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SportsTalk 5-4-21 Paul “Showtime” Gaffney, Gaffney Athletic Prep Academy
Before he was known as “Showtime,” Paul Gaffney was a kid from a rural coal mining town in Kentucky. He was born to an unmarried teenage mom who placed him for adoption. At the age of two, his adoptive mother died and Gaffney was raised alone by his adoptive father. Gaffney would be considered as
Vance Board of Education Recognizes Athletes at April Meeting
— courtesy of Vance County Schools and the latest Board Briefs Publication The Board of Education recognized student athletes. Rosie Kanouff, senior at Early College High School, was recognized as an all-conference selection in Volleyball. Tra’On Lyons, a senior at Vance County High School, was recognized as an all-conference selection in Boys Basketball. Yumyah Hargrove,
Register Now For Oxford 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament April 24
The Isaiah Hicks Basketball Court in Oxford will be the site of a free 3 on 3 basketball tournament next Saturday, April 24. Participants can register by calling 919.603.1135 or online at Teams should consist of players 16 years and older; participation will be limited to the first 20 teams that register. Teams can
Rec Sports Signups – Baseball, Softball, Football, Soccer
Update 4-9-21 at 3 p.m. Soccer, Baseball & Softball and 7 on 7 Football registration has been extended to Sunday, April 25, 2021. Registration fees are $40 for Vance County residents and $60 for non-residents. For information, please contact Darius Pitt at 252. 438.3408 ( — submitted by Tara Goolsby, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Program Superintendent Soccer–
SportsTalk 4-1-21 Hunter Jenks, Vance Co. High School; Paul Carr, Miracle League
The 0-3 Vance County Vipers were looking forward to hitting the field this Monday Night against the Northern Durham Knights but that game has been cancelled. Originally scheduled for March 26th the game was postponed due to Covid 19 protocols involving someone with the Knights’ organization. It’s not the first time it’s happened to the
A Second VCHS Viper Football Game Cancelled by Covid
Covid shortened as well as moved the Vance County High School football season from fall to spring. Now the season is growing shorter again. For the second time in what was just a seven-game season anyway, another game is being cancelled due to covid. Vance County High School Athletic Director Joe Sharrow told WIZS News
SportsTalk 03-26-21 Joe Sharrow, Vance Co. High School
It’s Friday in the middle of football season so most schools will be taking the field this evening but not Vance County. The Viper’s scheduled game against the Northern Durham Knights was cancelled at the beginning of the week due to Covid 19 protocols meaning the Vipers won’t return to the field until April 5th
SportsTalk 03-18-21 Hunter Jenks, Vance Co. Vipers Head Football Coach
Even though Vance County is 0-2 after a 20-0 loss at Southern Durham last Friday night, Coach Hunter Jenks praised his teams defensive effort citing a goal line stand and the pressure that was constant in the Southern Durham backfield throughout the game. In reviewing last Friday’s game, Jenks said that if events had unfolded
SportsTalk 03-12-21 Brian Howard, Vance Charter
Seventh Grader McKenzie Pendergrass scored her first points as a middle school basketball player for Vance Charter School Tuesday night against Roxboro Community School. However, Pendergrass isn’t just any player and those weren’t just any points. Those points scored put Pendergrass and Vance Charter on ESPN. Pendergrass is in a wheel chair and Head Coach
SportsTalk 03-11-21 Hunter Jenks, Vance Co. High School; Victor Hunt, Warren Co. High School
Vance Co. High School returns to the field after two weeks this Friday night against 2 – 0 Southern Durham. Vance Co. was originally scheduled to play last week but East Chapel Hill cancelled their football season giving the 0-1 Vipers an unexpected extra week off. Coach Hunter Jenks said “I would always like to