Program At Farmers Market Matches Funds To Boost Purchasing Power

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is filled with fresh local produce on Wednesdays and Saturdays, just waiting to be scooped up and featured on dinner tables across the area.

The market has added a couple of programs that other markets across the state are using to help seniors and others stretch their dollars. The SunBucks and Senior Double Up Food Bucks programs are both ways to encourage eating healthy foods while supporting local farmers and the local economy, said Vance County Cooperative Extension Director Dr. Wykia Macon.

“It seemed like a natural fit because we accept EBT at the Farmers Market and now with Double Bucks, when someone uses their EBT card, we match EBT purchases dollar-for-dollar,” Macon told WIZS News.

Those who use SunBucks and Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) will have their dollars doubled, too, she said.

“It came about after seeing other markets doing the program and realizing that we should be offering the same to our community,” Macon said.

“Since this is our first time with the program, we will learn as we go. Right now, we are limiting the match to $20 per day, so someone could visit the market on Wednesday and Saturday to receive up to $40 Double Bucks per week while we are open on Wednesdays.”

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation offers a grant that provides the matching funds, which, although not unlimited, will allow for many residents to use the benefits before the end of the market season, Macon explained.

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