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Triangle North Executive Airport Manager Stephen Merritt Has Died
— courtesy Franklin County Government Kristen King, Clerk to the Board of the Franklin County Commissioners, wrote in an email to WIZS News, and to others today, and said, “It is with great sadness we inform you of the passing of Mr. Stephen Merritt, Airport Manager of Triangle North Executive Airport. Mr. Merritt passed away...
Aycock Rec Center Closed Through Sat, Dec 23
— courtesy City of Henderson The City of Henderson webpage (click here) says on the Recreation and Parks Department section (click here): “THE AYCOCK RECREATION CENTER WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 FOR YEARLY GENERAL MAINTENANCE. NO ACTIVITIES WILL TAKE PLACE DURING THIS TIME.”...
SBI Develops New Hand-held Fingerprint Technology
— courtesy NC SBI and North Carolina Department of Public Safety The State Bureau of Investigation has deployed a mobile fingerprint scanning application for local and state law enforcement officers that instantly searches state and national databases for a positive identification. The process is simple. A suspect places his or her finger on a small portable...
Inspections Reveal High Ratings for Vance Schools Custodians
— courtesy Vance County Schools...
Southern Vance National Technical Honor Society Coat Drive 2017
Vance County Proud Students who are members of the National Technical Honor Society at Southern Vance High School are shown in the accompanying photo with some of the coats they collected in their Coat Drive for needy families in Vance County. The coats have been given to Salvation Army representatives to distribute to needy...
“Santa’s Christmas List” Needs Your Help
— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook “Santa’s Christmas List” Needs Your Help — Final Week For Gifts For Warren County Children We need your help! As you’re out and about this week, could I ask you to please pick up a toy here...
Oxford Prep School 2nd Annual Holiday Classic Basketball Tournament
— courtesy Rick Kenneer, AD Oxford Preparatory School Oxford Preparatory School will host their 2nd Annual Holiday Classic Basketball Tournament on December 27th, 28th, and 29th. This year it will be a middle school boy’s only event with 6 schools participating: Oxford Prep, Henderson Collegiate, Hawley MS, Warren County MS, Butner-Stem MS, and Northern Granville...
New Human Services club formed at VGCC
— courtesy VGCC The newest club for students at Vance-Granville Community College focuses on the Human Services Technology (HST) field. The college offers three Human Services degrees – a General HST track, a Substance Abuse track, and a Gerontology track – although interested students in any major are welcome to join the new club. The...