Pair of Pleased TownTalk Callers Receive 1st Shot

The logistics involved in rolling out COVID-19 vaccinations are complicated, to say the least. But area agencies are getting high marks from residents who have gotten their first dose. A couple of satisfied vaccine recipients phoned in to Town Talk Tuesday and told host John C. Rose about their experience.

In addition to the local health departments in Vance and Granville counties, Maria Parham Hospital and Vance Family Medicine in Henderson are giving vaccinations, as is Granville Health System in Oxford by appointment only.

A Granville County resident phoned in to report her experience getting her vaccine on Sunday afternoon at Granville Health System. “It was one of the best organized things have ever done,” Jean said. “We went in, they checked our name off, we got the shot,” she said, adding that they waited the required 15 minutes or so to make sure there were no reactions to the vaccine. “The shot did not hurt at all,” Jean said, adding that she has experienced no soreness at all at the site of the injection.


She spoke highly of the overall experience, and she expressed her gratitude to all the workers at the drive-up event. “They were doing a fantastic job,” she said. “We didn’t even have to get out of our car.”

The whole process was easy, Jean said, from start to finish. Cars filed in to the medical park adjacent to the hospital campus and then pulled in to the hospital parking lot to wait for 15 minutes after the vaccination, to make sure those who got the vaccine didn’t experience an adverse reaction. “I’m not a very good waiter,” Jean confessed, “but I didn’t even have to think about it, it was just a good medical experience.”

Another caller phoned in to express her pleasure with the experience she had in Vance County. Jane received her shot at the Vance health department. After being registered a couple of weeks ago, she got a call back for an appointment. “I was expecting to have a full parking lot, wait in line outside, the whole bit,” she told John C. Rose during Tuesday’s Town Talk. “I walked right in, there was no problem parking…I waited a few minutes, they gave me a shot,” she explained. The needle, she said, happily, was smaller and shorter than what she had seen on television. She described normal soreness at the site of the vaccination, like if she had gotten a flu shot. “I haven’t had any problems since,” she said.

“I was very happy to get my shot,” Jane said, adding that other family members living in other states also have gotten their vaccinations. “If you have the chance to get the shot,” she said, “go ahead and get it.”

Register to get the vaccine at www.gvph.org or call the local COVID hotline 252.295.1503 to learn more.

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