Butterfield Statement on the Republican Healthcare Bill Failure
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman G. K. Butterfield (NC-01) today released the following statement after Republicans pulled their healthcare bill from the House Floor:
“From the very beginning, the American people said ‘NO’ to Trumpcare. They said NO to paying more for less care, NO to kicking 24 million people off of their coverage, NO to stripping funding from Medicaid. The people rejected Republican attempts to take away access to preventive, mental health, and maternity care. The people of the First District fought Republican attempts to take healthcare from over 80,000 of our friends and neighbors. In rallies, town hall meetings, letters, and phone calls, voters reminded Republicans that they did not want to turn back the clock on healthcare.
“The lesson from today is that when people unite for the common good, they will never be defeated. I hope President Trump and Speaker Ryan take note.”