As Valentine’s Day approaches, show some love to others in the community by supporting ACTS with donations to restock the pantry shelves.
Area Christians Together in Service provides food, hope and love to people in the community by providing food to those who need it.
The pantry shelves could use a little love in this season as well. By working together, we can help provide nutritious meals to those who are hungry.
Here’s a list of what is most needed now, but please consider donating any shelf-stable or non-perishable items:
- Canned meat (like chicken, beef stew, pork)
- Any canned fruits, vegetables, soups or greens
- Dry pasta
- Corn muffin mix
- Baked beans/pork & beans
- “Helper” meals (like hamburger and chicken)
- Tomato sauce
- 16 oz. jars of peanut butter
- Jelly
- Crackers in sleeves
- Non-stick cooking spray
- Cooking oil
- Garlic powder and onion powder
- Sugar (white or brown)
- Gallon-sized cans of fruits or vegetables
Items may be brought to ACTS at 201 S. William St. any weekday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.
and other times by appointment by calling 252.492.8231.