Opioid Abuse In Our Area

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

If you live in Vance County or the surrounding area, then you know that opioid abuse, addiction and overdose is a real issue.

Tuesday at Vance Granville Community College, leaders and interested parties gathered to discuss awareness and prevention.  It was put on by Granville Vance Public Health and other agencies.

There are stats everywhere which show the sharp increase in overdose deaths nationally too, especially when you look at heroin and the misuse of prescription drugs.  You won’t search long before you see headlines that drug overdoses kill more people annually that car crashes or gun violence.

At the forum Tuesday, Dr. Anderson Brown with Cardinal Innovations spoke and said it all starts with prevention. It’s at different, earlier ages and with different outcomes that we see young adults becoming addicted now.

Dr. Shauna Guthrie, the Granville Vance Public Health Medical Director, said the right amount of prescription is where we need to start. Just a few pills can cause a young to middle age adult to be addicted.

Over prescribed drugs, in terms of the number of pills given for example just in an initial prescription, are a problem.  Problems arise when the intended recipient of the drug uses too much and also when the pills are not completely used and then fall into the wrong hands.

Dr. Lawrence Greenblatt, the Northern Piedmont Community Care Medical Director, said there are patients out there that need prescriptions but to a certain point. Cutting back on the amount of prescriptions is something that is needed.

A big issue is how early children are affected, including the fact that some children are born with a drug addiction because of the habits of the mother.  In other cases, it was stated that children as young as 10 years old now experiment with drugs.

What are we doing locally?  Educating youngsters at an early age, making sure treatment is available for those in need and making the public aware of treatment options.

There is improved access with 24 hour hotlines like 1-800-939-5911, which is Cardinal Innovations 24-hour crisis line.

There are more drop boxes for unused medications.  Most any local pharmacy has one or will take the unused meds during normal business hours.  October 28th is National Drug take back day.  https://takebackday.dea.gov/

Resources are being provided, and there are free training options.  Nidhi Sachdeva, with the N.C. Division of Public Health, works closely with the local community.


Daymark Recovery – 5 Counties but focus on Warren, Granville and Vance.



Vance Recovery – all age groups



Back on Track – Group Therapy, Transportation, Medicaid.



Mens Halfway House – Staffed 24/7


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