Rebuilding Hope Aims to Partner With Additional Ministries in 2019

-Information courtesy Rebuilding Hope, Inc. 

Rebuilding Hope wants to be your ministry partner in 2019.

“It’s important for us to do this,” RHI coordinator Randolph Wilson says. “Together we can do much more than on our own. Our aim all along has been to come alongside other ministries with resources that will help them reach their communities for Jesus.”

In its 13-year history, RHI has done just that and today invites ministries to take advantage of those resources. During the recent holiday seasons, RHI:

Recently, RHI volunteers came alongside a church in Cove City as it provided hurricane disaster relief for a homeowner.

Each year, RHI partners with DNow (Disciple Now), a weekend youth retreat organized by local churches. RHI provides mission opportunities through projects, leadership, tools and materials for hands-on projects such as building wheelchair ramps or handrail and steps and yard clean up.

In addition to two box trucks, RHI can provide tool trailers equipped with everything needed to build wheelchair ramps; a dump trailer; a game trailer; and a kitchen trailer equipped with snow cone, cotton candy and popcorn machines.

To find out how RHI resources can help you, call the office at 252-425-5132 or Wilson’s cell at 252-425-5593.

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