‘Pink With A Passion’ Event Saturday, Apr. 12 In Warrenton

The 4th annual Pink With A Passion Cancer Walk will take place on Saturday, Apr. 12 and the public is invited to come out and be a part of this inspiring community event, whose theme is “Walk With Strength: Fight Cancer In All Colors.”

The activities will take place beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Warren County Recreational Complex, located at 840 US-158 bypass in Warrenton.

The Mammogram Bus will be onsite again this year, offering 25 free 3D mammogram screenings, according to Evelyn Tunstall Smith, one of the event organizers. Reserve a spot here: https://appointments.invisiondiagnostics.com/appoinment/

A Tree of Hope ceremony will provide a special moment of remembrance and strength for those who have lost their lives to cancer as well as survivors of the disease.

There will be a live band, a DJ, food trucks, vendors and plenty of kid-friendly activities – bring the whole family for a day full of fun, connection and celebration.

Register at  https://forms.gle/nqyZuxN9fDgayDM86

Event t-shirts are available, too. Order online and pick up on the day of the event, or contact Amena Wilson at 252.213.5735 before April 5 to arrange pickup before the event.  Purchase t-shirts at


To learn more about Pink With A Passion, visit: www.pinkwithapassion.org

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