition of the Abagayles Books building and authorize use of existing budgeted funds for 50% of the demolition cost or not to exceed $9,250 plus $5,000 as a contingency for asbestos abatement subject to approval from the City of Henderson.”