Rebuilding Hope Looks Back on Year of Upgrades, Looks Forward to Future Projects

-Information courtesy the Rebuilding Hope, Inc. Dec. 2018 Newsletter

Improvements to our buildings this year enable us to serve our communities more efficiently.

“Since we moved into our new location in early 2017, we’ve known that improvements and changes to the facilities would be needed,” says Rebuilding Hope coordinator Randolph Wilson.

“The new location, the old Coca-Cola building, served one type of business activity, and Rebuilding Hope is a different type of activity, and that made some changes necessary,” he says.

The ministry moved from its location on Oliver Drive to the 1.9-acre site on Raleigh Road and into two buildings which previously served Coca-Cola as bottling, distribution, repair and storage operations.

Projects on the approximately 20,000-square-foot main building have included:

“Looking at the coming year, we have two large projects,” Randolph says. “We’ve ordered a truss to over-roof a flat roof on one of the buildings, and we want to replace the roof on the drive-through building. Once we get those done, our roofs will be in good shape,” he says.

A future project is building a shelter for volunteers and their cookers during fundraisers, he says. At other times the shelter would be a parking spot for the ministry’s trucks and equipment.

“The additions to our facilities also enable us to support other ministries in their outreach programs,” he says. “Just last month, Grace Ministries used the cooler and our kitchen for its turkey dinner outreach to about 4,000 people in Henderson. Our large dining area allowed the ministry to serve meals there, too.”

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