Plank Chapel UMC Hosting Resources Brunch, Caregiving Discussion

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Dr. Carolyn N. Roy, Plant Chapel UMC

Plank Chapel United Methodist Church is hosting a Resources and Refreshments “brunch” on Saturday, February 29, 2020, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Representatives from the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging and Dementia Alliance of North Carolina will provide information and answer questions regarding caregiving, resources and issues with growing older. This conversation is not age-restricted. All ages welcome to come and learn and grow together.

Plank Chapel UMC is located at 3047 Bobbitt Road, Kittrell, NC 27544. For more information, email the church at plankchapelumc@gmail.com or call 252-492-1919.

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